After walking out of the forbidden area of ​​the poisonous swamp, Ji Han slowed down the speed of his escape.

This time, he intends to take a good tour of Beiju Luzhou as an ancient clansman, and quietly make arrangements so that his own plan can be successfully implemented.

Thinking of this, Ji Han unfolded his consciousness again and carefully probed the people within a radius of 10,000 miles.

Ji Han flew all the way to the north, not knowing how far he had flown.

"This Beiju Luzhou area is vast and the living beings are scarce, it is really rare!"

Along the way, Ji Han was deeply moved. The current impression of Beiju Luzhou to him is that it is a bad place, and it is extremely vast and sparsely populated. So far, he has not seen many living beings, and he has not seen many living beings. I don't know if it's a problem in the area where he is located, or if the whole Beiju Luzhou is like this.

Just thinking about the forbidden area of ​​the poisonous swamp before, Ji Han thought to himself: "It is also possible that the local residents knew the power of the poisonous swamp and naturally stayed away from the forbidden area, so they didn't see anything along the way. life!"

It seems that Ji Han's idea is correct. As Ji Han flies north, the number of creatures becomes more and more dense.

And although the weather in Beiju Luzhou is still bad, the environment that Ji Han encounters seems to have changed a lot. Green slowly begins to appear on the ground, and many plants, including tall trees, continue to appear, even It has become dense, and it doesn't look like it is so desolate anymore!

On this day, Ji Han flew to the edge of a forest - and stopped.

After thinking for a while, Ji Han descended on the edge of the forest, where no one appeared.

"It's better to have your feet on the ground!"

After falling to the ground, Ji Han couldn't help but sigh.

After a while, all Ji Han's attention was caught by the sight in front of him.

Not far in front of Ji Han, there is a seemingly endless virgin forest, at least in the sky Ji Han has never seen the edge of this virgin forest!

The trees in this primeval forest are extremely tall, and they seem to have grown for thousands of years, which is very vicissitudes.

In the forest, there are many kinds of plants with heights ranging from several meters to tens of meters growing on the ground, and there are also many long white objects growing on the leaves and trunks of those plants, which look like It's enlarged rice.

Seeing this scene, Ji Han did not hesitate, and walked directly into the forest, because Ji Han knew that this was most likely a gathering place of witches and local residents. If Ji Han wanted to complete the layout, he had to contact Only those of the Wu tribe are required, so it is absolutely right to enter the forest.

After entering the forest, the light dimmed slightly, but it did not affect the sight. Ji Han was tall, but his footsteps were not fast, and he walked slowly step by step.

· · Flowers · ·

Soon, without getting too far, Ji Han saw a scene that shocked him.

Not far in front of Ji Han, there appeared a tall tree that was completely indescribable in words. How tall was it? Even with Ji Han's eyesight, it was impossible to see how big the canopy of this tree was. It was a piece of the sky that covered it down in general, shocking very much.

Ji Han approached slowly, looked up at the tree, and suddenly couldn't help muttering in shock: "The circumference of the tree is seven yojanas, and the height of the tree is one hundred yojanas, is this the legendary Umbra tree?


Because Ji Han had read the relevant scriptures, he recognized the tree at a glance.

It is recorded in the scriptures that there is a very characteristic tree in Beiju Luzhou called the Umbara tree. It is recorded in the scriptures that this tree is seven yojanas in circumference, one hundred yojanas in height, and its branches and leaves stretch out in all directions for fifty yojanas. , It was the giant tree in front of Ji Han!

What is Yujan?

Yojana refers to the length. One yojana is equivalent to the distance a bull walks in one day. Using modern lengths, one yojana is roughly equivalent to about 11 kilometers.

So this kind of Umbra tree has a circumference of seven yojanas, a height of one hundred yojanas, and branches and leaves that stick out in all directions for fifty yojanas, which means that the circumference of the trunk is 77 kilometers, the height of the tree is 1110 kilometers, and the radius of the crown is 550 kilometers. inside.

How can Ji Han not be shocked by such a splendid sight? Beg.


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