! ! !

The third day after Su Jiu came back.

The tsunami that flooded Qinghe Mansion finally retreated, and this tsunami retreated very slowly.

The main reason is that everyone discovered that after the tsunami ebbs, the tidal force of the moon will come up again at night.

Although the sea level is always lowering, it takes three days to come and go before it drops to the point where it can go into the water on foot.

Su Jiu landed on the top deck of the Dragon Head ship in a helicopter, and the Ark’s control system issued instructions.

"Open all the hatches of the Ark!!"

"Okay, Captain Su Jiu!"

... "Boom! Boom...! The doors on both sides of the four arks opened at the same time!"

The sea is now very shallow, only to the vicinity of the calf.

"Wow!! We can go now!! Holy Mountain! Here we come!!"

"Quickly, the one who has packed up comes first."

"Haha, rush, go home!"

"Wow, there are fish in this shallow sea! There are so many sea fishes!"


All the people of the Long Kingdom stepped into the sea, in groups, and the number of people on the Qinghe Mansion Plain was increasing.

The entire plain was soon full of people.

Everyone is back home, even though many people have never been to the holy mountain.

Where is the country, where is the home.

This is probably the mood of everyone at the moment.

The cultural background of the people of the Long Kingdom has continued for thousands of years, and only when the people of the Long Kingdom are gathered together can they burst out with huge energy.

Dragon Head Ship Ark Broadcast: Please pay attention to your safety. Qinghe Mansion is still a long way from the holy mountain of Plateau Mansion. Take care of the elderly and children around you. The materials of the Long Kingdom will be transported to the holy mountain. Don't worry.

】...All the broadcasts of the Ark sounded at the same time, playing in a loop, Deng Shuang's friendly tone made the people in the shallow sea turn their heads.

Some people's eye sockets are slightly moist.

The gratitude to the country, everything is silent! Everyone deeply understands that the reason why the Dragon Kingdom can still have such a strong cohesion until now depends on the unified dispatch and full rescue of the country! When the last group of people came out.

Everyone is holding a cute baby panda in his arms.

The small panda is okay, it can be held in the arms, and the big panda can only be carried out of the cage by a few people.

The other...the cubs of the terrestrial creatures were still in hibernation.This hibernation should last for several months, so they were not brought down.

Deng Shuang held Su Jiu's favorite panda dumpling in his arms.

The dumpling is now a lot bigger and very skinny, and he can't hold it anymore.

Tuanzi wailing... broke away from Deng Shuang, and fell directly into the sea.

The dumpling was stunned, and I knew I wouldn't jump down, why is there water underneath.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Deng Shuang laughed, don't...hold it anymore, let it cross the sea with the team.

The dumpling fluttered in the sea for a few times and found that the water was not high, and started to run around.There were still marine fish in this shallow sea.

Very happy along the way.

.... On the top platform of the Dragon Head Ship.

Business: "Group leader, we should also start working."

Su Jiu nodded 99, looked at several arks far away, and smiled: "It’s not easy for such a big ark to lean together on the flat ground. Let’s hurry up. The soft dome material will start tomorrow. It is constantly being transported, taking advantage of the fact that there is still some sea water, and quickly leaning the ark together."


It is not easy to keep the ark together in the flat land.Now that the land on the plain is wet, it is a good time.

After turning on the rocket booster and nuclear power, it was pasted.

The damage to the ark by rubbing the ground is actually very small and should be acceptable.

And there is no need to post too close, as long as there is location reference data.

..... Su Jiu handed over the work here to a group of scientists from the Business Task Force, and boarded a helicopter to return! On the way, the people of the Lower Dragon Kingdom are densely packed, heading towards home.

As soon as the vanguard troops came up from the cover of the sea, standing on the high hills of Qinghe Mansion, they saw another huge plain connected to the bottom of the plain.

There is...Plateau Mansion.

On the plains of Plateau Prefecture, there are densely packed passenger cars and many military green transport vehicles.

Everyone was stunned, and immediately burst into huge cheers.

The people of the holy mountain drove out to pick them up.

"Haha!! We're here to take you home!!"

"My compatriots in the south of the motherland, come down quickly! Go home!"

...The group of students on and off the Ark laughed, "Haha, they are here, it's a spectacular scene."

"Hey, let me just say it, but many people on Longguo's official website have responded, and many people have been dispatched. The motherland also has military vehicles to escort us!"

"Go! Go home!!"

On Gaogang, everyone cheered and threw it down, as if threw into the embrace of the motherland.

Su Jiu saw this scene in the sky, and smiled! After returning to the bamboo building of the headquarters, Su Jiu found Zero and Grandpa Su again, asked about the production of the dome material, and said that the boat is now Case.

Grandpa Su groaned: "So, now the sea is getting more and more dangerous. It is right for you to come back. It is too risky to bring 800 million people."

Su Jiu smiled: "The risk is indeed great, but it is not the main reason. We also need to come back to install the soft dome. This is a big deal for the Ark."

Number Zero: "The Dragon Kingdom can survive the tsunami safely, and the Ark has made great contributions. The reconstruction of the Ark is indeed the top priority."

"Next, it should be the Hollow Undersea City. The people of the Dragon Kingdom have always known that this huge city is called Hollow City, but its full name is called Hollow Undersea City. This news has not been announced yet."

Grandpa Su laughed: "If the children knew that this huge city was designed on the bottom of the sea, I wonder if they would be surprised."

Su Jiu suddenly laughed, "Okay, the next focus of work is... to build a hollow city under the sea. It took you so long to lay such a large foundation. It is really hard. Next, leave it to me! "

Number Zero and Grandpa Su looked at each other, and laughed: "Of course it will be handed over to you, you are the commander-in-chief of the Hollow Sea City!"

Number Zero took a stack of documents from the side and handed it over, almost all of which were letters asking for help and requesting material assistance.

"Xiaosu, you know why I don't care about these things...


Su Jiu smiled and said: "Why, you want to retire now is really not the time."

No.Zero shook his head: "I can make decisions about other things, but I don't care about the resource reserves of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Look at your grandfather, he is 70 years old, and I am also old, and your parents will be old in the future. These resources do not belong to us old men."

"They belong to you, these young people who belong to the next generation of Long Country, I have suppressed all international requests for assistance. You have to decide whether to send them or not!"

Su Jiu stared at him and grandpa in a daze, with mixed feelings in his heart.He could understand the hard work of the two old people, but the responsibility was too great.

To manage the hundreds of billions of people in the Long Kingdom, the reserve of materials is particularly critical.

Su Jiu solemnly accepted the stack of documents and flipped through it at will.

Kazakh, Ulaanba, and many other countries in the Middle East, Yilang, Bati, as well as Great India, Ulan, and even the Northern Bear country have sent requests for assistance.

Su Jiu didn't open these...Official official documents, he knew the contents without reading them.

Su Jiu chuckled and threw all the letters into the trash can.

"Don't look at the reserves of the Dragon Kingdom too much, but this is only temporary. We have a lot of reserves and there are many people. We can't stand the consumption. When the ammunition runs out and the food is gone, the Dragon Kingdom has become especially vulnerable because of the people's base. Our first aid was to stabilize the stability of the border countries in the central part of Yazhou. Now, they are fully capable and have time to solve it. If it can't be done, it is not our problem."

"I won't care!"

Number Zero glanced at Grandpa Su, "We already knew what you meant. A large planting base has been established on the holy mountain grassland. Before the final disaster strikes, we can store more food."

Grandpa Su sighed: "It is expected that some ecological parks will be built in Hollow City, but you have to prepare carefully. The scope of the ecological parks is not large. After all, the land where the people live will occupy a very large area."

"Also, the ecological garden on your ark cannot be built, and now the materials have become especially important."

Su Jiu saw that the two old people were so heavy and smiled: "Don't worry, there is still the sea after the food is eaten. We have observed in the ocean that marine life is growing explosively. I am afraid that the global tsunami has broken the regional marine life. It is caused by the habits of life."

"Now the moving range of marine life has spread to the entire Blue Star sea area, and their living space is too big."

"We may be able to see a sea overflowing with marine life!"

"By the time there is nothing to eat, I will rely on the sea to eat the sea! Haha!!"

Number Zero also laughed, and said in a rather helpless tone: "It seems that in the future, Blue Star will really be the world of marine life. Hey, I can't be reconciled when I think about it. The land is too important for humans."

Grandpa Su took out a brand new Blue Star map, "Look, this is just out today, all the satellites, and all the land that can be seen are here."

[Yazhou only has a circular area left! The four countries cover it, and there is a small part of the land returning to the sea at the edge. There is only one corner of the Great India, and only a small part of the other Middle Eastern countries! Ten no Save one!! It’s so majestic!] Above the sea! [Beiji glacier disappeared, the polar glacier shrank a circle in this tsunami, and the Australian continent!] Su Jiu was surprised: "Australia It's not sinking yet!!"

Number Zero laughed: "Our geologists have carefully studied that continent. Australia is close to the polar glaciers. It depends on whether it sinks or not. However, Australia’s current situation is not good. The entire country is basically covered. Being filled with seawater, the area of ​​survival has shrunk too much."

Su Jiu shook his head helplessly.This global disaster is really the same as everyone, especially in Yazhou, all the surviving humans have been driven to a piece of land.

90% of the land on the blue star disappeared directly! He put away the map and smiled: "It's okay, don't we still have land? Now that there is a place to live is... happy, I will go down to arrange work, no matter what ....

What is the future situation, we all need to be fully prepared!"

No.Zero and Grandpa Su smiled and said: "Okay, you go, you are back, we are also relaxed, see if we can enjoy our old age! Haha!"

..... Su Jiu left the headquarters. He knew that the Blue Star humans had already got some respite, but this time was not calm.

Disasters will not stop, as long as mankind is not extinct, it will never stop, and after the extinction of mankind, how the Blue Star will purify itself is unknown! If you want to see a new era, you must first survive the era disaster! Dragon Kingdom Now that the people all over the country are gathered together, there are too many things that need to be done.

The problem of food reserves must first be solved, that is... those... vegetables that were not easy to store, now have a solution.

However, before all the tasks are carried out, 800 million people must be arranged first.

There are too many people and not enough places to live! Open up wasteland, and there is a large area of ​​primitive jungle outside the holy mountain grassland.

Now there is no way to promote the protection of forests, and these forests will be swallowed by the sea sooner or later.

It seems that in this era disaster, Blue Star probably does not intend to leave any traces of land.

———————— To read the novel without underline, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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