Lin Jian was also waiting for He Lili's answer. The reason why she didn't take the initiative to ask was because she was afraid that this matter would hurt He Lili, and now so many people were there under the circumstances, and it was because she wanted to explain another matter. The reasons for speaking out must have made He Lili's words less harmful.

Lin Jian had such a purpose, she really didn't want to hurt He Lili.

However, He Lili was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

Do you want to say it? ?

He Lili was a little timid and scared. She had suffered a lot and suffered a lot of grievances because of this disease, and everyone didn't want to see her. Now, it was so hard to fight to switch from the key class to the physical education class. He Lili asked her why aggressively, but He Lili didn't want to say it.

So He Lili averted her gaze a little bit, and suddenly she was not so obsessed with the transfer of classes.

Seeing He Lili's evasive attitude, Lin Jian frowned. She knew that if He Lili didn't say anything today, she would never be able to tell the reason, and He Lili would still be bullied by others in the key class.

So Lin Jian frowned, and said calmly: "He Lili, please speak out. Only when you speak out, can everyone help you. If you don't speak up, you will be imprisoned in this circle forever, and you will never be able to get out."

Never ever get out?

He Lili thinks of her past. In the past few years, she has been staying at home, eating at home, living at home, studying at home, playing mobile phones and watching videos at home, and never stepping out of the house. It seems that she is really like her little aunt said Just like him, he imprisoned himself in this circle and never moved a bit.

But now that she was finally able to get out of this circle, she realized that her illness had become the most difficult barrier in this circle, making it impossible for her to take this step, so she is still in this circle.

So is she going to step out of this circle now?

He Lili was a little hesitant. She looked at Lin Jian, then at Lin Qiang in front of her, and then at the teacher who was staring at her. He Lili took a deep breath.

My aunt said to let her face the reality. Only in this way can she get out of her circle and grow up. Is this what my aunt means?

For the first time, He Lili began to face up to this issue, and really began to think clearly about this issue. She even once thought about what kind of reaction everyone would have after she told this matter. The big the worst ending, That is, everyone hates her, hates her, and as before, everyone stays away from her and avoids her.

Even the worst ending is not wrong, because He Lili firmly believes that my aunt will not do like those people, because even if everyone does this, my aunt will definitely stand by her side... right? ?

Thinking about it, He Lili couldn't help but looked up at Lin Jian and said, "Auntie, if I tell you the reason, you will still treat me like before, right?"

Lin Jian nodded and said: "No matter what the reason is, you are still my most cherished friend. I will not ignore you or bully you. Instead, I will praise you He Lili, because you have finally stepped out of your life. The first step, I will be very happy when you grow up."

After receiving Lin Jian's affirmative answer, He Lili finally regained her confidence. She even felt that it didn't matter if people all over the world hated and bullied her, because at least there were people who really loved her and were willing to be with her. ,that's enough.

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