At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

977 Anger is soaring! 【Subscription】

Don't be afraid, keep moving forward!

This is the current momentum and spirit of the four immortal dynasties army!

Lü Bu, Wang Ben and other generals took the lead, far faster than ordinary soldiers, and approached the giant in an instant.


I saw Lu Bu roared, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand slashed fiercely at the giant's thigh, while Wang Ben stabbed the giant's heart with his sword, and the rest of the soldiers also hit the giant's body with the same attack. Because the giant's body is too big, they can only choose the nearest parts to attack.

bang bang bang!!

A muffled sound came, and the expressions of Lu Bu and the others changed, because they not only sensed that their offensive was swallowed up by the flame on the giant's body, but also suffered a more powerful rebound when they fell on the giant. Even the skin of the giant was not pierced, so that Lu Bu and the others bounced straight out.

"so hard!

"That flame is weird!"

"What is this?"

Lu Bu, Wang Ben and the others were bounced dozens of meters and immediately stabilized their bodies, but the faces of them looking at the giant were a little ugly. I didn't expect that the giant's body was so hard that they could even break the defense. − less than.

Although it wasn't their all-out blow, it was not easy for ordinary Jinxian to resist, and falling on the giant had no effect, which made Lu Bu and the others shudder.


It's just that Lu Bu and the others wouldn't back down because of this, they looked at each other silently, and then rushed up again.

However, before they could get close, the giant seemed to be impatient and slammed his huge right hand outwards.


A large number of soldiers were immediately knocked out by the irresistible force of Peiran, and they vomited blood, and even the giant hand brought a gust of wind, blowing some soldiers farther away. Gotta get up and down.

Lu Bu and the others did not dare to be careless, they cooperated tacitly and each attacked from the surrounding of the giant.

This time, Lu Bu and the others did their best, and also used the magic weapon of time at the bottom of the box.

I saw Lu Bu's murderous aura suddenly surged all over his body, like a god of killing.

At this moment, Wang Ben seemed to have transformed into a giant sword that lifted the sky, exuding a shocking sword energy all over his body, and it condensed but did not disperse, and stabbed straight towards the giant.

Guan Yu, on the other hand, dragged the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand into the void behind him very abnormally, and dragged the long saber while rushing towards the giant, leaving a space rift in the air. After that, the backward Qinglong Yanyue Sword slid through the air for a month and a half, and a piercing blue light like a crescent crescent slashed towards the giant.

This is Guan Yu's best knives technique!

··For flowers...

Obviously, the three generals have each used their own unique tricks. Among the three thousand avenues, they chose to be killing, swordsman and swordsmanship!

At the same time, when Lu Bu and the others were using their full power, three magic weapons of time also appeared on the top of the giant's head. They were a jade Ruyi, a copper bell, and a square token. The three time magic treasures are rising against the wind, and they are turning straight, and suddenly the rays of light are shining, and they are shrouded in the head of the giant.

Obviously, Lu Bu and the others have already had extremely rich combat experience, and their cooperation is also extremely tacit. They sacrificed the magic weapon of time at the same time as they shot, obviously wanting to use the magic weapon of time to contain the giant, so that they can make a hit with one blow!

But Lu Bu and the others still miscalculated, no, it shouldn't be called a miscalculation, but they didn't expect the enemy's strength to be so powerful.

The giant was obviously impatient for a long time, and his anger was soaring at this time. Seeing the surrounding enemies buzzing like flies, he immediately opened his terrifying giant mouth and roared fiercely towards the three time magic weapons above his head.


The power of this giant roar is completely indescribable. I saw a white air wave visible to the naked eye constantly emerging from the position of the giant's mouth, and it continued to spread to the back, as if the entire void was completely torn by the roar. Beg.

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