After a while, Daoist Lu Ya and the five old demon saints slowly walked out of the gate of Wa Palace.

At this time, all the five old demon saints were just following behind Daoist Lu Ya, and they looked very respectful, obviously they had already given Zhan the only leader to Dao Lu Ya.

After all, Daoist Lu Ya is of the bloodline of the Demon Emperor, and his strength is also in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Moreover, Saint Nuwa personally recognized him as the new commander of the demon clan. In this way, the dignity of his status, how could he not let the five Be careful with the old demon saint?

Just looking at the faces of the five old demon saints, not only did they not have any dissatisfaction, but they were extremely excited and happy, and it seemed that they couldn't be more satisfied with this result.

Although Saint Nuwa did not appear in person, it is the same to have their highness the demon crown prince to come forward, and Saint Nuwa is also their last pillar, and she is always thinking of the demon clan, which is already a fortune of the demon clan.

Thinking of this, one of the old demon saints asked softly: "My emperor, what should I do now?"

Since Daoist Lu Ya has become the new leader of their demon clan, he naturally has the supreme decision-making power, and the old demon saint and the others don't want to spend any more time, just ask Daoist Lu Ya if they have anything.

Daoist Lu Ya thought for a while, and then ordered: "Pass my order, in the name of the emperor, first secretly issue a summoning order for the demon clan in various places in the wild, ordering all the demon clan to gather at Xiniu Hezhou, if they can't come, they will find Hidden, never exposed in advance!

"This time, we have to settle with Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan~!"

Daoist Lu Ya's eyes immediately burst out with a cold melon, which is so captivating and chilling.

Daoist Lu Ya is now the new leader of the demon clan, that is, the new demon emperor, so he can naturally call himself the emperor, and the old demon saints also call it - my emperor.

The five old demon saints naturally had no objection to this, and immediately took the lead in unison: "Yes, I will obey my emperor's order!

The five old demon saints moved extremely fast, and it didn't take long for the summoning orders secretly issued in the name of the new demon emperor to be conveyed to the demon clans everywhere. Most of the demon clan already knew that their demon clan welcomed Here comes a new emperor, whose identity is the youngest son of the demon emperor Jun, and at the same time he has been personally accepted by Saint Nuwa. It is this new demon emperor who personally ordered the issuance of a summoning order for the demon clan to gather all the demon clan together. Xiniu Hezhou, ready to fight the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan together, and under the leadership of the new Demon Emperor.

Such news, coupled with the actions of Saint Nuwa and the appearance of Daoist Lu Ya, the new demon emperor, instantly boosted the morale of all the demon clan who heard the news. No, on the contrary came high hopes and frenzied excitement.

··For flowers......

For a time, all the demon clan who received the summoning order set off immediately, secretly going to Xiniu Hezhou through various means and means, even the demon clan who really had no way to go to gather, they were very smart to follow the order and find a place first. Hidden away, absolutely do not allow yourself to be exposed under the eyes of Heavenly Court, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties.

And the dozens of old demon saints who remained were also ecstatic. I didn't expect that the bloodline of the demon emperor Jun really survived, and now he was personally appointed by the saint Nuwa and became their new demon emperor. For the demon clan, it is definitely the best news for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, those old demon saints also responded to the summoning order and came out again, vowing to help the new demon emperor Lu Yadao, and bring the demon clan back to the peak.

This is the dream of those old demon saints, and it is also their obsession.

In the past, there was no one to lead the demon clan, and it was like scattered sand. Even if those old demon saints had any ideas, it was impossible to realize them.

But now it is different. The bloodline of the demon emperor Jun has not been wiped out, and has reappeared in the world. At the same time, the saint Nuwa has personally accepted his fate and supported it. This is the greatest orthodoxy for the demon clan, and no one has the right to question, so the new demon The emperor will definitely reintegrate and dominate the demon clan, this will also be the last glory and opportunity of the demon clan, none of them want to miss it again! Beg.

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