The dense blade made the one-eyed man speechless.

The slave ship under his feet was even chopped into a pile of wood chips.

He tried to resist, but was no match for Captain John, and was quickly defeated.

This is also the significance of Yas’s recruitment of its pirate group.

Otherwise, if you do everything yourself, it will be too unpressive.

As for all the slave ships, they rightfully fell into Yas’s hands.

“I tell you, our captain is Dovamig! , the bounty is as high as 500 million Baileys, if you do something to me, he will definitely not spare you!” ”

The one-eyed man growled.

Yas smiled wickedly.

“Kill it.”

Captain John had no surprise with this order.

Although Yas usually doesn’t kill much, it doesn’t mean that he will be insulted by others.

Captain John simply slashed out and killed the one-eyed man.

“Dovamig …”

He never saw this person in the original book.

But this is normal, after all, it is still decades before the beginning of the original book.

At this time, Roger is probably just making a little name.

Yas made people open the cage that held all the slaves.

These people were all clansmen of the Longhand and Longfoot tribesmen, and as soon as they came out, they constantly bowed to Yas, and they simply regarded them as gods.

“Tell me, what’s the situation on the island now?”

Yas’s huge body was like a hill, looking down on the group.

This scene made them even more in awe of Yas, and they all told the story of the island.

It turned out that a year earlier, Dovamig’s men had stumbled upon the island.

Immediately afterwards, Dovamig led the Giant Sword Pirate Group to arrest the Longhand Clan and Longfoot Clan above.

It was then sold to the famous Yumi family in the New World and obtained huge profits.

Under this oppression, the long-handed and long-footed tribes on the island also had to put aside their grudges and unite against the enemy.

But the strength of the Giant Sword Pirate Group is too strong, so they can only retreat step by step.

Relying on the lush jungle of Big Spider Island has been delayed by all kinds of monsters.

All the clansmen retreated deep into the forest.

Even so, as the number of pirates increases, hundreds of clansmen are still caught every day…

Hearing this, Yas slowly stood up and looked at the island in the distance.

Slowly said: “Don’t worry, I will protect you.” ”

As soon as these words came out, those slaves seemed to have light in their eyes, and the awe in their eyes became even stronger.

At this time, Dowamig was standing in the center of the battlefield.

It was a very burly man, five meters tall.

Holding a terrifying giant sword, it looked as wide as five or six meters.

It is not so much a sword as a shield.

And in front of him, hundreds of warriors of the long-legged clan.

The pirates of the Giant Sword Pirates were now holding weapons to their necks.

Dovamig stepped on the neck of a warrior with one foot and shouted towards the woods in front of him:

“Dorsia, can you bear to watch your people die like this?

The Dorcia he spoke of was the leader of the Longlegs.

Although the battle was fierce and deep, the Longfoot and Longhand tribe had twisted into a rope.

And commanded by a woman named Dorsia.

In order not to lose too many lives of his pirate group, Dovamig could only use such despicable means to make her submit.

As the leader, Dorsia was hiding in the forest at this time.

Looking at the scene in front of her, she clenched her teeth, but helplessly.

Because the warrior who was trampled under the feet of Dovamig is her own brother!

But for the freedom of all her clansmen, she couldn’t just tie her hands up.

Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to watch the death of his loved ones.

After such a long fight, Dorsia has fully understood what kind of person Dowamig really is.

Even if he went out, he was afraid that he would immediately launch a crazy attack on this forest.

Seeing that there was still no movement in the forest, Dowamig’s eyes narrowed, revealing a killing intent.

“Since you don’t come out…”

He raised the reddened sword in his hand and prepared to fight the long-legged warrior at his feet.

Just the moment he was about to fall.


A raging explosion suddenly sounded from the coastline.

The billowing smoke is like a pillar into the sky.

Dovamig looked to the sea, and the place where the explosion occurred was the port where the Greatsword Pirates docked their slave ships!

One of his men panted and ran to his captain and shouted:

“Captain! Captain, enemy attack! ”

“It’s the Pirates of All Nations!”

Dovamig’s face was extremely ugly.

Because of the Navy’s reward, the fame of the Pirates of All Nations is no small.

That’s why Dowamig felt the pressure in the first place.

And Dorsia, who was hiding in the woods, heard these words, and his heart sank.

The Giant Sword Pirate Group has not finished dealing with it, and another Pirate Group is coming?

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