"Is this Beiju Luzhou?"

After Ji Han stepped out of the space crack, he casually looked at the surrounding scene and sighed.

At this time, Ji Han didn't show any breath, and there was no vigilance, as if he was watching the scenery very leisurely, and he was not worried about any accidents after passing through the cracks in the space.

Because this time, in order to secretly send Gu Huang to the Great Desolate, Ji Han specially passed the system to shield the heavenly secrets, so he was able to send Gu Huang's body silently.

It is precisely because of this that after Ji Han appeared in Beiju Luzhou, there was no worry, because it was impossible for anyone to notice his appearance.

Moreover, the reason why Ji Han wanted to shield the secret through the system was to avoid disturbing Daozu Hongjun, so as not to let his new identity be noticed by Hongjun, so he couldn't make the layout calmly.

At this time, the reason why Gu Huang's body has become only 30 meters tall is because Ji Han has condensed his body and used the method of transformation to reduce it to one-tenth of the original, but it is still Appears very tall.

After all, the 100-meter-tall figure in the ancient wasteland was indeed a bit surprising and inconvenient, so Ji Han had to reduce his figure in order to be less noticeable.

Previously, after refining Gu Huang's body and turning it into Ji Han's second avatar, Ji Han controlled Gu Huang's body and went straight to the sky.

Of course, in order to cooperate with the second avatar, Ji Han also secretly removed a lot of the power of the heavenly way. Therefore, Gu Huang managed to break through the heavenly way barrier and escaped just like when he broke in.

So that in the eyes of Jizo and others outside, Guhuang seems to have a battle with Ji Han after entering the fairyland, but he was defeated by Ji Han, so he could only flee in embarrassment and let the Jizo outside wait. Before anyone could stop him, they only saw Gu Huang's slightly embarrassed figure disappearing from sight.

In this way, Gu Huang's identity has completely become a top secret, and no one knows except Ji Han himself, even Kizang and others who are surrounded by Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

This is also thanks to Ji Han's use of the power of heaven to shield the outside world from the beginning, so he successfully covered up the past, so that Kizang and others could not detect any clues.

This time, Ji Han manipulated Gu Huang's body to sneak into the flood, in order to completely muddy the water in the flood, and Beiju Luzhou is the first choice for Ji Han to set foot in the flood this time.

With a sigh, Ji Han's spiritual sense was also quietly released, and he began to carefully investigate the surrounding situation.

"Huh?? Here is?~々?"

After a while, Ji Han couldn't help frowning.

Because Ji Han found that where he was at this time, there was no one inhabited within a radius of ten thousand miles, and there was no human existence, even farther away.

This is an endless stretch of poisonous swamp. After countless years of accumulation, various colorful poisonous gas and miasma have already condensed into a thick fog, covering the entire poisonous swamp.

Although this place is uninhabited, Ji Han has found countless poisonous insects and monsters, and all of them are highly poisonous, terrible beings with good strength, all hidden in the swamp, making this poisonous swamp full of murderous intentions with deadly traps.

Even Ji Han sensed that the dense fog-like poisonous gas in this area seemed to still have life, and at this moment it began to spread towards Ji Han.

Fortunately, Ji Han had a system to block the secrets when he came over, and (King Qian's) also covered all Ji Han's breath, so Ji Han was able to stay stable and no poisonous monsters came to harass him.

After investigating the surrounding situation, Ji Han frowned and sighed: "This seems to be a Jedi? Not only is there no one, let alone people, there are no ordinary animals and plants, the positioning of the system is too extreme Bar?"

Fortunately, Ji Han only sighed a little, but he didn't have much complaints about it, because as long as he was in Beiju Luzhou, everything else was trivial and not worth mentioning!

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