At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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The first to bear the brunt is the three magic weapons of time on the giant's head!

Before the rays of light from the three magic weapons of time shrouded the giant's head, as the giant roared out, waves of air violently spread out, the three magic weapons of time and the light they released were like fragile porcelain. , It was directly shattered when touched, and there was not much resistance at all. The three time magic treasures immediately let out a whimper, and then disappeared from the top of the giant's head with a swoosh.

The power of a roar is so "eighty-four-three"!

At the same time, as the three magic weapons of time dissipated with their whining on the giant's head, they turned into three faint streams of light and disappeared into the bodies of the three of Lu Bu. The three of them immediately groaned, and the corners of their mouths overflowed. blood.

Because their natal magic weapon has been traumatized, they will naturally not be unscathed, and their minds will be damaged a lot.

It's just that they were forcibly pressed down, their eyes became sharper, and the offensive in their hands increased by one point.

In the face of the attack of the three of Lu Bu, this time the giant was not passively beaten or resisted. Instead, his hands formed fists, like a huge meteor falling from the sky, and the two fists slammed into the attack of the three of Lu Bu. .

bang bang bang!!


Those were two huge fists burning with soaring flames. They collided fiercely with the offensive of Lu Bu and the three of them, and immediately there was a loud noise. Diffusion, together with the previous giant's roar, blew large swaths of soldiers upside down.

At this time, the three of Lu Bu were also struck by lightning, and they were completely unable to block the terrifying force of the giant.

"Hit... can't beat!!"

"Pfft... fuck it, it's amazing!"

"What kind of monster is this, ancient giant?"

After Lu Bu and the three barely stabilized their bodies, they looked at each other with shock, and they could see the solemnity and shock in each other's eyes.

Although they knew that in terms of breath sensing, the giant in front of them was very powerful, but they didn't expect that the three of them would still be incapable of fighting, or even unable to hurt the enemy at all.

Such a gap made Lu Bu and the others, who had been smooth sailing, feel a little disappointed.

However, the giant wouldn't stop killing because of the three of them. He had already been annoyed by the soldiers around him who kept rushing towards him like little bugs. After the two fists smashed the three of them, the giant waved directly. He raised two huge and oddly long hands, like swatting flies, smashing the soldiers who were not afraid of death.

The three of Lu Bu's eyes were splitting at this time, and they were about to charge up again with a strong breath of true qi.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind them: "Okay, let's all step back, this person is up to me to deal with!""

Hearing this voice, the three of Lu Bu immediately became quiet, and then bowed to lead the order: "Yes, sir!"

The person who spoke was Ji Han!

At this moment, Ji Han appeared in front of the giant again, causing the giant who was chasing down the soldiers to stop immediately with vigilance.

Because he could feel that Ji Han was a huge threat to him, a formidable rival, and he could not take it seriously.

At this moment, the three of Lu Bu immediately waved their hands and issued an order to retreat.

For a time, all the surviving soldiers immediately retreated, and with the integration of the three of Lu Bu, they formed a formation at a great distance and stood by again.

As for the dead and wounded compatriots, there are people who are responsible for collecting the corpses!

The reason why Ji Han didn't let Lu Bu and others lead the soldiers to continue to resist the giant was because he didn't want to cause unnecessary casualties in the four 4.3 Immortal Dynasty. He ordered Lu Bu and others to fight, just to see if they could stop the giant. Now that tens of millions of soldiers and soldiers couldn't stop it, Ji Han naturally wouldn't let them lose, and immediately chose to stop.

And the giant was obviously not interested in the soldiers who were as small as insects, and let them withdraw. He just stared at Ji Han with vigilance, and he didn't dare to do anything rashly at this time!

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