Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear in his hand and wore a dark golden robe. He was imposing and his eyes were like daggers, as if he wanted to kill Ikora from his horse.

Ikora, a dragon-like monster with countless tentacles, looks like a demon from hell.

The two engaged in a thrilling battle, and the scene was shocking.

Chu Yi is actually not Ikora's opponent, but with the numerical advantage of Primordial Origin clones, he can barely cope with Ikora's tentacle attack.

Continuously fighting crazily, their figures criss-crossed the battlefield, and the sword light and dragon shadow intertwined into a gorgeous picture.

Chu Yi sometimes dodges and sometimes counterattacks, constantly avoiding Ikora's fatal attacks.

"Come on!!! You alien bastard, you dare to kill my Blue Star civilians!! You deserve to die!!" Chu Yi roared, his voice exploding on the battlefield like thunder.

However, even though Chu Yi was full of firepower, he was still no match for Ikora!

He felt unprecedentedly powerless and desperate, but he was unwilling to give up easily.

Facing a powerful enemy, Chu Yi decided to use his most powerful move.

"Hybrid Primordial Spirit Dragon Form!!" Chu Yi gritted his teeth and his body instantly transformed into a dark gold divine dragon, its scales flashing with dazzling light.

With the blessing of the dragon form, Chu Yi's power was instantly greatly improved.

His moves became more powerful and faster, and every strike was filled with devastating power.

Continuously fighting crazily, Chu Yi was like a mighty dragon, sweeping everything on the battlefield wantonly.

Each of his attacks exploded like thunder, shattering Icora's tentacles.

The battle lasted for a long time, with both sides trying their best.

Chu Yi continued to display his unique skills, and Ikora was not to be outdone, showing his true strength.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, and the battlefield was filled with a strong tragic atmosphere.

Chu Yi's determination became stronger. He would never allow Ikora to continue hurting innocent people.

In a confrontation, Chu Yi finally found Yikora's weakness.

He discovered that each tentacle of Ikora was the source of its power. As long as the tentacles could be destroyed, Ikora's strength could be weakened.

Therefore, Chu Yi concentrated his energy, aimed at Yikora's tentacles and launched an attack. He used a move:

"Dragon Scales Split the Sky!!"

The hybrid Primordial Spirit dragon's horns pierced Ikora's tentacles like sharp swords.

The tentacles were shattered one after another, and Icora roared in pain.

It let out a shrill scream, and the entire battlefield suddenly trembled.

The ground cracked open, and countless slender tentacles emerged from the surface of the body and rushed towards Chu Yi.

The hybrid Primordial Spirit dragon transformed by Chu Yi continuously activates:

"Dragon Scales Split the Sky!!"

However, there were so many of these slender tentacles that Chu Yi gradually felt powerless.

His face was solemn, determined not to hold back anymore, and used his ultimate trick in dragon form——

"Dragon burns the world!!"

His body was enveloped in a blazing flame, and there was a faint sound of dragon roars coming from the flames.

Chu Yi felt the power surging in his body, and he knew that this blow would determine the outcome.

His body turned into a stream of light and rushed straight towards Icora.

Icora's huge body was wrapped with tentacles, and she made a dark voice:

"Human beast, that's fine! Die!"

Chu Yi, who was in Primordial Spirit dragon form, stared at Ikora closely:

"Beast, let me show you today who is the real beast, you heterogeneous bastard!"

Their bodies were intertwined like a violent storm, and every collision brought a deafening sound.

Ikora's tentacles kept curling and twisting, trying to wrap Chu Yi tightly, while Chu Yi turned into a stream of light, flexibly dodging every attack, and at the same time condensed a powerful dragon's breath.

Ikora's dragon body emitted a strange black mist during the collision, while Chu Yi's body shone with golden divine light.

The battle between the two seems like a duel between heaven and earth, and every move they make embodies the power of destruction and vitality.

Icora roared angrily:

"Human beasts actually have such great power! Very good, I'll let you die happily!"

Suddenly, Ikora's tentacles continued to grow, expanding like a black vortex, covering the sky and the earth, shrouding the entire battlefield in darkness.

Chu Yi was in it and felt a huge pressure that made him breathless.

Icora roared angrily, and his tentacles expanded rapidly like a black wind!

Chu Yi felt as if he was entangled by countless poisonous snakes and could not move.

He struggled with all his strength, but he could only see the tentacles wrapping around his body more and more tightly.

Chu Yi, who was in the form of a divine dragon, was entangled by countless tentacles and could not break free! He couldn't help but exclaimed:

"How can this alien species be so powerful? I can't even move!"

"It seems that the only solution is to rely on the Primordial Origin clone!"

Numerous clones of Chu Yi launched attacks at Ikola! As gorgeous as fireworks in the sea of ​​stars.

Each clone was filled with extremely powerful energy and launched a devastating attack on Ikora.

However, due to Chu Yi's lack of mental strength, Chu Yi's clone showed a hint of stiffness in his movements, as if he could not fully control his body.

This moment of instability made his clone become fragile, like a fallen leaf swaying in the wind.

Ikora sneered, with a hint of disdain and ridicule in her eyes.

It looked at Chu Yi's clone with contempt, as if it was seeing a ridiculous clown.

"Go to hell! Human beasts!!" Ikora's voice was full of malice and disgust, and his hatred for humans was directly conveyed in every word he uttered.

Its eyes were cold and ruthless, as if waiting for Chu Yi's demise.

Amid Ikora's ridicule, Chu Yi's clones worked hard. Although their movements were a little stiff, they still attacked Ikora without flinching.

Their eyes are burning with unyielding will, and they will never back down even in the face of powerful enemies.

Endless fear enveloped Chu Yi's mind, and a trace of helplessness and anxiety flashed in his eyes.

He knew that the alien enemy he faced was too powerful, and he couldn't help but think about how to deal with it next:

"What should I do? This alien species is too powerful!!"

Facing the desperate situation in front of him, a firm look flashed across Chu Yi's face.

He knew he had no other choice but to try his best:

"It seems like this is the only way!!"

Chu Yi activated the power of devouring, and Chu Yi felt a powerful energy surge in his body.

He closed his eyes, tensed his muscles, and began to slowly swallow the power in the alien tentacles.

His body seemed to turn into a bottomless pit, swallowing everything.

Under Chu Yi's devouring power, the tentacles of the information field that bound him were instantly released, like a liberated prisoner.

They drooped feebly, as if they had lost their vitality.

A cold light flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he knew that he had overcome this round of crisis.

Ikora looked at Chu Yi in surprise, and he finally understood that Chu Yi's previous performance was not accidental.

Its voice came in amazement:

"So you have such a powerful devouring power, so that's how you killed the mantis!"

Chu Yi sneered and looked at Icora in front of him with a cold expression:

"Haha! Not only the mantis was killed by me, but you will also be killed by me!!"

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