Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 232 Starship Alliance Galaxy Branch, Starship Shopping

In the starry night sky, the Starfleet Alliance branch stood on a vast plain.

The towering buildings exude the light of future technology, illuminating the entire area brightly and brilliantly.

After a long time, Wu Tianqi took Chu Yianna into the Galaxy branch of the Starfleet Alliance, and they seemed to have entered a world full of infinite possibilities.

Stepping into the Starfleet Alliance branch, a burst of fresh air hit your face.

The environmental design here is unique, with large green plants dotted in the spacious hall, exuding a light floral fragrance.

Light spills onto the ground through the huge glass windows, creating a bright and warm atmosphere.

Here, people seem to be in a pleasant and comfortable green world.

In the square outside the Starfleet Alliance branch, a busy scene unfolded in front of Wu Tianqi and Chu Yianna.

Various interstellar battleships are parked in the sky, their fuselages shining with light of different colors, as if telling their own stories.

People come and go, loading and unloading in a busy and orderly manner, forming a busy and orderly picture.

Wu Tianqi and Chu Yianna came to the top observation deck of the Starfleet Alliance branch and looked at the interstellar universe in the distance.

Starship Alliance, as the most comprehensive and complete starship service provider in the universe, has an unfathomable background.

At this time, a silver-haired beauty slowly walked out. She is tall and tall, and a smile blooms on her demure face:

"Hello, dear Mr. Wu Tianqi, are you here to buy a starship?" Her voice was gentle and sweet, revealing a hint of expectation.

When Wu Tianqi heard this, he couldn't help laughing, his eyes shining with joy:

"Haha, it's Sophia! My friend is coming to buy a starship, please introduce him to me!"

Sophia looked at Chu Yi and Anna and immediately realized something.

A systematic and mechanical voice came from her mind:

"Unknown star-level superpowers, I suggest you try your best to recruit them!"

A satisfied and confident smile immediately appeared on her face:

"I am Sophia, the head of the Galactic Division of the Starfleet Alliance. I am very happy to meet you." There was enthusiasm and sincerity in her voice.

Chu Yi politely replied:

"I am Chu Yi, and this is my wife Anna."

Sophia smiled from the bottom of her heart:

"Welcome. We happen to have some starships available for purchase."

Next, Sofia personally led Chu Yi and Anna into a luxuriously decorated exclusive reception room.

Chu Yi and Anna are both stellar powerhouses, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Sophia knew in her heart that she had to win over these two strong men, so that her speech would have more weight when she returned to the headquarters in the future.

Sophia pressed the button, and a virtual light curtain rose in the living room, displaying various models of star battleships.

The Azure Dragon series of star battleships have unique shapes, strong firepower, and high speed, making them suitable for interstellar exploration;

The White Tiger series of star battleships have powerful firepower and are the most powerful choice;

The Vermilion Bird series of star battleships focus on speed and can provide ultra-fast speeds;

The Black Tortoise series of star battleships focus on defense and can provide powerful protection.

Each of these four basic star warships has its own characteristics and focus, and is suitable for different combat needs.

Sophia smiled and said:

"Mr. Chu Yi, are you satisfied with these interstellar battleships?" Her eyes were shining with expectation, and her face was filled with confidence and pride.

Chu Yi frowned and seemed not very satisfied.

His brows were furrowed and his eyes were cold, as if he was not satisfied with the performance of these battleships.

At this time Anna said:

"Your starships look ordinary!" Her voice was filled with mockery, and there was a disdainful smile on her face.

Sophia understood what the two people meant and said:

"We also have more powerful starships. These four are just the basic series." Her voice was full of confidence and charm, and she looked at Chu Yi and Anna firmly.

Sophia tapped the virtual light screen with her finger, and a new picture appeared in front of Chu Yi and Anna.

Various higher level battleships are displayed. Although they are only on the virtual light screen, the degree of realism is incredible.

Black Hole Series Starships:

The Black Hole series star battleship is like a giant beast wandering in space.

Its body is huge and majestic, covered with a shining alloy shell, reflecting the dazzling starlight.

Each battleship is equipped with ultra-high technology and can release weapons that simulate the gravity of a black hole.

The destructive power of this weapon is unparalleled, capable of turning all enemies into dust.

White Hole Series Star Battleships:

The White Hole series of star battleships stand like an indestructible fortress in the universe.

Their appearance is smooth and delicate, like a huge gem, shining with gorgeous light.

These warships are equipped with ultra-high technology and can simulate the power of a white hole to form an insurmountable and absolute defense field.

Four Elephant Series Star Battleships:

The Four Elephant series of star battleships combine the advantages of the four series of battleships: Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise to form a new type of battleship with super comprehensive performance.

Their appearance is unique, with the characteristics of the four mythical beasts, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura.

Whether it is speed, attack or defense, they have reached the extreme, and almost no opponents can match them.

Interstellar navigation capabilities, the Black Hole series, White Hole series and Four Elephant series star battleships all have ultra-fast interstellar navigation capabilities.

Super comprehensive performance, the comprehensive performance of these star battleships is super strong.

Whether it is the destructive power of the Black Hole series, the defensive capabilities of the White Hole series or the comprehensive development of the Four Elephants series, they have become the absolute king of battles.

Chu Yi stared at these huge interstellar battleships, and he couldn't help asking Sophia:

"Do you have any more powerful interstellar battleships here?" His eyes were full of expectation and his body leaned forward slightly, expressing his desire for the battleship.

"I want the best, no need to hold back!" Chu Yi made no secret of his expectations and spoke firmly.

Sophia smiled awkwardly, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere. She said to Chu Yi:

"Sorry, Mr. Chu Yi, these are already the strongest starship models in our Galaxy Division." There was a helpless expression on her face, conveying to Chu Yi that she had tried her best.

"If I want the best, I need to apply to the headquarters for customization."

Chu Yi whispered to himself and muttered dissatisfiedly:

"Is it so troublesome!" He frowned slightly and backed away slightly, expressing his dissatisfaction with the process.

Chu Yi continued:

"How long does it take? My time is limited." His tone was a little urgent, and there was a trace of anxiety between his brows.

Sophia said respectfully:

"Because of your status as a star-level superpower, you have the priority to customize starships in the Starfleet Alliance." Her voice revealed awe of Chu Yi's strength, and at the same time, there was a trace of pride on her face. .

"If you need it now, we can complete it in about a hundred years at the earliest." Sophia's expression was firm, and her words revealed her honesty about the customization time, as if one hundred years was already a short time.

Chu Yi was extremely shocked:

"You have to wait a hundred years to buy a starship. What the hell? Are you kidding me?" His eyes widened and there was an expression of disbelief on his face.

This is a hundred years! ! !

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