Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 250 Breakthrough, Stellar Rank Six!

The endless devouring power surged through Chu Yi's body like a dark torrent.

He felt the power of this force, as if it could swallow everything, which made his mind ecstatic.

Chu Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His whole body seemed to be wrapped in a torrent of darkness.

He felt power surge through his body, and every muscle seemed to be on fire.

This endless devouring force made his heart beat faster and his blood boil.

The tentacle monster struggled feebly under the impact of the devouring power.

Its tentacles were quickly swallowed up by this powerful force and turned into nothingness.

Chu Yi's eyes were shining with excitement. He stretched out his fingers, and the fingertips were flashing with dark energy.

"It's wonderful, this is the dark power of alien species!! Pure dark power!!"

The tentacle monster struggled desperately, but its efforts seemed insignificant.

The devouring power mercilessly devoured its tentacles, which were fragilely detached from its body and turned into nothingness.

Chu Yi's brows frowned slightly. He knew that this was just the beginning, and he still had more power to release.

The whole process was like a dark tide, sweeping through and swallowing up everything.

The dark energy swept through mercilessly like a violent storm.

Chu Yi stood in the center, surrounded by darkness, and all existence collapsed in front of this force.

His heart was filled with the joy of power, and he felt that he had become the master of darkness.

In his eyes, everything becomes insignificant, and only the power he possesses is unrivaled.

After a long time, Chu Yi stood there, exuding a powerful aura.

His body seemed to be injected with endless power, becoming stronger and tougher.

Chu Yi slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with dark light.

He felt that he was full of power, and every cell exuded a powerful aura.

His body became stronger and tougher, and his muscles burst out, as if containing infinite power.

He could feel this endless power surging in his body. He was no longer an ordinary person, he was the embodiment of darkness.

This aura is more powerful than before, and people can't help but sigh at his rapid growth.

Chu Yi murmured to himself, his voice filled with excitement and surprise:

"Very good, I actually broke through directly from stellar Rank Four to Rank Six!"

He felt that his strength was rapidly improving, and his heart was filled with joy and pride.

He knew that this breakthrough would make him stronger in battle.

Tang San looked at Chu Yi in horror and said tremblingly:

"Chu Yi, you actually have such heaven-defying devouring power and can actually devour alien creatures! This is simply unbelievable!"

Chu Yi said indifferently:

"What's so great about this!"

Look, is he speaking human language?

How can you say it's nothing great?

This is the ability to swallow alien creatures!

This ability is so bizarre! horrible! So perverted!

Anna walked up, frowning nervously, her voice carrying a hint of fear:

"Ayi, I feel the fluctuations in the earth's core. It seems that there are alien species inside!!"

Chu Yi nodded silently, the expression on his face became solemn, and he answered without hesitation:

"Xiao Na, I feel it too, we must go over and destroy it!"

Suddenly, Zhan Tang San reminded him, his brows furrowed and his eyes revealed a bit of worry:

"Chu Yi, I advise you not to!"

Chu Yi's face darkened, he pursed his lips tightly and asked dissatisfiedly:

"Why? I feel the breath of alien species in the center of the earth!!"

Burial Tang San smiled bitterly and explained:

"If the earth's core kills the alien species, it will destroy the entire blue star. This blue star is very fragile."

Chu Yi frowned and said anxiously:

"Now what?"

"This won't work, and that won't work either. What should we do?"

Buried Tang San explained:

"There is no way. Blue Star has been completely destroyed. The alien species has eroded the earth's core. Blue Star cannot survive for a thousand years, and Blue Star will slowly dry up and die!" Tang San's face was gloomy, and his voice was filled with emotion. Helpless and desperate, his fingers trembled, seeming to express his helplessness.

His eyes were deep, revealing an irreversible fate.

Chu Yi said firmly:

"It's impossible, there must be a way!!"

Chu Yi's brows were furrowed, his eyes were shining with determination, and he stood upright, as if resisting all odds.

His voice is full of determination and belief, and one can feel the firmness in his heart.

Buried Tang San continued to persuade:

"Chu Yi, listen to my advice and give up here, this place is ruined!!" Tang San's voice revealed deep despair and helplessness, his face was haggard, and there was a trace of nostalgia and helplessness in his eyes.

He shook his head gently with his hand, seeming to convey to Chu Yi the reality that he could not change.

Chu Yi said disbelievingly:

"Impossible, I still have a way!!"

Chu Yi's voice was full of determination and confidence, his eyes were shining with sharp light, and there was a smile on his face, as if telling Tang San that he had no intention of giving up yet.

His body stood erect, showing his inner determination and perseverance.

A wisp of dark evil energy burst out from Chu Yi's fingertips. Like a frozen world, the dark evil energy spread slowly.

This evil spirit extends along the underground passages, transmigrating layer after layer of soil until it reaches the core of the earth.

The moment the evil spirit reached the core of the earth, an astonishing scene unfolded before Chu Yi's eyes.

Countless strange alien species are hovering around the earth's core. They are like hungry monsters, madly devouring the energy emitted by the earth's core.

Chu Yi snorted coldly, and his eyes became cold and ruthless. He shouted mercilessly:

"All you aliens who don't know how to live or die, die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless evil spirits condensed into threads in the core of the earth cut out like sharp blades, quickly devouring the alien species.

The moment the aliens died, Chu Yi's body seemed to be injected with the breath of darkness, and every muscle in his body swelled instantly, as if it was filled with black power.

The intense black light burst out from his body, like a blazing flame in the darkness.

In Chu Yi's eyes, a string of evil runes flashed, like a black lightning streaking across the night sky.

His eyes seemed to contain endless dark power, as if he had fallen into the state of a dark war god, ready to declare his existence to the world.

When the alien species in the earth's core were swallowed by Chu Yi's power, his momentum became more and more fierce.

The dark power penetrated into his body, making his body extremely powerful.

Every breath he took seemed to tear the air apart, and every move he took carried an irresistible power.

A black vortex formed around Chu Yi's body, and the dark power enveloped him, making him look like the center of a black whirlwind.

The ground around him began to tremble, as if torn apart by his power.

The dark vortex exudes an irresistible attraction, as if it is pulling everything into the dark abyss.

Chu Yi's body burst out with suffocating pressure, and his existence made everything in the world seem insignificant.

He stood there like a dark giant, making people feel boundless fear and awe.

His power is like a lonely star in the dark night, lighting up a sky in the darkness, making it impossible to ignore his presence.

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