At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

994 Surprised and shocked! 【Subscription】

Those four strong men are indeed from the Wu clan!

The reason why Ji Han recognized the four strong men as Wu people at a glance is because the primordial spirits of the four strong men are very ordinary, not strong, not like monks at all, but their fleshly bodies are full of The power seems to be very powerful, which obviously echoes the characteristics of the Wu people who do not cultivate the primordial spirit, but only cultivate the physical body!

As Ji Han approached, the four Wu people who were about to leave immediately found Ji Han's trace, and they immediately looked at Ji Han.

When they saw Ji Han's 30-meter tall figure, they were all slightly startled. The surprised and surprised expressions on their faces were not concealed at all, and their eyes were directly rounded.

"You... who are you?"

The brawny man who started cooking was stunned for a moment, and then 11 immediately asked.

The other three also had doubts on their faces, but none of them showed any signs of vigilance. They didn't know if they were not worried about Ji Han's threat, or if they were not wary of their fellow clansmen.

That's right, when they saw Ji Han at first glance, they subconsciously regarded Ji Han as someone from their witch tribe.

Ji Han walked in and smiled and replied, "My name is Gu Huang, how about you?"

Ji Han didn't say that he was from the ancient tribe, but only said his name, as if he wanted the four people in front to subconsciously think that he was from the Wu tribe.

Sure enough, after hearing Ji Han's self-reported name, the Wu ethnicity who cooked the meal immediately replied: "My name is Lie Yun!

"My name is Libby!

"My name is Wuxing!

"My name is Wu Leopard!"

The other three also reported their names one after another!

Since they thought that Ji Han was from their own clan, they naturally wouldn't be wary. Instead, they were full of curiosity and interest in Ji Han.

At this time, Lie Yun asked directly: "Gu Huang, where did you come from? What kind of strength do you have now??

Saying that, Lie Yun also stretched out his hand to measure each other's height.

The Wu people are straight people, and they ask what they think of.

Obviously, the four Lie Yun were extremely curious about this, because among their Wu clan, in fact, height and body size were basically proportional. Han was only 30 meters tall before he was so surprised.

But they were surprised, but Lie Yun and the others didn't think much about it, because Ji Han's body looked like they were from the Wu clan, and they could sense that Ji Han's body was extremely strong, and it was much stronger than them. No fake!

Ji Han smiled and said, "I have been traveling abroad all the time, and I just came back here some time ago. As for my strength, it's hard to say!

Regarding Ji Han's answer, Lieyun and the others did not feel anything unusual. Although their Wu people retreated to Beiju Luzhou and lived here all the time, it did not mean that they would not leave Beiju Luzhou. It's not surprising to go out and travel.

As for Ji Han's reservations about his own strength, Lie Yun and the others don't ask too much, they just know that they are much stronger than them!

In fact, Ji Han is not very clear about the division of Wu clan's strength, so he doesn't know how to explain his own strength, so he can't say it!

At this time, Wu Xing suddenly asked: "Guhuang, since you have already traveled back, are you planning to return to your tribe this time?


860 Ji Han shook his head and said indifferently, "I don't have a tribe!"

Ji Han doesn't know how many Wu tribes there are in Beiju Luzhou, and now he can only play a Luodan tribe without tribes!

However, after hearing this sentence, the four Lie Yun not only did not have the slightest doubt, but their eyes brightened.

"No clan? Is this true? 35

"Haha, Brother Guhuang, why don't you come to our Jiuli tribe?""

"Yes, yes, Guhuang brothers, our Jiuli tribe welcomes you!"

"Yes, Brother Guhuang, you don't have a tribe yet, so join our Jiuli tribe!"

After Lie Yun and Wu Xing learned that Ji Han was actually a Luodan clan, they immediately invited Ji Han to join them in their Jiuli clan.

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