! ! !

In the evening, a public disaster briefing was held on Longguo.com.

The people of the whole country can also watch through the satellites of Longguo, and the Internet.

There is no TV or something, and people watch it on their mobile phones.

Su Jiu appeared at the press conference in a formal suit.

"Look! Su Jiu appeared!"

"Su Jiu is so handsome, he is only 22 years old!"

"This young man is very powerful. Our young generation of Long Country is led by such a person, and we are relieved that the children can do so many great things with him!"

"Yes, the pride of the people of Imperial Capital! It's so outstanding!"

"I like the new policy order of the leader Su Jiu so much, I can join the army soon! Haha!!"

"Envy! I'm 20 years old, I'm over, shit! Is there any...rejuvenation medicine!"

"I'm 30! I want to join the army too, really."

"Uncle, if you can't join the army, you can do something else.

Ha ha!"


Su Jiu seriously informed the people of the whole country about the situation of the Dragon Kingdom.Of course, except for the specific details of the Hollow Seabed City, he could not disclose the ultimate role of the Hollow Seabed City.

Otherwise, it is difficult to predict the international response.

The disaster notification this time included the land and area where the Dragon Kingdom sank on the bottom of the sea, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy during the notification.

Indeed, for the people of the Long Kingdom, the homeland of heart has indeed suffered a major blow in this disaster.

The only lucky thing is probably... people are still alive! Su Jiu finished this paragraph and smiled slightly at the people of the whole country: "All the people in the southern part of the Long Kingdom have returned to the embrace of the motherland, but we live in a limited area, the Tibetan grassland. It’s too far away, so the motherland decided to open up the sacred mountain forest for the whole people, expand the range of the grassland, and let everyone free up a place to live as soon as possible."

"The living conditions are a unified yurt. People in the south can experience the special way of living in the plateau government."

"The chiefs of the provinces and governments have done a good job in the distribution of logging tools and materials, and the obtained wood materials can be transported to the hollow city for building houses, and the useless wood will be made into charcoal to supply small energy production. I now announce that the national wasteland reclamation will officially begin tomorrow. ! It is estimated that the housing problem of 800 million people will be solved within three days!"

.... "Wow!! The whole people open up wasteland! Are we going to shovel all the jungle."

"Solving the housing problem of 800 million people is awesome!"


Got it, haha, I will start working as a lumberjack tomorrow!"


After the press conference of Su Jiu's national bulletin was finished, it was possible to hear the loud cheers from outside the yurt resettlement area.

In this current situation, probably only when the whole people work together can they arouse everyone's fighting spirit! May 15, 2

All young and middle-aged people across the country have received logging tools and set off.

Although there are special logging equipment in China, but the number is not large, we still need to rely on manpower at this time.

Pieces of forest were torn down, and a large amount of wood began to flow into the hollow city.

The entire sacred mountain grassland is a busy scene! After the huge tsunami disaster a few days ago, the Long Kingdom lost a large area of ​​land. The satellites on the entire Long Kingdom ground, and the base stations do not exist! The satellites under the Long Kingdom sacred mountain, , The picture was finally exposed to the eyes of the world.

Of course, it doesn't matter anymore at this time, and all countries are developing their own construction.

The Northern Bear Country is building a new huge city, and Ulanba is also starting to build a city in Wusu Lake.

Only Kazakh is not keen on building the city.

When the towering circular walls of Hollow City were exposed to the eyes of the world.

Everyone was shocked!!! In just a few months, Longguo actually built such a huge city under the remaining feet.

Although some video materials have been obtained before, the prototype of the city of the Dragon Kingdom at that time has not been completed after all.

The city wall, all paved with super alloy, enveloped a huge area.

In the city, the planning is also very neat, but the urban residential area within the city wall has not yet started! However, the nearly 1,000-meter-high city wall is enough to shock.

The city wall is not only very high, but also very wide.In order to ensure the stability of the city wall, many triangular slopes have been built inside the city wall.

This city wall is terrifying as a human building! "My God!! That is the new city of the Dragon Kingdom!! Are they building a fortress? Such a high wall, even if the tsunami comes, it won't be crushed!"

In the parliament hall of the Northern Bear Nation, everyone looked at the satellite, the giant city in the picture.

It was shocking.

too exaggerated.

This city can accommodate one billion people! "You see these...have you seen the transport trucks that connect the city? They are transporting wood to the city, and they are ready to start doing the city It's planned."

"Why so fast! With such a big siege, their foundation has already been laid!"

"Paved it early, Dragon Kingdom was built very early in this giant city here, and the foundation has already been completed."

"Long Country's infrastructure capacity is indeed the highest in the world, we don't admire them, they are worthy of being a major infrastructure country!"

"Yes, this country of infrastructure madness is playing its greatest advantage, a giant city of one billion people, and it is said to be built!"

"It's so comfortable to live in such a giant city. It feels too safe. Our new city foundation has not been laid."

The others turned to look at the official who was speaking.

"Ross, you are joking, Long Kingdom can let us live in"

"Hey, Long Country's urban planning obviously didn't take the rest of the world into consideration. Dispel your thoughts. Your idea is very dangerous. There are more than a billion people gathered under the Dragon Country's sacred mountain. They are not... irritable. "


"I'm just talking, aren't we also building cities ourselves, and the cities we are building are more modern and can live comfortably."

Northern Bear Country knocked on the table and said impatiently: "Well, Long Country built such a big city because they have so many people. We don't need such a big city, but can you tell me why we The progress of the project will be so slow!! I can't even see the shadow of the city now, what have you done for so long?"

General Secretary Yusob spread his hands, glanced at his watch, and said helplessly: "It's 6:6 in the afternoon, I'm afraid our citizens have already started off work! This is the reason for the slow progress!!"

Northern Xiong Country's eyes widened in disbelief, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"What did you say is off work!! Bastard!! Are you kidding me, do they think I have to pay them a salary when it is now?"

Yusob spread his hands again, "We have been paying wages! Two servings of food per person per day, or other materials in need!"


Everyone was silent! Northern Bear Country's expression became extremely bad, and he stood up in the shock of everyone's eyes.

"What a good thing you have done! As the administrators of a country, you don't even know how to guide the people. Can our food reserves stand up to such distribution?"


Northern Bear Country slapped a palm on the table, and a fierce aura broke out from him.

He only heard him say in a chilling tone, "From today! All the workers in the country who participate in the construction of cities can obtain the right to live in the city. Others, either do it or get out of it!!!"

!!! Either do it or get out!! This sentence is so familiar!! When the Northern Bear Kingdom first came to power, he said similar things to all the oligarchs in the country!! It is precisely because of his tough style, he In order to bring the Northern Bear Country to the spire of the International Pyramid.

Of course, the people of the Northern Bear Kingdom are like him, with an extremely tough style! The title of a fighting nation is vividly expressed in him! All the officials were forced to go out to do things due to his aura.

Northern Bear Nation, I am afraid that the sky will change.

This is intended to be shocked! ...Kazakh.

After the influx of refugees from Ouzhou and the Middle East, the domestic population once exceeded 700 million!! This growth rate is extremely exaggerated!! The chaos caused by the population explosion began to appear!! The food that people distribute every day With fewer and fewer cases, I finally got a little impatient.

The uncultivated wasteland, the potatoes that have been planted have not yet been harvested, and now they can only rely on the materials distributed by Kazakh to survive.

These supplies are still the only batch of support from various countries! Now that all countries have squeezed their pockets, where will they help again! There have been countless robberies, fights, fights, and even murders in the resettlement areas divided by various places. This point is actually related to the surge in the number of refugees, but Kazakh's ability to deal with these matters is really too weak.

Almost holding an attitude of letting it go.

And Kazakh only discovered at this time that they simply did not have the ability to resolve these incidents!! "Fak!! We have to shoot for four or five hours each time we receive relief. For dinner, what are the Kazakh managers doing!"

"They want to starve us to death!"

"We worked desperately to plant food on the entire plain, but we almost couldn't eat enough!"

"I can't do it anymore, why is this potato not yet ripe!"

"! I hate potatoes, I quit, I want to eat meat!"

"There are so many beasts in the eight hundred miles of mountains and forests in Kazakhstan!"

"Yes! When the wild beasts migrated, they all ran into the mountain forests of eight hundred miles!!"


When people think of the beasts, they are surprised to find that all the weapons they brought from their homes have been confiscated by Kazakh!! "Fak! We have no weapons!"

"Our weapons have been taken away!"

"If I had a rifle, I could go hunting by myself!"


Everyone began to look at those... who just migrated in and are still there: people who migrated to Kazakhstan!! Many of their countries can't help but shoot: Yes.

They have weapons!! They have guns and bullets!!——————

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