Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 227 Stellar Furnace, Cultivation In Sacred Land

Wu Tianqi and Chu Yi stood side by side on the bridge of the interstellar battleship, their eyes firm and resolute.

Their voices echo in the silence of the universe:

"let's go……"

As the star battleships quickly moved towards the New Human Empire, the starlight in the universe left a beautiful and stunning light trail behind them.

The process of ultra-distance interstellar jump is like a wonderful dance. The ship dances in the void, shuttles between galaxies, like a meteor streaking across the sky.

One day later, Chu Yi and others had arrived at the New Human Empire, and the speed was really too fast.

I saw that this huge empire had countless planets, each with prosperous cities and splendid civilizations.

Looking down from the star battleship, they seemed to be in a sea of ​​stars, feeling the endless glory and splendor of the new human empire.

Under the boundless starry sky, the new human empire is like a dazzling pearl, exuding dazzling light.

Star fleets slowly came from various planets, forming a spectacular formation, like the most beautiful dance in the starry sky.

Brilliant colored lights shuttle between the stars, like a cosmic symphony, with planets scattered like pearls in the starry sky.

Each planet has unique characteristics, some are surrounded by emerald green forests, while others are a golden desert.

On the surface of some planets, towering buildings, like magnificent castles, stand there, showing the glory of the new human civilization.

Here, the busy city is dotted on the earth like stars, with high-rise buildings rising from the ground, intertwining into a prosperous picture.

People are walking back and forth in the streets and alleys, and their busy pace seems to be the rhythm of new human civilization, full of infinite vitality and creativity.

Chu Yi's eyes widened, full of surprise and disbelief:

"This, how can there be so many habitable planets!" His heart was filled with shock.

Anna also felt incredible:

"Is this, is this the New Human Empire? It's unbelievable!" There was wonder and disbelief in her voice.

"Well, it's actually very simple..." Wu Tianqi explained with a smile on his face.

Chu Yi couldn't wait to ask:

"Senior, how on earth did you do this!"

Wu Tianqi kept smiling and slowly explained:

"These habitable planets were not originally in this galaxy. I moved them here from other places."

Chu Yi said in surprise:

"A planet moved here? This is too exaggerated!"

Wu Tianqi explained patiently:

"That's right, Chu Yi, you also have a space to connect to yourself in your own body. It's the same for everyone."

"I put these planets into my body and then I put them in their designated places."

Chu Yi suddenly realized and said:

“It’s possible to do this, why didn’t I think of it!!”

Wu Tianqi laughed and said:

"Chu Yi, I believe that you will be able to develop the Spark Empire in the future!" His voice was full of confidence and encouragement.

Wu Tianqi continued:

"Okay, Chu Yianna, I will take you to a place where you can quickly cultivate to the star level."

Chu Yi held Anna's hand tightly, his eyes full of expectation and desire.

You know, they came here because they needed to break through to the star level.

Chu Yi said excitedly:

"Senior, please take us there!"

Soon after, Wu Tianqi brought Chu Yi and Anna to the main star.

They came to an empty ground where a mysterious gate of time and space stood.

Wu Tianqi said encouragingly:

"Go in! The stellar furnace will definitely allow you to break through the stellar level in a short time!"

Chu Yi nodded, held Anna's hand tightly, and resolutely moved towards the gate of time and space.

The moment they stepped into the gate of time and space, they seemed to have entered a completely different world.

A terrifying energy immediately poured into their surroundings, and the energy of countless stars shone in the space.

Red, blue, and purple stars formed a splendid light that continued to attack Chu Yi and Anna.

Anna couldn't help shouting:

"Ayi, it's so hot! This energy is too powerful!" Her face was covered with sweat and her expression was in pain.

Suddenly, another wave of ice air hit, making Anna shiver.

"It's so cold!" Her body shivered involuntarily, obviously being attacked by the cold.

Immediately afterwards, a poisonous gas spread, and Chu Yi suddenly became alert.

"This is poisonous gas! This star is actually made of pure poisonous properties!"

"And this one is actually pure ice!" His eyes showed surprise and confusion.

"And this one! It's a star with the attribute of life!" Chu Yi murmured in disbelief.

The properties of stars are so rich, which completely subverts his world view.

It turns out that there are far more types of stars than imagined. This...

Chu Yi instantly activated the Primordial Origin ability, and a powerful energy surrounded him, forming a strong shield that covered Anna, demonstrating his protection for her.

He said excitedly:

"Xiao Na, quickly absorb this energy. This is the Sacred Land for cultivation. Wu Tianqi really didn't lie to us!!"

When Anna heard Chu Yi's words, a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes, and she replied firmly:


A look of concentration gradually appeared on her face. She frowned slightly and stared closely at the scene in front of her.

In this stellar furnace, she felt as if she were on the scene, feeling the heavenly existence of cultivation.

The speed of cultivation is unbelievable.

Anna's heart was full of determination:

"Only through this kind of practice can I really help A Yi!"

The surrounding energy poured into Anna's body continuously, like an endless force.

She could clearly feel every ounce of energy pouring into her body, as if traveling through her meridians and penetrating into every cell and blood vessel.

Every moment, subtle changes are happening quietly.

But Chu Yi had his unique idea. He thought of cultivating inside the star, so that the speed of cultivation would be faster.

Chu Yi looked up and saw a red star in front of his eyes.

Although its color is unremarkable, its huge size is awe-inspiring.

It shines brightly and exudes a mysterious and ancient atmosphere, as if it is a gem in the universe.

His heart was filled with excitement. He took a deep breath and his expression became firm:

"Very well, it's you!"

A terrifying heat wave hit Chu Yi, and he felt as if his body was surrounded by flames, with nowhere to escape.

This heat wave is full of the power of destruction and destruction.

Chu Yi cursed:

"Damn, this star is so powerful! It's even more powerful than the stars outside!!"

Chu Yi was wearing a dark gold robe, walking gracefully, with firm determination in his eyes.

His face was filled with fearlessness and perseverance, as if he had decided to conquer the entire universe.

When Chu Yi flew near the star, the intense light emitted by the star instantly enveloped him.

"Give it to me and devour it!!!"

In an instant, Chu Yi's body exuded a mysterious devouring power, like a hungry dragon, eager to devour the energy from the star.

The energy of the stars continued to flow into Chu Yi's body, and he felt the vast and surging power hitting his body like a violent storm.

He was not afraid, but instead longed for more energy, because he knew that only with enough energy could he reach a higher realm.

Chu Yi's cultivation speed became faster and faster, and his body seemed to become extremely transparent, as if he was integrated with the entire universe.

There was a mysterious and powerful aura surrounding him, so terrifying.

As a planetary Rank Ten superpower, it is countless times more difficult to break through to the stellar level than those of planetary Rank Nine superpowers.

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