Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 60 The Knights of the Round Table sacrificed, Lancelot, the Lady of the Lake appeared, and A

In the city of Camelot, Arthur was wearing golden armor, his long golden hair shone like the sun, and on his waist hung the sword in the stone, which was famous throughout the Celtic continent and symbolized the kingship.

At this time, all the soldiers on the city saw this and knelt down to salute.

"Greetings, King Arthur!"

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"Greetings, King Arthur!"

Surrounded by a group of ministers and Merlin, Arthur came to the edge of the city and looked at the army that was tirelessly and painfully trying to attack the city and climb the city.

Yes, it was the army!

Although the creatures outside the city were the tribes of the Celtic mythological world, most of them were common fairies, dwarves, trolls, and even goblins.

But no matter who it was, they could feel that there was no feeling in the eyes of these creatures. They were obviously just puppets driven by the devil.

"These guys know no fatigue, no pain, and if they keep attacking like this... the royal city will fall sooner or later!"

A handsome young man, wearing armor, came to Arthur with a serious look and said slowly: "Moreover, the invaders outside the city are still unimaginably powerful. Whether they are magicians or knights, as long as they expose their positions, they will die inexplicably immediately!"

"But the strange thing is that they have such strength, but they are not in a hurry to break through the royal city... It seems that they are waiting for something?"

After the voice fell, the faces of the ministers who followed Arthur to the top of the city were a little ugly.

Among them, a court minister immediately shouted: "Lancelot, didn't you Knights of the Round Table go into battle?"

"Just let the demons outside the city act so recklessly and trample on the Kingdom of Camelot?"


This Knight of the Round Table, who will be famous in Celtic mythology in the future, has not been entangled by fate at this moment... It is not even certain whether there is such a future.


Lancelot did not answer the court minister's words, but looked at Arthur, with a trembling tone, and said: "Garet, Gerans and Gaheris have all died. In order to avenge them, Gawain took the initiative to go out of the city to fight, was seriously injured and dying, and was finally rescued."

The voice fell!

Arthur's face froze for a moment, raised his hand and pressed the sword in the stone at his waist, without saying a word.

The ministers looked at each other, a little puzzled, wondering why Arthur felt a little sad after hearing these words?

An insider whispered to the ministers that the names Lancelot mentioned just now were all Knights of the Round Table.

Moreover, he was the leader of the Knights of the Round Table and one of the twelve Knights of the Round Table.

Hearing this, the ministers trembled in their hearts.

If that's the case, now the twelve Knights of the Round Table... have already sacrificed three! ?

That was the Knight of the Round Table who was known to be able to fight ten thousand with one and never lost on the battlefield!

"The Kingdom of Camelot... has no hope!" A court minister muttered to himself, stumbling back a few steps.

Even the Knights of the Round Table were defeated, what hope is there for the Kingdom of Camelot?

"No, why is Gawain still alive?"

Suddenly, someone was shocked and couldn't help asking: "Three Knights of the Round Table have died, only Gawain survived... why is that?"

The Knights of the Round Table are the pinnacle of all knights in the Kingdom of Camelot. They are not only powerful, but also have excellent moral character. They are blessed by the gods.

Everyone has the strength to fight against ten thousand people, and can fight their way out even in desperate situations.

The twelve Knights of the Round Table selected by Arthur are collectively called the Twelve Knights of the Round Table. They are the most powerful among all the Knights of the Round Table.

Among them, Lancelot is the leader of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table and the most powerful among the Knights of the Round Table.

If divided by the prehistoric world, Lancelot's strength has reached the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

The Garrett, Gerans, and Gaheris he just mentioned are also among the twelve Knights of the Round Table.

But their strength is slightly inferior, only about the peak of the Xuanxian Realm to the middle of the Jinxian Realm.

As for Gawain... He is known as the most graceful knight, and is the second only to Lancelot among the Knights of the Round Table.

"Because someone rescued Gawain, he was able to save his life." Lancelot said after a moment of silence.


The ministers couldn't help asking, and even Arthur cast his eyes.

No one knew better than him how powerful the invaders outside the city were.

Even if he recruited all the people in the Camelot Royal City to help defend the city and fight the battle to defend the royal city, he could only barely slow down the pace of the invaders outside the city.

But now, someone can save Gawain from the desperate situation from these invaders?

Could it be that a certain upper Lord God has descended?

Lancelot did not speak, but cast his eyes to the top of the city in another direction. There, at some point, a graceful figure stood barefoot on the city wall, with peerless grace and graceful presence.


When Merlin, who had been following Arthur, saw the existence of the figure, he suddenly shuddered, then ran to the other party with great speed and knelt down directly.

"Lady Goddess, I didn't expect you to come to Camelot in person!"


The ministers looked at each other for a long time. It was the first time they knew that Merlin actually had a god he believed in?

Who is this goddess?

"The Fairy of the Lake, she seems to be looking for your Majesty and Merlin." Lancelot spoke at this time.

The Fairy of the Lake... the enchantress of the Holy Lake! ?

The ministers were shocked and couldn't help but cast their eyes, wondering and uncertain.

This is a god in the Kingdom of Camelot, with countless stories and legends... If we talk about popularity, it may even be more popular than the twelve upper gods of the Tuatha de Dana.

"I'll go and see, you stay here."

Arthur pondered for a moment, and didn't think that the Fairy of the Lake found him at this time just to help him save the life of a Knight of the Round Table.

Although Gawain is very important to him, in the eyes of the gods... maybe all humans are the same, not important.

So, as Lancelot said, the Fairy of the Lake came to find him.

At this time, at another top of the city wall of Camelot, the Fairy of the Lake stepped barefoot on the uneven stone pier, looking out of the city with her beautiful eyes, as if she could see everything outside the city.

Of course, this also includes the army that is constantly climbing and attacking the city.

“This method looks a bit like the evil wizard... but it is probably much better than the wizard’s method!” The Fairy of the Lake looked at it for a while and couldn’t help sighing in her heart.

The situation of the Kingdom of Camelot... is much worse than she imagined!

At this moment, Arthur came over with the Sword in the Stone. The golden shining armor, worn on his body, added a bit of the king’s majesty and solemn temperament to him.

Even the Fairy of the Lake was dazzled for a moment, but then she regained her composure, looked at Arthur who was coming, and slowly said: “Arthur, are you willing to surrender?”

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