Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 233 I Will Have Eyes In My Next Life.

Chu Yi said calmly:

"I will first buy a Type 9 star battleship of the Four Elephants series!"

"Then I also need to customize a star battleship!" His eyes sparkled with excitement.

Sophia smiled and said:

"Okay, let's talk about the price now!" Her face was filled with a friendly and professional smile, and she looked at Chu Yi, showing her concern and focus on her customers.

"The price of the ninth type starship of the Four Elephants series is 98 million Galaxy coins."

Sophia continued to explain:

"As for the customization of the starship, we need to discuss it in detail."

"Every customer has different needs. We will provide the best solution according to your requirements." Her voice is gentle and professional, revealing her understanding and concern for customer needs.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Well, get me a credit card."

Sophia said in surprise:

"Mr. Chu Yi, do you want to apply for a credit card?" Her voice was filled with surprise and confusion.

Sophia didn't expect Chu Yi to do this, and said with some hesitation:

"Okay! Just wait a moment..."

Sophia's eyes instantly turned into countless data streams and began to scan Chu Yi and Anna's information.

A systematic mechanical sound kept coming from my mind:

"Anna, a stellar Rank One superpower."

"Potential level: XXX."

"Chu Yi, an unknown stellar Rank Three superpower."

"Potential level: unlimited potential, unknown, unknown, unknown."

"Unknown, unknown, unknown."

"Didi, dididi, the system is attacked by unknown forces and is about to enter self-sleep state..."

At this time, Chu Yi looked at Sophia coldly:

"Are you scanning us?" His eyes were full of suspicion and vigilance.

Sophia quickly apologized:

"Sorry, Mr. Chu Yi, Miss Anna, this is our credit card application process." Her voice was apologetic and embarrassed.

Chu Yi hurriedly urged:

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry." There was a hint of urgency in his tone, and his brows furrowed slightly.

Sophia smiled and said:

"The limit I can give you is the Galaxy Branch's highest credit card worth one billion Galaxy coins." Her voice was gentle and confident, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Chu Yi didn't care much about the quota and said unceremoniously:

"Okay, let's talk about customizing the battleship!" His tone was direct and firm, and there was determination in his eyes.

Sophia replied respectfully:

"Mr. Chu, please speak." There was a hint of awe in her voice, and her eyes revealed her awe for Chu Yi's strength.

Chu Yi immediately spoke out a lot of requests, speaking quickly and fluently:

"The starship needs a circular structure, and the command room needs to be in the center."

"Offensive weapons, defensive weapons, and functional facilities are all indispensable."

"The best interstellar navigation capability is one that can jump hundreds of millions of light years in an instant."

"The green area on the starship is so vast. It's best to make it like a park for me."

"All facilities will be of your highest standards. Okay, I'm done."

Sophia smiled and nodded. These requests made by Chu Yi were not difficult for her.

There was a hint of confidence and calmness in her smile, and Sofia said firmly and professionally:

"Okay, I have recorded these requirements of yours. Please leave your address and we will deliver the goods to your door personally."

In the next three hours, Chu Yi and Sophia had a long discussion and finally finalized various matters for customizing the star battleship.

During the negotiation, they discussed the design, size, weapon configuration and other details in detail to ensure the perfect customization of the warship.

After the discussion, Chu Yi and Anna walked out of the living room together.

Wu Tianqi came up to him and said with a smile:

"Let's go! Let's go to the Star Chamber of Commerce together." Wu Tianqi's voice revealed a hint of expectation.

Chu Yi nodded slightly, and the desire to purchase some things arose in his heart.

At this moment, what he wants most is undoubtedly the method of mechanical Ascension and genetic Ascension.

What made him even more excited was that there were planets available for purchase.

This is undoubtedly what Chu Yi wants to have most.

He thought about buying a planet and placing it in the solar system.

Imagine that spectacular scene...

Suddenly, a bald man stopped Chu Yi. His voice was full of arrogance and threats:

"Are you the new one?"

Chu Yi frowned, stared at the bald man, and said coldly:

"Huh? Who are you? What's the matter?"

The bald man's eyes moved to Anna next to Chu Yi. He licked his lips, as if he had some evil intention:

"Tsk, tsk, give me this woman and you can go!"

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and became angry...

A chill instantly spread throughout the bald man's body. His body stiffened for a moment, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

However, before he could react, a god-killing sword had pierced his chest like lightning.

Blood spurted out, dyeing his body red.

Chu Yi stood there coldly, with a hint of determination and disdain in his eyes, and a long voice sounded:

"Hehehe... My wife, you dare to have ideas, remember to grow your eyes in the next life."

The bald man's body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and his steps retreated involuntarily.

He felt a strong killing intent surrounding him, making him fearful.

Chu Yi's eyes were cold, and the black sword in his hand shone with a cold light, like a sharp blade of death.

Seeing the bald man about to fight back, Chu Yi's body suddenly burst out with a powerful devouring power.

The bald man looked at his devoured body in despair, his eyes filled with helpless tears, his hands trembling, and his body kept shaking.

He shouted helplessly, his voice echoing in the air:

"No, don't kill me!"

"I...I am a star thief, don't kill me!!!"

"I'm blind, please let me go!" His voice was full of despair and fear, as if he was shouting to the world.

However, Chu Yi ignored his begging for mercy. He stared at the bald man indifferently with no expression on his face.

"Even if the Heavenly King comes, I will die today!!!"

In an instant, Chu Yi devoured the bald man until not even a scrap was left.

The existence of the bald man seemed to be just an illusion, disappearing completely in an instant.

I saw that at this moment, countless people were clapping and applauding around me.

They cheered and were filled with the joy of victory.

Their eyes revealed reverence and admiration for the heroes.

"This old pervert is finally dead!!" Some people did not hide their anger and hatred, and their voices were harsh and cold.

"This bitch is finally dead. This hero, please accept my worship!" Others showed their admiration and gratitude to the hero, with sincere admiration and admiration on their faces.

And some people are sighing helplessly.

Their expressions showed deep helplessness and helplessness.

There was a hint of regret and overwhelming bitterness in their voices.

"Oh, this man actually killed the leader of the Star Thieves. He is really brave. Aren't you afraid of the Star Thief's revenge?" They expressed their appreciation for the hero's courage, but lamented the helplessness and cruelty of the matter.

"The Star Thieves are not easy to mess with. How dare you kill the Star Thieves!!" Some people expressed their fear and anger towards the Star Thieves during the confrontation.

Their voices were filled with indignation and dissatisfaction.

And some people retorted.

They defended their heroes staunchly, their voices filled with anger and passion.

"How many people have the Star Thieves killed? They robbed money, women, and everything. This time they just kicked the iron plate!!" Their voices were full of indignation and anger towards the Star Thieves. They firmly believed that the Star Thieves He deserves it.

"Look, the woman next to that handsome guy is so beautiful, no wonder the bald head hit the iron plate." Some people expressed their sarcasm and contempt for the star thief through ridicule and ridicule.

They were happy and satisfied with Star Thief's death.

"All the Star Thieves deserve to die, my family was killed by the Star Thieves!!" Others expressed their deep hatred and pain towards the Star Thieves.

"My dream is to kill all the star thieves in the universe!!" Their voices were full of sadness and anger.

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