At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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"Who are you?"

Ji Han confronted the giant seemingly calmly for a few seconds, and then Ji Han tried to see if he could communicate with the giant.

At this moment, Ji Han didn't know the other party's root and feet, the origin and name of the giant, let alone whether the giant could understand what he said, but Ji Han still wanted to give it a try, because he wanted to know the giant The purpose of coming to Yanhuang Immortal Territory, it would be even better if we could figure out the origin of the giant's feet in the exchange.

After the giant heard Ji Han's words, he immediately replied in a rough voice: "I am an ancient clan of the Ruins God Territory, my name is Gu Huang, who are you 11? But the master of this world?

Unexpectedly, the giant could really understand Ji Han's language and communicate normally in the same language, which made Ji Han slightly overjoyed.

It is good to be able to communicate. Although the hostile relationship cannot be changed, it is very important to be able to obtain the information you want from the communication between each other.

Not only was the giant huge in size, but his voice even sounded as if it was about to shatter the void, leaving a loud buzzing sound in the air.

And the giant's short sentence actually revealed the origin of his name.

Ji Han's eyes brightened, he nodded and said: "Yes, this seat Ji Han, is indeed the master of this world, you said you are from Guixu God Realm? I don't know where Guixu God Realm is? Why has this seat never heard of it? , What race is the ancient race? How many races exist in the Lord of the Ruins God Domain?

After Ji Han nodded and affirmed his identity, he immediately continued to ask about the information revealed in the giant's ancient words.

Moreover, Ji Han also rarely claimed to be the seat, obviously not wanting to fall prestige in front of outsiders.

I don't know if it was the giant's heart or lack of experience in communicating with outsiders. Facing Ji Han's inquiries, Gu Huang had no intention of concealing anything, and he actually exposed all the information Ji Han wanted to know.

Gu Huang hummed: "It is normal for you outsiders to not know the Guixu God Territory, the Guixu God Territory is the gathering place of the ancient Chaos Demon God, it is boundless, and it is located in the extreme depths of the Chaos Sea, let alone ordinary people, even if It is that some existences who have been hiding in the Chaos Sea all year round know nothing about the Return to the Ruins God Realm!

"The reason why Guixu God Realm is called God's Realm is because there are countless terrifying gods in Guixu God's Realm, all of those terrible gods have been born terrifying existence since Hongmeng period, but later, for some unknown reason, they all returned to Guixu. God's Domain and no longer come out.35

"Of course there are many powerful races in the Returned Ruins God Territory, and our ancient race is only one of them!"

When talking about this, Gu Huang's face and eyes unconsciously showed a hint of pride and self-satisfaction, as if he was extremely proud of his place and his race.

This is a subconscious reaction and expression, it seems that the ancient giant of the ancient wilderness does not seem to have much heart.

Ji Han couldn't help nodding secretly when he saw this, but he didn't expect this to be a foolish giant.

It's just that Ji Han was a little surprised and surprised. He didn't expect that outside the great land, in the depths of the Chaos Sea, there would actually exist such a place called Guixu God's Domain, and it actually still exists there. With countless terrifying gods, it sounds like they should all be Chaos Demon Gods or Primordial Demon Gods that existed in ancient times.

This is really shocking to Ji Han. If he hadn't met this ancient giant today, Ji Han wouldn't have heard these extremely secret news!

Even more terrifying, there are actually quite a few powerful races in the Returned Ruins God Realm. It seems that this ancient race is not the most powerful. Does this mean that as long as those races randomly send one person, they will not provoke the saints? Under the premise, is it enough to walk freely in the flood?

Fortunately, Gu Huang also said that those terrifying beings in the Returned Ruins God Realm have long ceased to exist. Obviously, other races in the Returned Ruins God Domain will not appear out of nowhere. Otherwise, Ji Han would have to replace the major races in the Great Desolate Land. Be worried!.

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