Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 263 Devouring Xikora, Transcendent Level Star Core

Chu Yi was keenly aware of an unusual aura, as if a life-burning power was quietly rising.

Ikora actually burned the flame of life in a shocking way. Its body was like a volcano erupting, and the blazing flames lit up the entire battlefield.

Chu Yi's face became solemn and deep. He took a deep breath and felt that Ikora's breath became stronger, as if endless power was surging.

Ikora's body became larger again, and its slender tentacles rapidly evolved, becoming stronger and more powerful, as indestructible as iron ropes.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, with a sharp light shining in his eyes, and he secretly muttered in his heart:

"This alien monster is getting stronger and stronger, but if I swallow it, my strength will definitely be greatly improved."

Chu Yi is full of expectations. He is convinced that once he devours this alien creature, his strength will be greatly improved.

Suddenly, countless sharp and slender tentacles suddenly attacked like snakes. They flashed with an icy cold light, as if they were going to swallow Chu Yi completely.

These tentacles were as sharp as swords, and each one exuded a chilling aura, making Chu Yi feel an invisible threat hanging over him.

However, Chu Yi remained unmoved, with a mocking smile on his face.

Chu Yi smiled disdainfully, with a trace of mockery in his eyes:

"Do you only know this one move? Is this all you can do, alien bastard?" However, as soon as he finished speaking, he discovered that these tentacles were stronger and more ferocious than before.

Suddenly, more slender and sharper tentacles appeared among those tentacles. They quickly attacked Chu Yi like poisonous snakes, seeming to tear him into pieces.

Chu Yi was a little careless and was stabbed in the arm, but his expression did not change much. He knew that it would not have a big impact on him.

Ikora's crazy voice filled the air:

"Human beasts, die! Burn life and devour everything!"

Chu Yi sneered:

"Devouring? Do you think your devouring power can compare with mine? Let me show you the real devouring power!"

Suddenly, a terrifying devouring force burst out from Chu Yi's whole body, swallowing everything endlessly like a black hole.

Chu Yi and Ikora started a terrifying and cruel devouring battle, constantly devouring each other.

However, Chu Yi's devouring power clearly had the upper hand, and his body exuded an irresistible dark power.

Black light burst out from his eyes, so powerful that it made one's heart palpitate.

The black tattoos with interlaced textures on his skin began to come alive, squirming like living creatures, as if they were going to swallow Icora completely.

The power of darkness surrounded Chu Yi, forming a terrifying dark vortex that swallowed up everything around him.

Icora made an incredible sound in surprise, his voice distorted and mutated like a nightmare:

"Impossible, how could your devouring power be so powerful!"

Its body began to tremble, as if facing an irresistible force, and its heart was filled with powerlessness and despair.

Chu Yi smiled disdainfully, his smile revealing mockery and confidence:

"I told you, you know nothing about power, you will never understand my power!"

Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear tightly, with a burning fire of hatred in his eyes.

He stared at Icora in front of him, his body trembling slightly, the hatred in his heart raging like a storm, impacting his heart, causing him to burst into a roar uncontrollably:

"Alien bastard! Die for me! Bury with the innocent lives of Blue Star!!!" His voice was like a roar tearing through the starry sky, full of anger and grief.

Icora's voice was full of fear and despair, its body was shaking involuntarily, and its eyes shone with fear.

It knew that now was the moment when he could not escape Chu Yi's shadow, and its fate was already sealed.

It kept trembling and said:

"No, no, don't!!" The voice was as shrill as a death knell, with a hint of despair and fear.

Chu Yi's eyes were filled with crazy anger, and his voice echoed in the air, like a roar from the abyss of hell:

"Die to me!!!" His voice was as powerful as thunder, as if the entire space was shaken.

His anger was everywhere, like a huge wave, surrounding the entire Icora.

A suffocating dark shadow enveloped Iscora, like an invisible net, binding him ruthlessly.

Black ripples continued to surge on his huge body, like a life-devouring omen, ruthlessly swallowing up everything like a black hole.

In the endless darkness, Icora was constantly being devoured, and his shouts echoed in the void, but could not touch any glimmer of hope.

"Don't kill me! Don't!!"

It struggled, trying to break away from the shackles of the devouring force, but the invisible force trapped him tightly like an iron chain, denying him the slightest chance to escape.

Each time he was devoured, Ikora's pain and despair reached its peak:

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

The power of devouring continued to erode Ikora's body, and his skin began to gradually disappear, as if it was torn apart by invisible sharp blades.

His body became blurry and he seemed about to disappear completely from the real world.

In the end, his shouts were completely drowned by the devouring power and disappeared into the void.

The existence of Ikora is like a traceless meteor that dissipates in the darkness and can no longer be found.

At this moment, Chu Yi was filled with a powerful and strange energy, like a star in the darkness.

His body exuded a depressing aura, like a star about to explode.

Chu Yi slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and felt the continuously compressed energy in his body.

Like a huge magnet, attracting everything around him, the space inside his body became a vortex of energy, swallowing everything.

In the space inside Chu Yi's body, there lay a huge star core, emitting a mysterious light.

It was like a black hole, attracting Chu Yi's eyes and making him unable to extricate himself.

This star core was left by Ikora and was formed from his former power. It is extremely precious and dangerous.

This Transcendent Level star core contains infinite energy, enough to make any superpower's heart flutter.

Chu Yi stared at it, his eyes shining with desire.

He knew that as long as he absorbed this star core, his strength would be greatly improved and reach a new level.

Chu Yi said to himself excitedly:

"Very good, the energy of this Transcendent Level star core is extremely powerful!" His voice was full of excitement and anticipation.

He knows that once he absorbs this Transcendent Level star core, his realm can be upgraded to at least Stellar Rank Nine, or even higher! !

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