Chu Yi quickly stopped Wu Tianqi, with a hint of excitement in his eyes, and he said excitedly:

"Senior, let me go! I want to know how strong these star thieves are."

At this moment, Chu Yi couldn't wait to fight these star thieves.

His body was shaking nervously, and his facial expression was filled with fighting spirit.

This is the first time Chu Yi has encountered such interstellar bandits in the universe. He really wants to go up and try his hand to see how strong these guys are.

Three minutes later...

A black star pirate warship majestically appeared in front of Chu Yi.

Its huge body is like a giant black iron tower, exuding a heart-stopping pressure.

The steady hull of the ship shone with cold metallic light, like a solitary mirror in the dark night.

On the black Star Thief warship, a terrifying skull flag hung high in the wind, and the scarlet flag streamer rustled with the strong wind.

The face of the skeleton reveals endless ferocity and evil, as if it is the ultimate mockery of the soul.

The skeletal lines on the flag are clear and sharp, like a demon's arms stretching into the boundless darkness, which is creepy.

Chu Yi asked calmly:

"Are you the star thieves?"

The star thief leader laughed and said:

"Haha, hand over the valuables quickly, or we will kill them all!"

Chu Yi immediately transformed into a god-killing spear and said with a proud smile:

"Star Thieves, that's all. They haven't reached the star level yet. What a bunch of rubbish!" His body posture was confident and arrogant, with a hint of pride and ridicule in his facial expression.

The star thief leader said angrily:

"Where did the boy come from? Come on, boys!"

The battle was about to break out, and the Star Pirates warship continued to fire countless laser cannons and gamma ray cannons at Chu Yi.

The World-Destroying Black Lotus suddenly appeared under Chu Yi's feet. He held the God-killing Spear in his hand and stepped on the World-Destroying Black Lotus. His body is steady and determined, and his facial expression expresses calmness and readiness to fight.

Seeing how powerful Chu Yi's aura was, the star thief leader instantly became timid.

He shouted:

"Run quickly, this guy is difficult to deal with, run quickly!" His body was tense and frightened, and his facial expression was full of fear and avoidance.

Chu Yi chuckled, a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.

As soon as he raised his hand, the evil energy on the God-killing Spear exploded, like a black lightning streaking across the space.

With the muzzle pointed, the god-killing spear shot towards the star thief leader like a sharp arrow.

"Let me see what strength you have, how dare you rob me!!"

The star thief leader's pupils shrank, he hurriedly avoided, and his figure instantly disappeared into the void.

However, the God-killing Spear was impartial and instantly penetrated the shield of the Star Thief battleship and hit the Star Thief leader hidden inside.

A scream rang out, and the body of the star thief leader was torn apart by energy bombs, and blood spurted out.

He screamed and fell to the deck of the Star Thief battleship, and the breath of life quickly disappeared.

"Don't kill me!! Don't kill me!!"

Chu Yi's eyes were cold and his figure was like a shadow. He stepped on the World-Destroying Black Lotus and quickly rushed towards the Star Thief warship.

The star thieves stood on the battleship in shock, staring intently at the powerful opponent in front of them, which they had never encountered before.

"Quick, kill him!!"

"The boss was injured by him! Let's go!!"

The star thief leader shouted angrily:

"Run quickly!! Why do I have idiots like you!!!"

"We are no match for this guy, run away you idiots!!"

"Boss, if we don't leave, we will kill this guy!!"

Laser cannons and gamma ray cannons came like raindrops, but Chu Yi easily dodged them.

The God-killing Spear in his hand danced like the wind, with every blow carrying destructive power.

The Star Thieves were all knocked down by him, their shields as fragile as tissue paper in front of him.

Chu Yi's eyes were cold and ruthless. He ruthlessly defeated the defense lines of the star thieves and quickly approached the core of the battleship.

The escape of the star thief leader had no meaning. They looked at Chu Yi's approach in despair, their hearts filled with despair and fear.

The star thief leader said with a trembling voice:

"Please let me go!! I'll give you all my money!!" His body trembled, his hands tremblingly grabbed Chu Yi's clothes, his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Chu Yi smiled calmly and said:

"Haha! Do you think I look like someone who is short of money?" His eyes were cold and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a kind of contempt.

The star thief leader said in a panic:

"I have a secret, and I trade my secret for my life!" His voice was filled with despair and anxiety, his hands tightly holding his clothes, his eyes constantly dodging.

Chu Yi shook his head coldly and said:

"If you're not interested, you can die!!" His voice was flat and ruthless, and his eyes were cold, as if he didn't care about the life and death of the star thief leader.

The star thief leader was trembling with fear, and the smell of urine assaulted his nostrils.

His face was pale, his whole body was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Chu Yi sneered and said:

"You guy, you were so scared that you pissed yourself. You are so spineless!!" His voice was sarcastic and cold, and his eyes were full of disdain and ridicule.

The star thief leader was filled with fear and unwillingness. He really didn’t want to die! He hasn't lived enough yet!

His thoughts flashed quickly. As long as he saved enough Galaxy Coins, he could buy genetic potions that would increase his lifespan and eventually reach the level of genetic Ascension.

Then you can continue to enjoy it. You must know that the Galaxy branch of their Star Thieves organization has everything.

He also had several concubines. The thought of it was so intoxicating that he really didn’t want to die!

The star thief leader kept kowtowing and said:

"Uncle, uncle!!"

"Please don't kill me. I have a three-hundred-year-old mother and a three-year-old baby. I can't afford to die!!" His voice trembled, his forehead kept hitting the ground, tears and snot mixed with his expression. Full of pleading and desperation.

Chu Yi's expression became weird. He frowned, with a trace of amusement in his eyes. The God-killing Spear pressed mercilessly on the neck of the star thief leader.

"Say it! If this secret satisfies me, I won't kill you..."

The star thief leader turned pale with fright, and said in a trembling voice:

"Yes, we found a space crack that seems to be connected to another world!"

Chu Yi interrupted him impatiently:

"Say it quickly, or I will kill you now!"

"I don't like to show off!"

The star thief leader quickly explained:

"No! Master, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

"It was a whole different world."

"And all the forces in the universe already know about it and have secretly sent people to explore it."

After Chu Yi listened, his expression became strange, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

If Chu Yi's guess is correct, the space crack should be the door to another world.

As for what kind of world is behind the space crack, it is unknown.

Chu Yi shook his head and said:

"Okay, I already know!! You can die!"

Just when the tip of the God-killing Spear was about to penetrate the chest of the star thief leader.

Wu Tianqi suddenly appeared, his voice was anxious, and he said to Chu Yi:

"Chu Yi, wait a minute, I know something about the space crack he just mentioned. It seems to be a door to another world."

"Ask him to tell you the specific location..."

The star thief raised his head and his eyes fell on Wu Tianqi. In an instant, his eyes widened and he said with a trembling voice:

"This is... a stellar powerhouse!"

You know, in the entire universe, stellar level warriors have the combat power of Apex Level!

It is definitely not comparable to those superficial people like mechanical Ascension and genetic Ascension.

This is a truly strong person who has cultivated to the star level! ! !

Wu Tianqi looked calm and said leisurely:

"Tell me! Where is the space crack?"

The star thief leader did not dare to hide anything and answered obediently:

"The location of the space crack is..."

The face of the star thief leader was full of fear and awe. He pointed at an old star map with trembling fingers.

A mark on the star map shines faintly, that is where the space rift is.

Wu Tianqi stared at the star map, his eyes shining with determination:

"It turns out to be this place..."

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