At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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The demon clan gathers, chaos re-emerges!

With the order of Daoist Lu Ya, the new leader of the demon clan, it can be said that the followers gathered, and the demon clan who responded to the call continued to gather from all over the prehistoric region to the Xiniu Hezhou.

The demon clan who had been killed by the Heavenly Court and the dragon clan seemed to have stood up again, and their morale was getting higher and higher. Those demon clan who were hiding in various places all came out again, just to answer the call of the new demon emperor.

Under such circumstances, Xiniu Hezhou gathered more than 100 million demon clans in a short period of time. The sky above Xiniu Hezhou was a dance of demons, and the demonic energy was condensed like a black cloud. Floating high in the sky is daunting.

Daoist Lu Ya and the remaining dozens of demon saints are naturally very happy about this. It is an affirmation and recognition of Daoist Lu Ya, the new demon emperor, to have so many demon clans respond to the call. It shows how terrifying the cohesion of the Demon Emperor's blood is.

But after the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan learned about this situation, they reacted in diametrically opposite ways.

Neither the Heavenly Court nor the Dragon Clan thought that a new Demon Emperor would reappear in the Monster Race, and it was also the bloodline of the Demon Emperor Jun. Therefore, both Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan were very surprised at the appearance of Daoist Lu Ya, the new Demon Emperor. Thinking that the demon clan can still be resurrected, once again gather a larger force, and the morale is much higher than before.

In the face of such a situation, Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan naturally worked together, and there was no need to say anything. They already had a tacit understanding with each other. They immediately gathered troops and horses again, and slowly pressed towards Xiniu Hezhou, preparing to gather the demon clan again. Union to suppress.

Under the leadership of the new demon emperor Lu Yadao, the demon clan was in high spirits, without any fear at all, and did not retreat. Instead, they chose to stand up again with the heavenly court.

For a time, the demon clan and the heavenly court fought again, and the great land became chaotic again because of this!

Yanhuang Immortal Domain.

At this time, the Yanhuang Immortal Territory was still surrounded by the Seven Great Buddha Kingdom Alliance, and the battle between the Seven Great Buddha Kingdom Alliance and the Yanhuang Immortal Territory had never stopped, and it continued.

It's just because Ji Han used the power of heaven to set up a very strong barrier outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and kept the army of the Seven Great Buddha Nations from the Immortal Territory, which saved the Yanhuang Immortal Territory from destruction. calamity.

Of course, the Buddhist Alliance army led by Ksitigarbha did not just waste time in the waiting process, but tried every possible way. Putting it into the Immortal Territory has caused a lot of trouble to the four immortal dynasties.

It's just that the four immortal dynasties have been fighting to support the war. With the help of the sacrificial function given by Ji Han, although the casualties have not been small since the war with the Buddha Kingdom Alliance, the strength of the soldiers who survived has skyrocketed. The gap with the Buddha Kingdom Alliance in the top combat power is also shrinking, and the four immortal dynasties continue to invest in new troops.

The surviving soldiers have also become more and more experienced in combat. Therefore, based on these factors, the four immortal dynasties have been able to support until now without collapsing.

You must know that the Western Religion has only dispatched the coalition of the seven Buddhist kingdoms, and has already defeated the four immortal dynasties without much fighting back. Obviously, there is still an unimaginable gap between the four immortal dynasties that have just risen and the background of Western religions, but It is extremely rare for the four immortal dynasties to achieve this level.

And the four immortal dynasties have never given up, they are still supporting, and in 4.3, they are also waiting for Ji Han to think of a real solution, and that a group of aliens can grow up.

According to Ji Han's speculation, the situation of Yanhuang Immortal Domain is estimated to continue for a long time.

But on this day, unexpected changes suddenly appeared.

A few dozen light-years away from the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, an extremely tall figure suddenly appeared, and after seeing the planet Yanhuang Immortal Territory, he immediately rushed towards the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

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