Chu Yi stood in the classroom, and the eyes of many students were burning at him like the scorching sun.

His unique temperament and proud posture make people involuntarily fall into admiration for him.

So handsome, why are there such handsome men in the world! !

Chu Yi stood on the high podium with sharp eyes and a solemn and steady voice that spread throughout the classroom:

"Now, it's time for roll call!"

He raised the roster and flipped through the pages. He scanned every corner of the classroom and read out word for word:

"Chen Tingting!"

A young girl stood up immediately and looked at Chu Yi firmly:


Chu Yi nodded slightly and watched her actions with satisfaction.

He opened the roster again and his voice was loud and powerful:

"Zhang Yang!"

A muscular boy responded quickly:


Chu Yi smiled slightly, looking at this powerful figure, he continued to flip through the roster, his voice revealing determination:

"Wang Xiaofeng!"

A handsome boy straightened his back:


Chu Yi's eyes flashed with appreciation, and he continued to name names:

"Li Xinyi!"

A quiet girl stood up and said in a clear voice:


Chu Yi smiled slightly and continued to call names. He watched every name and saw every response. The sense of responsibility and mission in his heart became stronger.

Sunlight poured in through the classroom windows, illuminating Chu Yi's figure standing on the podium.

He smiled slightly and said:

"Now let's start our first lesson."

The students in the classroom were all sitting in their seats, and textbooks were piled on the table.

However, at this moment, Chen Tingting raised her hand.

Her fingers were long and slender, revealing the tenderness and tenderness of a girl.

Chu Yi looked at Chen Tingting and said with a smile:

"Classmate Chen Tingting, do you have any questions?" His voice was gentle and friendly, making people feel at home.

Chen Tingting stood up and said confidently and firmly:

"Teacher Chu Yi, don't we need to open the textbook?" Her voice was clear and sweet, like a breeze blowing by her ears.

Chu Yi smiled slightly, with a hint of wisdom shining in his eyes:

"What I want to talk about is not in the textbook!" His voice revealed firmness and confidence, like a wise guide.

After hearing Chu Yi's answer, Chen Tingting's eyes flashed with surprise. She sat down again and stared at Chu Yi intently.

At that moment, she felt as if she was in a mysterious and wonderful world, looking forward to Chu Yi's guidance and enlightenment.

Chu Yi stood in front of the blackboard, with deep eyes and a solemn tone:

"Today's first lesson, what is a superpower? What is a superpower!"

His words were like an invisible force, penetrating into the hearts of every student.

The students looked at each other, still unfamiliar with the concept of superpowers. They were looking forward to Chu Yi's explanation.

Under the expectant eyes of the students, Chu Yi began to analyze the superpower:

"Superpowers, taken literally, are abilities that are different from ordinary people." His voice was like a warm breeze, gently blowing in everyone's ears.

"However, superpowers are not that simple. Superpowers are a combination of soul and body..."

"Even the ability to combine all your past and present lives." Chu Yi's eyes swept across the classroom, and every student's eyes became focused.

Chu Yi continued to explain:

"This ability is called superpower, and everyone's superpower is different." His words were like gorgeous paintings, showing each student's unique superpower.

"For example, if they have the same fire power, the power, function, and attributes of the flames of two people will be different." Chu Yi's voice gradually became more and more passionate.

"There is a flame called the flame of life. It is a flame full of vitality that can heal pain and give people hope and strength." His eyes were shining with hope.

"And there is a kind of flame called the Flame of Destruction! It is a blazing and ruthless flame that can turn everything into ashes." Chu Yi's voice had a hint of coldness, which made everyone shiver.

"So, even if the same superpowers have different effects on different people, they will have different effects. This is the magic of superpowers." Chu Yi's words were like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the confusion in the hearts of the students.

At this time, Li Xinyi raised her hand to indicate that she had a question, and Chu Yi smiled and asked:

"Classmate Li Xinyi, what's your problem?"

Li Xinyi stood up and said:

"Teacher Chu, none of us have awakened any powers, so it seems meaningless to us that you are telling us this."

Chu Yi motioned to Li Xinyi to sit down...

After sitting down, Li Xinyi looked at Chu Yi expectantly, hoping that he could give an explanation.

Chu Yi continued to explain:

"Awakening supernatural powers is indeed not an easy task, but it is not impossible."

"Since you are my students, I naturally have ways to help you awaken your powers."

The students here were all shocked and speechless. What did they hear?

Is there a way to awaken superpowers?

Are superpowers so easy to awaken?

Just wake up when you say awakening, are you kidding me?

Some people couldn't accept Chu Yi's remarks and thought he was just joking.

Awakening supernatural powers has always been an unattainable dream for them.

This thought made them feel incredible, as if they had heard a ridiculous joke.

On Nothia, a planet with few supernatural powers, everyone knows how difficult it is to awaken supernatural powers.

Many people go their entire lives without being able to touch that Transcendent ability, even with great effort.

They are trapped in ordinary life and cannot break through the inherent shackles.

Therefore, when Chu Yi announced that there was a way to help them awaken their powers, everyone felt unbelievable.

This news was like a bright meteor, streaking through the darkness in their hearts and igniting the flame of hope.

"Ahem..." Chu Yi coughed twice, paused briefly, and continued:

"Okay, now let's continue listening to my lessons! You must have heard about cosmic psychic energy, right?"

The students shook their heads in confusion, indicating that they did not understand.

Chu Yi was shocked. He didn't expect that the people here knew nothing about cosmic spiritual energy. He continued to explain:

"Cosmic spiritual energy is a kind of energy that exists widely in the universe. It is the power source that drives supernatural powers. You can regard it as the nutrition of supernatural powers, just like you must take in food and water every day. If there is no cosmic spiritual energy, Yes, you will lose the ability to activate supernatural powers."

"Of course, there are rare cases where other energy will replace the cosmic spiritual energy, but this situation is very rare. You just need to know this concept!"

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