"Then the three of us will take turns to fight with you..."The lily behind Yukimura is in full bloom.

"Why is it my business?" Nioh blinked innocently, he was just a simple bystander, but he was innocent. I don't want to join in the excitement now, what if Sanada or this Xiaohai takes the lead in remembering something?

"Nioh comes first, Ryu comes second, and I'm last!" Yukimura directly ignored Nioh's 'innocence' and finalized the order

, "Nioh-kun, go...", Ryu patted Nioh on the shoulder and gave him a lip sync: 'Come on, Sanada-kun!'

Nioh: ... Poof~ His group of teammates are really simple!

"Well, it's not me who is unlucky in the end anyway!" He was originally a fox, so naturally he had nothing to do to toss and toss others, anyway, the unlucky one was the unlucky kelp below, and it wasn't him!

Nioh stretched his waist, shook his head, and glanced at Kirihara with pity, Yukimura was going to teach Kirihara a lesson thoroughly!

The original cut over there, who didn't realize the 'malice' of the seniors, heard that the three of them were going to fight him, and excitedly amplified the words, "Haha, I want to see which of you is my subordinate defeat!" "Even if one is so strong, it can't be three, all four are so strong!

Kirihara grinned, today is the time for him Chiya Kirihara to be famous in the Lihai University Tennis Club!

Nioh is speechless, this kid, a little stupid... He moved his shoulders and said, let's do it, let's teach the lovely kelp king to be a man today!

"How long did it take Sanada just now?" Nioh asked Yanagi.

"About 15 minutes~" Liu flipped through his notebook and finally gave a clear number, "15 minutes and 38 seconds, do you want to try to break this record?" Ryu was excited and ready to start flipping back to Nioh's part.

Nioh tilted his head and looked at Sanada defiantly, "Oops~ Sanada is the deputy minister, if I fight faster than him, why don't this deputy minister want me to be the deputy minister?" "

You break my record first!" Sanada said coldly, "This kelp, no, Kirihara's strength is not weak, don't capsize the boat..."After speaking, he frowned himself, anyone who stood with this guy for a long time and took him with him, they all started to call Kirihara kelp, as a member of the Discipline Committee, how can this be done!

"Oh, bald senior, you're weak!" Kirihara's eyes rolled around excitedly. Sanada's words just now made him misunderstand Nioh's strength.

Poof~ What the hell is the white-headed senior, even the seniors of Byodoin don't dare to call me that! (Yes, he calls you Little White Hair, but you don't know) Little

Kelp, you really want your seniors to teach you how to be a man, right? Nioh laughed angrily.

"Kelp, did you just come out of the water today? How do you look tired! Nioh smiled and said something striking.

Kombu, no, Kirihara glared and said angrily, "Don't think you're a senior, you can say that about me - look at me, fingertip serve!" "

Bend your fingers and buckle them inward, clasp the tennis ball tightly, and throw it hard...

It's a strange serve... A bit of a road. Heh, Nioh sneered, and then, calmly complained.

"Oh, kelp, are you going to pick your hand into the ball, tennis is precious, you have to lose money!" As he spoke, he calmly took a step back, leaned forward on his left side, covered his right hand, and the muscles of his right arm contracted where he couldn't see him, swinging -

as if a fierce wind flew by, in the blink of an eye, Kirihara didn't worry about coming, the ball crossed him and landed...

"This..."Kirihara jumped to his feet angrily, "You are cheating, I didn't see your right hand at all just now..."

Kirihara found that the white-haired senior on the opposite side was really too shrewd, and the left body completely covered his right hand, and with his line of sight, he couldn't see the attack of the opponent's right hand at all.

"Kelp, do you know what a senior is, a senior is here to teach you how to be a man!" Nioh calmly spread his hands, with an expression that I am for your good. "In the face of this kind of thing, you have to say thank you to your seniors!"

"Thank you?" I thank you for me off?

"You wait for me, I won't let you go..."Nioh's shameless words, cut the original half to death, I have never seen such a difficult senior

, "fingertip serve~" Although it is still called a fingertip serve, but the strength and speed have increased greatly, this time in order to avoid the previous situation, the ball was specially sent to the corner, even if Nioh really received it, he would not give him a chance to deceive him visually.

In Kirihara's expectant gaze, Nioh did not block his right hand this time...

After he ran to the point where the ball landed, he calmly... The second knife changed his left hand... Keep blocking!

The wind blew, and Kirihara was stunned.

What just happened....

"Are you left-handed?" Kirihara trembled and pointed to Nioh's left hand, "You're left-handed, why didn't you tell me in advance?" "

Kelp? Why are you so stupid Senior is left-handed, why should you tell you?

Nioh spoke in a special and earnest tone. I'm so anxious for Kirihara... This senior, can't you speak faster? Death in a hurry!

"Can't you just talk faster?" Grind died.

As soon as these words came out, Nioh became even slower, "How can it be so anxious at such a young age?" Kelp, kelp, you still have a lot to learn, take your time..."

"Take your time, after two or three years, you can always tie me 6:1." Nioh smiled and spat out the last few words.

If everything in front of you is bearable, the last one is really heart-wrenching!

"You guy, are you playing tricks on me here!" Kirihara was furious, "I must let you see how good I am!" Ahh

"Yo he~ Is there more power in anger?" Nioh calculated slowly, and reminded Ryu loudly by the way, "Ryu remembers, his state is quite interesting—" Ryu


"Poof~ You see you playing a game, and you can't even force people out of this state? How did you get a 6:0 with him? Nioh didn't forget to tease Sanada, and after saying Sanada, he continued to breathe Hara, "Kombu, alas, you said that you worked so hard, why still can't you get a point?" "

Kirihara: ... There's nothing more murderous than this!

"Well, we'll have to change our strategy later...", taking notes, remembering the hot Yanagichi.

"Why do you say that all of a sudden?" Yukimura asked.

"In this state, it's okay to be beaten two more 6:0, if one accidentally gets angry! If something happens, then it can't be done! "After watching Nioh's whole performance, Ryu is really worried, what if this such green kelp runs into another river?" Now, it's hard to find a talented year, so you still have to be a little more restrained... Learn about sustainability strategies! "

What you said makes sense, even if you bully, you have to wait until you catch us in the bowl before bullying..."Yukimura nodded in agreement, agreeing with Yanagi's idea.

"Give Nioh a look, don't let him bully him too much!"

"He's measured!" The willow head didn't raise his head, "His strength has been sneaky for half a year, and he has made rapid progress, especially in all kinds of angry words..."

Nioh has progressed!

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