Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Jizo not only twitched his eyelids, but his face became extremely ugly.

He did not expect that even if he thought he had paid enough attention to the giant, it was still far from enough. Not only did he fail to stop the giant even for a short while, but he even paid the price of millions of casualties, which made Jizo almost bite. Broken teeth.

But he couldn't say anything, because the order was given by him, and he hesitated for a moment before taking action himself, so even if such casualties were caused, Jizo couldn't say anything, and could only secretly hate it.

At the same time, Jizo seemed to suddenly remember something. Before he could resent it, he immediately looked towards the direction of Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and then saw that the figure of the terrifying giant didn't stop, and slammed into Yanhuang Immortal Territory frantically. past.

Jizo's face changed slightly, but he didn't know whether the 843 giant could break through the outer barrier of Yanhuang Immortal Domain.

In Ji Han's sight, it was another scene.

Ji Han saw that, in fact, the terrifying giant didn't take the tens of millions of monk soldiers in front of him seriously. In fact, the tens of millions of monk soldiers were indeed as fragile as paper, and could not block the terrifying giant at all.

In Ji Han's line of sight, the huge human-shaped torch was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed that it was getting closer and closer to Ji Han. Ji Han could even see the giant's rough face through the flames.

The next moment, like a roaring overlord heavy truck, the terrifying giant slammed into the outer barrier of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

Ji Han's fists were slightly tight, his eyes narrowed, but he didn't do anything, just quietly watched the giant rush towards him. He just wanted to see if the outer layer of heaven barrier could stop the giant.

But it turned out that Ji Han couldn't help but change his color, because Ji Han instantly sensed that the outer layer of heaven barrier could not restrain the giant at all.


I only heard a puff, and the flame on the terrifying giant suddenly soared again, and then the outer layer of heaven barrier did not play any blocking role at all, and a huge human-shaped gap was burned directly, and the terrifying giant was unhindered. He directly passed through the block of the power of heaven and broke into the fairyland.


Seeing such a terrifying scene, the tens of millions of soldiers who had just dared to come after receiving the order at this time took a breath of cold air and felt extremely shocked.

But the next moment, the tens of millions of soldiers headed by Lu Bu, Wang Ben and others immediately became angry and angry, because the giant dared to bbed into their immortal realm, which was definitely against them. The humiliation of the four immortal dynasties must not be spared.

"It really can't be stopped!"

Ji Han frowned slightly, but seemed to be expecting something.

He thought about it, and then waved his hand directly!

Ji Han wanted to see if the four immortal dynasties could resist if he didn't take action.

Seeing Ji Han waved his hand slightly, Lv Bu, Wang Ben and the others immediately roared angrily, leading tens of millions of soldiers to rush towards the giant, wanting to take the intruding enemy who broke into the immortal realm. Completely beheaded.

"Come on, kill me!

"Kill it!!"

"Come on, kill that monster!

Tens of millions of soldiers fiercely roared and rushed over, even if they sensed that the giant seemed to be terrifying, even if they knew that it was definitely not a simple existence that could easily break into the Immortal Realm, but at this moment, they had no hesitation and no hesitation and fear. , only a death battle!

Puff puff!!

bang bang bang!!

Before they got close, one after another of spells, one after another of Liuguang had already taken the lead, attacking the giant's huge body.

However, this is like tickling the giant. When those spells and flying knives and swords hit the giant's huge body, they were completely swallowed by the rising flames before they actually touched the giant's skin. It was impossible to stop the giant in the slightest.

When Lu Bu, Wang Ben and other generals saw this, their faces were naturally solemn, but they were not afraid. Instead, they took the lead, took out their weapons, and killed the giant, vowing to run into him!


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