Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 262 Both Breakthroughs, Primordial Origin God-Killing Form!

Chu Yi launched a frantic attack on Ikora again, and he exuded the extremely powerful Primordial Origin power.

The body of the dark golden dragon entangled around Icora, seeming to restrain it.

However, Ikora's body is equally powerful and exudes a formidable aura.

Chu Yi relied on his own devouring power to continuously absorb the power of Ikora, making himself stronger.

"Human beast, do you think you are the only one with the power of devouring? You are so naive!"

A fierce light flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he said without mercy:

"So what! I am the strongest existence! Go to hell!" He let out a violent roar, tearing apart the space like thunder.

The confrontation between the two became extremely fierce, and the power of Devouring and Ikora's power continued to collide, causing endless explosions and energy fluctuations.

They collided like two giant beasts.

In this life-and-death battle, Chu Yi showed incomparable tenacity when faced with the powerful power of Ikora.

He continued to activate the power of devouring, absorbing Ikora's power, and launched a life-and-death confrontation with it.

This is a battle of strength, but also a battle of wills.

Neither of them had any intention of backing down from this confrontation, stubbornly believing that they were the strongest.

Every time they collide, it brings tremors between heaven and earth, like a devastating war.

Chu Yi thought ecstatically:

"It's finally almost here. If I hold on for a little longer, I'll be able to break through!"

"Quick, quick, I want to devour everything!"

At this moment, Chu Yi turned into a dragon, with scars all over his body, but he stood firm and unwavering!

Icora roared angrily, her voice full of anger:

"Don't fall down yet! Damn humans and beasts! Fall down!"

Chu Yi responded helplessly:

"Sorry, the thing I'm not good at is falling down!!!"

Chu Yi shouted eagerly in his heart:

"Breakthrough, give me a breakthrough!!! Devour!! Devour!!!"

His body instantly exuded an extremely powerful aura, full of power.

Finally, he successfully broke through to the stellar Rank Seven.

Primordial Origin Wuji Gong, the seventeenth level! Successful breakthrough! !

Icora's evil voice came:

"So what if I break through, go to hell!!"

Chu Yi responded angrily:

"Who is going to die? Devour it!! You alien bastard!!"

His eyes burned with rage, and his body tensed, as if ready to strike at any moment.

His voice was full of anger and threats, and his expression was fierce and ferocious, as if he wanted to devour Ikora.

Icora laughed mockingly:

"Haha, you human beast, die!"

However, Ikora gradually felt something was wrong.

He began to feel how powerful Chu Yi was, much more powerful than before.

There was a hint of disbelief in his voice:

"Impossible, you just broke through a level, why did you become so strong!!"

Chu Yi replied indifferently, without any emotion in his voice:

"None of this has anything to do with you, you alien bastard, just be buried with Blue Star!!!"

His expression was cold and firm, as if he didn't care about Ikora's existence.

Icora said viciously:

"So what if you become stronger, you still can't beat me!!"

Then, they engaged in an even more terrifying and fierce confrontation.

Their bodies collided violently, making a loud crashing sound.

Chu Yi said jokingly:

"Haha! No more fun!"

He instantly returned to human form and his body returned to its original appearance.

Icora laughed and said:

"Haha, you can still return to human form. It seems you can't hold on any longer. Go to hell!!"

Chu Yi said sarcastically:

"Haha! Haha! You, a strange bastard, do you understand the true meaning of power?"

Primordial Origin God-killing form, activated!

Suddenly, endless evil aura enveloped Chu Yi, and his body seemed to have turned into the incarnation of the abyss.

His body was shrouded in an extremely terrifying evil spirit, which condensed into a gorgeous pure black robe, like a layer of black divine armor covering his body.

The lines on the robe are looming, exuding a strange aura.

His eyes became deep and impenetrable, as if they were hiding endless secrets.

A mysterious light emanates from the pure black pupils, shining like stars, making people feel awe.

The God-killing Spear glowed brightly in his hand, as bright as a star.

The runes on the gun bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and there seemed to be endless power hidden in the flow.

The power of the God-killing Spear has increased again, making people fearful.

The evil spirit condensed again, like a black vortex surrounding Chu Yi.

The power of Primordial Origin surged within his body and turned into an invisible force, making people feel a deep sense of oppression.

The evolution of the evil spirit has brought more powerful power, and Chu Yi seems to have surpassed the stellar level.

The power of Primordial Origin continued to surge within his body, and the surrounding air seemed to become heavy and solid due to it.

The evolution of the power of Primordial Origin makes his power even more vast and boundless.

A hint of coldness flashed in Chu Yi's eyes. He held the God-killing Spear in his hand and attacked Icora fiercely. He shouted loudly:

"God-killing spear technique - Primordial Origin Wuji style!"

There are no rules in the shooting technique, and it keeps attacking Ikora like a violent storm. There are no rules to follow, and it is impossible to guard against it!

Ikora's huge dragon body was scratched by Chu Yi's spear, and blood splattered everywhere.

The dragon roared angrily:

"Damn human beast, you have become so powerful!"

Chu Yi sneered:

"Alien bastard, go to hell!" His voice was filled with endless killing intent.

Chu Yi suddenly felt a strange force pouring into his body, and he couldn't help shouting:

"Evil spirit, swallow it up for me, swallow it up!"

Icora felt this strange power and shouted in horror:

"What kind of power is this! This black power can actually hurt me!"

Chu Yi sneered:

"Haha, alien bastard! Are you scared?"

Ikora really felt fear. This feeling was completely different from the previous battle. This black evil spirit could kill him!

Icora could no longer bear the fear and shouted:

"I won't play with you anymore, I'm leaving!"

Chu Yi sneered:

"Do you think you can escape?"

His eyes were sharp and he pursued Icora mercilessly.

Ikola ran away desperately, but Chu Yi was faster and quickly caught up with it.

Chu Yi sneered and said:

"Do you think you can escape? Tell you, you have no chance." His voice was full of sarcasm.

Chu Yi's body emitted a powerful black light, like a ferocious beast, which was difficult to resist.

"Human, what on earth is this black aura!!" Icora asked tremblingly, feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Chu Yi's body.

Chu Yi sneered and said:

"You don't have to know."

Icora gritted her teeth and said:

"You think you can kill me easily?"

"You underestimate me!"

It suddenly burst out with a powerful force, shaking Chu Yi away.

Chu Yi's eyes widened, and he didn't expect that Ikola had such a powerful trump card.

Chu Yi stared at Ikora closely and did not let down his guard.

Ikora did not run away again, but once again despised the insignificant Chu Yi:

"Do you think you're the only one with special powers? You're so naive."

Chu Yi frowned. He felt the unusual energy fluctuations on Ikora's body.

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