The circumference of the trunk is 77 kilometers, the height of the tree is 111 kilometers, and the radius of the canopy is 550 kilometers.

What is this concept?

What words should I use to describe such a big tree?

Ji Han is completely unable to describe such a giant tree in words. It seems that any words are futile in front of such a huge tree, and there is only endless shock in his heart.

There is no way, even though Ji Han is already the top expert in the Great Luo Jinxian, but he has never seen such a spectacular sight as "860" before.

"It's a wonder of the world!"

Ji Han is even thinking in his heart at this moment, a Umbra tree in Beiju Luzhou is so majestic and tall, so how majestic and majestic the Buzhou Mountain, which used to be known as the first mountain in the prehistoric wilderness, should be Spectacular?

It's a pity that Bu Zhoushan is no longer there, Ji Han shook his head, put away the thoughts in his heart, and slowly regained his composure.

At this time, Ji Han already understood that this kind of Umbra tree should be the residence of the Wu people and the local residents. The canopy of the tree extends hundreds of kilometers in all directions, enough to live in countless Wu people.

There is one such Umbra tree far away, not alone!

Moreover, Ji Han also learned from the scriptures that there is no hardship in the life of Beiju Luzhou people. There is a lot of rice growing on the plants under the big trees. You can keep eating if you are not full, and the rice will always appear in the pot, which is really amazing!

Ji Han really saw it today, and what is recorded in the scriptures is actually true.

Ji Han couldn't help but sighed: "In such a desolate place, and there is no suffering, it's no wonder that even Western religions don't want to preach here!

Such a place without suffering is really an anomaly in the flood.

Ji Han walks while watching. In this way, he can not only increase his own experience and knowledge, but also better integrate into the place.

Soon, Ji Han met the Wu people he was looking for.

Not far in front of Ji Han, at a fork in the forest, a huge strong man more than ten meters tall was bending over and throwing something into a large pot on the ground. What he threw into the pot, It was the rice picked from the nearby trees.

There was no fire under the cauldron, but a ball the size of a fist. As the shaggy man kept throwing rice into the cauldron, the cauldron began to smell of rice slowly. .

Seeing that the rice was about to be cooked, the strong man stopped picking the rice, but after waiting for a while, he picked up a large wooden bowl beside him, then scooped a large bowl directly into the pot and started to chug I ate it and seemed to enjoy it very much.

Just as the strong man ate the second bowl, three strong men of about the same height walked out from the fork on the left and right sides of the forest. They didn't say anything. The wooden bowl I brought with me also began to gulp down the meal..

The cauldron looked huge, but it was not enough for the appetites of those 10-meter-tall men. Logically speaking, the rice in the cauldron should not be enough for them.

But I don't know why, those strong men have been eating and eating, they can keep scooping out rice from the pot, it seems that the pot will continue to produce rice, until the four people are full and the pot is full. The rice did not continue to appear.

And this is the magic of Beiju Luzhou, as long as one person cooks, the rest can come to eat after seeing it, and as long as one person is not full, the rice in the pot will not be finished. Similar to 4.3 in the cornucopia, it is magical.

This scene was witnessed by Ji Han with his own eyes. After witnessing it, Ji Han felt emotional again. He realized that this Beiju Luzhou was really different from the other three continents, and he didn't know whether he came right or not.

Ji Han saw that the four strong men had already had enough to eat, and seemed to be about to leave the place, so he walked over, preparing to have a good conversation with these four Wu people who were hard to meet. If they could find their gathering The land could not be better!

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