Because her world is not for those people, but for the few people who are willing to cherish her! ! !

He Lili took a deep breath, she looked at Lin Qiang, Lin Qiang also nodded, and said: "I will not look at you differently or have colored glasses like my little aunt!"

After receiving the reply from these two people, He Lili finally looked up at the dean, and said seriously and seriously: "You want to know the reason, well, I can say, but it's not all my problem, because I have a very serious social phobia, I haven't been to school for several years, I don't want to deal with others, I don't want to talk to others, even I feel scared when others approach me, but people in the key class are all approaching me, which makes me feel scared, so I put my head down and ignored them, maybe that's why they were angry, but I don't think that's why they can bully me because I'm not a normal person."

He Lili clenched her fists as she spoke. Such words left her heart full of scars. Words like sick made her feel sad and strange. Yes, she is not a normal person, she is a sick person. Because of this disease, she has been bullied by too many people, and she has already been scarred!

Hearing what He Lili said, everyone was stunned for a moment, and the dean was even more shocked. This transfer student with excellent academic performance turned out to be a serious social fear, and the reason why he didn't go to school was because he was bullied by students before so that he couldn't go to school! !

Wei Qingxin was even more surprised. He didn't expect that the student he had tried his best to keep had such a problem? ? Social terror? ? Don't want to go to school and don't want to meet people? ?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it's not that He Lili is wrong, but those bullying children are wrong, but those children don't know that He Lili is sick. For a while, Wei Qingxin hesitated because he was still facing his students.

Seeing that the two teachers were frowning and not speaking, and they didn't mean to defend themselves, He Lili's heart suddenly turned cold. She frowned, her eyes were slightly red, and a few tears were faintly showing, yes, she She knew it would become like this, she knew...

He Lili became sad again, but Lin Jian stood aside and said indifferently and calmly: "Is it because of this that you bully He Lili? I think it's those people's fault, not He Lili's fault. Is it wrong? Is it wrong? Wrong, if there is something wrong with the disease, then all the people in the hospital are wrong, they are not qualified to live in this world, so it is not the sick patients who are wrong, but those who discriminate against patients and have a bad attitude They are the villains!"

Then she turned to look at Wei Qingxin and said, "Teacher Wei, do you think it's right?"

Wei Qingxin was so dumb when asked, he was speechless! !

Saying it is right, I always feel sorry for the students in my class, and saying it is wrong, and I feel that this matter seems to be right.

Wei Qingxin frowned, and finally decided to stand with the students in his class, he couldn't help but excuse his students: "They don't know about this situation, so we can't blame them all. "

So, in the final analysis, I can't blame my own students. As the students of the key class, they are still a group of good children who are very polite and positive!

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