Ji Han took advantage of the fact that the system's shielding effect had not completely dissipated, recognized the direction, and immediately turned into a startling rainbow, escaping to the north!

Regardless of whether this place is a Jedi or a forbidden land, it is really a vast and poisonous swamp, so Ji Han can't walk on the ground, and can only hurry with the light!

Ji Han actually doesn't know what area of ​​Beiju Luzhou he is currently in, but it doesn't matter, as long as he comes to Beiju Luzhou.

The reason why Ji Han chose to land at Beiju Luzhou this time is because Beiju Luzhou is not only the most mysterious continent, but also the most suitable for Ji Han's layout.

The situation on the four continents is different. Among them, Xiniu Hezhou is the base camp of the demon clan and Western religion, and the Lingshan Mountain is located in Xiniu Hezhou.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is governed by Taoism, and many immortals and gods in the floods live in Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is the gathering place of all kinds of bigwigs and gods.

As for Nanzhanbuzhou, it belongs to the land of mortals and is surrounded by the other three continents.

Therefore, in addition to Beiju Luzhou, the other three continents are not suitable for Ji Han's layout, and it is even easy for Ji Han to reveal his identity.

In Beiju Luzhou, it is different. This place is like the modern Arctic continent. Not only is the weather bad, but also the geographical environment is extremely desolate. Basically, there are no gods and demons living in it. There are only some local races and witches in front of the bbed. clan exists.

The local residents of Beiju Luzhou have an obvious characteristic, that is, their body size is generally more than fifteen meters, and some special, or powerful ones can even grow to twenty meters.

As for the Wu clan, in fact, after the Lich War, most of the surviving Wu clan retreated to Beiju Luzhou and began to live and settle in Beiju Luzhou.

Wu people are born with different statures, some are tall, some are short, and the body of the Wu people is also extremely powerful, they can swallow the sky, devour the earth, manipulate wind, water and lightning, and can reclaim the sea, move mountains, and change the world. The previous Twelve Ancestors are the most powerful, but the Twelve Ancestors have all died, and the rest of the Wuzu can only barely survive in Beiju Luzhou, and it is difficult to reproduce the style of the Wuzu!

And Ji Han is now about 30 meters tall. Although it is slightly conspicuous in Beiju Luzhou, it will not look so strange. After all, there are tall people everywhere. Ji Han is a little bit at most. Just a little bit sharper.

Therefore, Beiju Luzhou is the most suitable place for Ji Han to expand his layout.

"Let me see how much the Wu clan still has!

Escaped into the rainbow, Ji Han was also thinking carefully.

In fact, Ji Han quietly came to Beiju Luzhou this time, and the biggest purpose was the Wu clan.

Although the Witch Clan has declined since the Lich War, it is undeniable that the Witch Clan still has a lot of background. After all, the skinny camels are bigger than the horses, not to mention that the Witch Clan almost dominated in ancient times. 's race.

More importantly, Ji Han valued the strength of the Wu clan after it became stronger. Although the Wu clan did not cultivate the primordial spirit, but only cultivated the physical body, the Wu clan's incomparably tyrannical physical body was enough to crush the cultivators of the same realm.

Moreover, the Wu clan has been in decline for a long time now, and their life is difficult, and they are no longer prosperous. As long as Ji Han can lead the Wu clan to prosper again, presumably the Wu clan will definitely follow Ji Han.

After spending a lot of time, Ji Han finally flew out of the forbidden area and entered a normal world.

It is normal, but it is compared with the forbidden land. In fact, the world that appears in front of Ji Han at this time is extremely desolate, the sky is gloomy, it seems that it will rain or snow at any time, and the wind is like a knife, It was scraped continuously, and there were few dense plants on the ground, and even less breath of life.

However, in such a place where the environment and weather are extremely bad, there are the last descendants of the Wu clan, who survive and multiply here, fight beasts, and fight against the heavens and the earth, just for the last bloodline to be cut off!

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