Attack the myths of the heavens and create the Taoist Tibetan wilderness!

Chapter 61 The Daughter of the King of Gods, the Fallen Goddess, the Birth of the King of Knights, t

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What! ?

As soon as the Fairy of the Lake spoke, Arthur and Merlin were stunned.

Is this... the gods trying to persuade the King of Camelot to surrender?

"Lady Goddess, can't the gods of Avalon destroy these invaders or expel them?" Merlin couldn't help asking, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He didn't expect that the gods of Avalon hadn't shown up, not because they were trying to find a solution, but because they had no solution at all!

"Merlin?" Arthur frowned, thinking that this was an offense to the Fairy of the Lake.

Most importantly, as a believer of the Fairy of the Lake, Merlin wouldn't be so reckless.

However, the Fairy of the Lake did not seem to feel offended when she heard this, and said lightly: "Don't worry, he believes in the Fairy of the Lake, the fallen goddess, not me, so don't feel that he is offended."

"Someone among you humans has offered a sacrifice to Morrigan, and asked one of her artifacts to descend, and exiled one of the invaders to the world of nothingness, and he should never come back."

The Fairy of the Lake's tone was very flat, as if she was talking about something insignificant.

But the information revealed in it shocked Arthur and Merlin. They didn't expect that someone among humans would expel an invader!

Although it was with the help of the power of Morrigan, the goddess of death and war, it was undoubtedly good news to boost morale for the invaded Celtic mythology world.

Hmm? !

Suddenly, the joy on Arthur's face froze for a moment, and he realized that the Fairy of the Lake... seemed to have said something else just now?

"Fallen... goddess?" Arthur stared at the Fairy of the Lake in front of him blankly.

At this moment, he seemed to finally react. This fairy in the lake seemed a little different from when they met at the holy lake before?

"Didn't you tell him?"

The fairy in the lake glanced at the silent Merlin, and then looked at Arthur with a dull face, and said lightly: "The one you met in the holy lake before was the fairy in the lake. That was the appearance after "I fell". I was willing to sleep in the holy lake, guarding the holy sword, waiting for the eternal king of the Kingdom of Camelot, and have a destined encounter with him!"

"But now I am the daughter of Nuada, the king of the gods, and the goddess of life, divination, prophecy, knowledge, poetry... all sources!"


Arthur's heart seemed to have set off a huge wave, and he looked at the fairy in the lake with a dull face... or now it should be called the daughter of the king of gods, Brighid!

At the same time, it is also one of the twelve upper gods of the Tuatha de Danan in Celtic mythology.

"But your power..." Arthur looked at Bridget in doubt, the latter still only had the power equivalent to the Taiyi Jinxian Realm.

This realm of cultivation is far from matching the identity of the Twelve Upper Gods of Celtic Mythology.

"Not all gods are based on power." Bridget glanced at Arthur casually and said lightly.

This means that she did not become the Twelve Upper Gods of the Celtic Mythology World by strength.

But at the same time, it also shows that Bridget must have her own specialness, far more than just the daughter of the God King, otherwise it would be impossible to become one of the Twelve Upper Gods of the Celtic Mythology World.

"Two personalities?" Arthur asked curiously.

"No, that's not the case, Your Majesty Arthur. The goddess once tried to merge with the world to prevent the first war of the gods, but ultimately failed."

Merlin stood up and slowly explained: "Therefore, the consequence is that the goddess split into two independent individuals."

"One is the daughter of the King of Gods, the goddess of life, Lady Bridget."

"And the other is the Fairy of the Lake. For the future of the Celtic continent and the future of the gods, she guards the holy sword and waits for the arrival of the Eternal King in the Holy Lake."

"That is you... Your Majesty Arthur!"

The voice fell!

Arthur's eyes condensed slightly, thinking.

In other words, Bridget is the Fairy of the Lake, but the Fairy of the Lake is not Bridget.

The relationship between the two is very complicated, but there is a master-servant order.

That is, Bridget is the master, and the Fairy of the Lake is the second.

No wonder Merlin is so in awe of Bridget...When Merlin saw the Fairy of the Lake before, although he also respected her, he was not as afraid as he is now.

Thinking of this, Arthur glanced at Merlin, and then looked at Bridget again, wondering: "Since you are the daughter of the King of Gods, why do you still want to persuade me to surrender?"

The Kingdom of Camelot is a country watched by the gods, and it is entrusted with the expectations of countless gods. They want the Kingdom of Camelot to end the situation of the Celtic continent where disputes continue and rule the entire territory.

This is also the destiny that Arthur was born to carry.

The name of the Eternal King means a lot of things.

But now, as the daughter of the King of Gods, Bridget is trying to persuade Arthur to surrender.

This also puzzled the latter.

"Because we can't win, if we continue to fight, the Kingdom of Camelot will be reduced to ruins." Bridget still said calmly.

Can't win?

Hearing this, Arthur turned his head and looked outside the city. The once vast plain has now become a bloody hell!

Countless corpses piled up into mountains... and countless blood flowed into rivers!

This is war!

Arthur saw these cruel scenes one after another, making it difficult for him to calm down.

"Goddess... Although I know what you said is right, as the king of Camelot, I cannot surrender!"

Arthur held the sword in the stone at his waist and slowly pulled it out. The sun-like shining light slowly rose on the top of the city!

In an instant, all eyes inside and outside the city chased this light, as if the sun in the sky fell into the earth.

"In the name of Arthur Pendragon, as the king of Camelot, I will fight until the last drop of blood is shed, and I will never surrender or retreat!" Arthur raised the sword in the stone and shouted loudly.

His voice reached the end of the sky, as if he was speaking to the whole world and reaching the ears of the gods.

At the same time, all the creatures in the entire Camelot Kingdom also heard his voice.

"The Knights of the Round Table are willing to follow King Arthur to death!"

"Always loyal, never betray!!"

Countless knights knelt down and bowed their heads to Arthur.

And the first one... was Lancelot, the leader of the twelve Knights of the Round Table!


At this moment, Arthur is no longer the eternal king predicted by the gods.

He is the king of Camelot, the king of knights to whom all the Knights of the Round Table swear allegiance!

On the top of the city, Brigid looked at Arthur, who was determined and unshakable, and remained silent.

After a long time, she turned and left, leaving only a few words.

"When the Kingdom of Camelot is completely plunged into darkness...the gods will come and the world will usher in the end!"

"Death or life is at this moment!"

"Arthur, remember, don't believe in the gods...including me!"

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