“Well, I do have a permanent record pointer.”

A flurry of fumbling on the body.

Captain John finally found a record pointer.

This is a must for sailing in the Great Shipping Lane.

Great waterways, weather and currents are extremely complex.

Therefore, this pointer, which can feel the magnetic force of the island, can only be used to guide the navigation of the ship.

The so-called permanent record pointer is a special pointer that will always point in only one direction.

“The direction this pointer points to is the island where the Longhand and Longfoot are located.”

“Big Spider Island!”

“But they don’t seem to be in a good situation right now.”

Captain John said.

Hearing his words, Yas raised his eyebrows.

“What do you say?”

Captain John explained:

“The last time I went to Big Spider Island to look for treasure, I saw a large number of slave ships attacking those two races.”

“If it weren’t for the special terrain of Big Spider Island, I’m afraid it would have been broken by someone a long time ago.”

Speaking of this, Captain John shrugged his shoulders.

“After all, you know, this rare race can be sold for a good price on the black market.”

Hearing this, Manly, who came up with red wine, obviously shrunk her shoulders with some fear.

Captain John was a little embarrassed and hurriedly explained

“Well, I’m not talking about you, Ms. Manly.”

Manly shook her head and smiled.

“I know, if I hadn’t met my husband, maybe I would have ended up with them.”

Speaking of this, Manly couldn’t help but feel a little lucky.

If she hadn’t met Yas, she might have become the plaything of some nobleman by now.

Where can the servants be honored as the Serpent Lady on this island ship?

Ashmo clenched his chin.

“In that case, the next target is Big Spider Island!”

Captain John had anticipated Yas’s thoughts.

Of course, coveting women is nothing in this era.

As long as you have strength, John of hundreds, thousands of wives and concubines has also seen.

Not to mention that Yas only has four now.

The island ship quickly headed in the direction of the permanent pointer.

A month later.

Island ships are docked next to an island.

Ichihime was already able to run on deck.

And the speed could not even be kept up by the maids who took care of her.

Just as she was having fun, Yas picked her up and kissed her on the little cheek.

This action instantly caused Ichihime’s dissatisfaction.

“Daddy, dirty!”

She wiped her face in disgust, and her gaze towards Yas was full of resentment.

Yasi smiled, no way, his own little girl is too rare.

“Patriarch, a group of pirates have been spotted ahead!”

Yas instantly perked up.

The surging sight and smell domineering did not want money and scattered out.

Seven pirate ships instantly appeared in Yas’s perception.

“Are they all slave ships…”

Yas looked at the slave ship that was gradually heading towards him.

Every ship was fully loaded.

Even on the deck were placed one cage after another.

It is filled with humans with long hands and feet.

If nothing else, this should be the Long-Hand and Long-Foot tribes.

The island ship on which Yas was riding was too conspicuous.

The slave ships soon surrounded them.

Yas was surprised.

Because ordinary slave ships see such a huge island ship, they should choose to avoid conflict under the circumstances.

As a result, these slave ships actually took the initiative to meet them.

Lingling appeared beside Yasi and said lightly

“These guys are worried that their business will be divided by someone else.”

Yas was abrupt.

Also, both the long-handed and long-legged clans are very precious on the black market.

Therefore, the address of the island where they live is extremely precious.

One more person knows, and one more person may take away one more benefit.

“That is, these guys are here to stop us?”

Yas is right.

Soon, the lead slave ship immediately came out a one-eyed man.

“This is the territory of the Giant Sword Pirates, leave quickly!”

Yas glanced at John.

Does it mean, people here are so fierce?

Captain John explained:

“The Greatsword Pirates are one of the famous pirate groups in the New World, and their boss offers a bounty of 500 million Bailey’s beheading giant sword Dowamig.”

As soon as Yas wanted to speak, Captain John had already walked up on his own.

“My loyal captain can’t be taken lightly by this kind of miscellaneous.”

After such a long time, both John and his men have recognized their Tros family.

Or should I say that I recognized the boss of Yas!

That’s why you will take the initiative to choose to shoot at this time.

Under the one-eyed man’s incredulous gaze, Captain John pulled out his double knife.

“Erdao Wanhu!”

PS: Update starts today! Ask for support!

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