At this moment, Chu Yi opened his hands and stared at Zang Tang San. His eyes were full of determination and he said softly:

"It's that simple. Are alien species really so powerful? Really?" His voice revealed a hint of expectation and challenge.

Anna said excitedly:

"Hehe, our Ayi is really awesome!" Her eyes flashed with pride.

Burial Tang San frowned in embarrassment, and said with a hint of confusion:

"Well, the alien species is indeed very powerful, but... you seem to be stronger!" He was surprised by Chu Yi's strength, and at the same time admired his humility.

Chu Yi smiled and shook his head, and he said humbly:

"Low-key and low-key." This short sentence contains his self-knowledge of his own strength. He knows that humility is a kind of wisdom in front of the strong.

But at this moment, Chu Yi felt the powerful aura in the Arctic ice, as if the howling of the cold wind was echoing in his ears.

His heartbeat quickened, and his eyes shone with anticipation and surprise.

A wave of excitement surged into his heart, causing him to clench his fists in preparation for the upcoming changes.

However, suddenly, a powerful breath came, as if a ray of sunlight penetrated the earth.

He looked intently, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

This is the breath of the fat man, and the fat man is still alive!

Fatty's silly voice came from a distance, full of surprise and expectation:

"Brother Chu, you are finally back."

Chu Yi frowned tightly, revealing a hint of uneasiness:

"Fat man, what happened in the past ten years!"

In an instant, the fat man quickly walked to Chu Yi and said anxiously:

"Brother Chu, the situation is terrible! Our Starfire Empire has been destroyed!"

A firm light flashed in Chu Yi's eyes. He took a deep breath and said calmly:

"I know, this is all done by alien species!"

At this moment, there is a heavy loneliness in the sky of Blue Star. Blue Star has become an abandoned planet.

The once glorious and splendid city has now been reduced to ruins, and the ruins of collapsed high-rise buildings are scattered all over the streets.

A desolate scene came into view. There was no life in the empty streets, and only the dust blown by the wind was flying wantonly in the deserted world.

On this abandoned planet, the natural landscape has also suffered serious damage.

The red eyes were shining with anxiety, and the fat man's voice was trembling as he said forcefully:

"Brother Chu, not only the alien species, but also the Galactic Empire, and those bastards like Demon Race!!"

Chu Yi frowned, his voice filled with worry:

"How is everyone doing now?"

The fat man sighed heavily, his voice full of helplessness:

"Alas, we are hiding in a parallel universe now, and senior Xiao Tianjue is missing!!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he asked:

"Senior Xiao is missing. What happened?"

The fat man's expression became more solemn, and there was a hint of doubt in his voice:

"I don't know either, Senior Xiao is not with us."

Chu Yi felt angry in his heart. He knew that Xiao Tianjue was the most powerful being in the Spark Empire. If he disappeared, the next situation would become more complicated.

The fat man continued:

"We are looking for clues and hope to find the whereabouts of Senior Xiao."

"However, the Galactic Empire and the Demon Race's pursuers are getting closer."

Chu Yi clenched his fist tightly, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes:

"We can't sit back and wait, we must find Senior Xiao!!"

The fat man nodded, his eyes full of determination:

"Brother Chu, I believe in your judgment. We will definitely find Senior Xiao."

But at this moment, Tang San suddenly said:

"This benefactor, you are destined to me, please be sure to enter my Heavenly Demon Temple!"

The fat man's eyes widened and he asked in complete surprise:

"You, who are you?"

"Monk, do I know you?"

Burial Tang San replied calmly:

"This fat benefactor, my name is Tang San."

This answer surprised Fatty even more, because Tang San's name reminded him of a person, a character in a novel, Tang Sanzang!

The fat man said excitedly:

"My name is Qin Tianzhu, and I'm nicknamed Yizhu Qingtian!"

"You devil monk, what is your relationship with Tang Sanzang?"

Zhan Tang San smiled slightly, a hint of deep meaning flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly:

"Donor, I have an indissoluble bond with Tang Sanzang."

"He was my senior brother in the previous life, and I was an unforgettable experience in his life."

A thought quickly flashed through Chu Yi's mind:

Ridiculous, wasn’t Tang Sanzang Jin Chanzi?

Chu Yi thought silently in his heart, logically speaking, Tang Sanzang should be regarded as a prehistoric figure.

This burial of Tang San is actually related to Tang San Zang, this is so weird! !

The fat man was shocked. He said something casually, but he didn't expect that the burial of Tang San was actually related to Tang Sanzang.

The curious fat man asked:

"Then do you know a monkey named Sun Wukong?"

Buried Tang San answered boldly:

"Of course! I don't know you anymore!"

The fat man continued to ask:

"Then do you know a monk named Tathagata Buddha?"

Burying Tang San said with an indifferent expression:

"I don't know the so-called Buddha, but I know the Lord of Heavenly Demon Temple!"

The fat man asked curiously:

"Who is the master of Heavenly Demon Temple? Is he strong? Is he as strong as me, Brother Chu?"

Tang San looked at the fat man and spoke slowly:

"I don't know the strength of the Lord of Heavenly Demon Temple, but at least he is currently stronger than Chu Yi. As for the future, that is an unpredictable mystery."

Chu Yi rubbed his forehead helplessly and said with a bitter smile:

"Fat man, how come you always blame me for everything?"

The fat man laughed and said:

"Oh, I was just asking casually. I didn't expect that you, the Lord of Heavenly Demon Temple, would be so powerful!"

Burial Tang San quickly clasped his fists and said:

"Disrespectful, disrespectful, bury the master!"

Chu Yi's expression changed from relaxed to serious, and he said solemnly:

"Fat man, now is not the time to talk about this. You just said that you have gone to a parallel universe, right?"

When Fatty heard Chu Yi's words, a trace of uneasiness appeared on his face, and his voice trembled as he said:

"Yes, those alien species are too strong, we are no match at all." His hands were clenched into fists, and his body was shaking slightly, indicating his fear and powerlessness against the encounter.

Seeing the fat man's reaction, Chu Yi's smile gradually weakened. His brows wrinkled slightly and he asked with concern:

"Is everyone okay?" He looked at the fat man with gentle eyes and leaned forward slightly, expressing concern for everyone's safety.

The fat man was silent for a moment, then whispered:

"Xiao Tianjue, Feng Qingyan, Xuanyuan Yi, and Lin Shaoqi are currently missing, but I guess they are dead!" There was a hint of frustration and helplessness in his voice, and the expression on his face also revealed it. Sadness and despair at what happened to them.

After Chu Yi heard the fat man's words, his eyes narrowed, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a determined look.

He shook his head slowly, and then said firmly:

"Haha! You underestimate them, they won't die, I believe it!!" His voice was full of confidence and determination, and his eyes revealed firm belief!

They will never die! absolute! ! !

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