"Tut-tut..."Nioha looked at Kirihara who was lying on the ground panting and sweating, "I told you, the game should be played slowly and rhythmically, what do you say you are in such a hurry..."

Angry and tired, he couldn't speak, so he could only stare at Nioh's Kirihara viciously, "I... I—" struggled to his feet.

Nioh applauded Kirihara in his heart, he was angry with him to such an extent, and he was still so strong, it was rare!

Actually, he still wanted to applaud in front of Kirihara more, but he was afraid that after the drumming, Kirihara would be even more angry, so he still drummed in his heart!

Nioh sighed, and sure enough, he was promoted to the second grade, and he also has the demeanor of his predecessors!

Nioh's expression was wiped out by Kirihara, who was staring at him, this senior, how can this be like this?


"I-I'm going to stain you red!" His eyes turned red, the muscles on his arms exploded, and the white and tender cut circle instantly turned into a Saiyan, and the tennis ball flew towards Nioh's arm...

Nioh's pupils constricted, and his eyes and hands quickly retreated. However, it is still impossible to avoid it.

One didn't react, and the tennis ball grazed Nioh's arm, leaving a trail of blood.

Nioh: "Tsk!

Tennis hits the arm, this is violent tennis.

Playing seniors on violent tennis?! Kelp, you're idealistic, aren't you?

In this case

, Nioh was expressionless: "Little kelp, it seems that the seniors didn't teach you how to be a good junior before!"

Instantly concentrated, the white light flashed, and the archery skills that I had learned for a year were integrated into tennis, speed, accuracy, and the feeling of being targeted by bows and arrows... The moment Nioh raised his hand, it all burst out of the way towards Kirihara's realm.

Kirihara, who was obviously in the red-eyed period, should not be afraid of everything in the outside world, but when Nioh raised his hand, cold sweat broke out on Kirihara's back, as if he was being targeted by a carnivore, and the intuition of the food chain made him sober...

An arrow with a yellow glow passed through Kirihara's 'body'...

Kirihara: "...!"

Damn, how can it be so fast? What does it feel like to pierce your heart with an arrow? Should it hurt?

Kirihara didn't know.

Kirihara looked at the tennis ball that had been plunged into the ground like a bow and arrow, and swallowed hard.

Everything that has just happened seems to be an illusion, where did this arrow, no, this ball, come from?

If it's against him, or if it's not against him?

Kirihara's silly child's expression pleased Nioh.

But...... Not enough!

It's a lesson. How can a ball be considered a lesson?

Arrow after arrow... Flying towards him from the other side one after another!

Kirihara was sweating profusely: "..."What should I do?"

No matter how you swing the racket, the sharp and slender arrow can fly through the hole in the racket, and it will not hit at all!

By the time Kirihara reacted, he had been beaten to the ground by Nioh again!


Handsome raised his hand to put the racket on his shoulder, "Kombu, this story tells you, don't casually play any Saiyan transformation in front of your seniors..."

Nioh made a throat-slitting gesture, "Otherwise, be careful... Yes! "

Handsome departure.

The face touched the ground, and the cold touch made Kirihara's brain gradually clear, "... It hurts..."The whole body hurts, obviously the skin is still fair, but the inside is like squatting in the toilet for half an hour, numbness with a feeling of pins and needles!

Kirihara: "Shhh It hurts!

Ryu walked over and said, "How's it going?" Is it good to provoke Nioh's end?

Kirihara rubbed his arms, rubbed his legs, and looked up disdainfully: "Who are you?"

Liu: "... I'm your next opponent! "


Nioh walked over to Yukimura with his racket, not caring at all about Yukimura and Sanada's looks.

Yukimura was interested: "It seems that there have been a lot of tricks hidden in the past six months!"

Nioh smiled, "How can it be called hidden?" It's just that there is no competition in the second half of the year, so I didn't have time to use it! "

After the national tournament in August, there are basically no tennis games to follow in the middle school area. High school does, but they can't participate!

In Nioh's theory, if you don't hurry up in the past six months, sneak up on further steps, when will you wait?


Nioh looked at the two next to him slyly, "I'm embarrassed to say me, aren't you two too?" Sanada's - Wind Forest Volcano has been completed! The power has at least doubled compared to last year... And Yukimura—"

Nioh smiled meaningfully and said no more. Everyone understands the truth, the best person in this tennis club will always be Yukimura!

Yukimura: "Well, I'm wondering who of you is going to challenge me this year?"

This was said with a sigh on his face, and he sounded very lost and disappointed.

It's a pity that no one will pay for Yukimura's 'pretending', joke, it's been a year, and everyone knows who you are! Don't be here with acquaintances, pretend to be innocent little white flowers!

Who doesn't know who?

Yukimura: ... The members of the department, it's not good to be too shrewd, all of them are so ghostly, can't they be fooled by pretending to be pitiful?

As he spoke, Ryu's game was nearing its end...

Seeing Kirihara being hit again, Nioh was amazed.

Then he proposed, "It's really not good, you can find that kelp..."

Nioh began to play with the characteristics of Bala kelp, [Playing ball has its own characteristics, fierce, powerful, and is a malleable talent! Something like that!

The character of resisting falling and fighting that is showing now is too suitable for Yukimura to be a 'sandbag'.

Sanada: "Is it really good for you to treat juniors like this?"

Yukimura bowed his head and pondered: "That's a good fit, but

..." Sanada: "..."You don't even refuse?"

Alas, the tennis club is terrible!

Sanada thinks so, and so does Kirihara below.

Suddenly, Nioh said calmly, "15 minutes and 53 seconds~"

Yanagi's game is over.


Kirihara's brain was blank, and before the game began, Kirihara really didn't expect that there were so many masters in the tennis department of Lihai University... Obviously, he has defeated so many second-graders and third-graders, but, why?

What about such a big heel here?

Moreover, there is one last one -

now, Kirihara is tired and almost can't stand up. However, looking at Yukimura, who was now there in his clothes at the end, he gritted his teeth and challenged, "There is one last one - continue..." Yukimura

was silent for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Nioh sighed and asked Yanagi, "You beat him like that, and he still wants to challenge Yukimura?"

"yes, I was surprised!" Ryu took out a notebook and recorded his experience in the game (Kirihara's data).

Yukimura walked down with a smile and gave Kirihara a love education!

Nioh touched his chin and was full of interest, "Such a tenacious and good seed... Not much more! "

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