The students nodded dully, as if they had some vague understanding of things like psychic powers.

There was a trace of curiosity and expectation in their eyes, because there were very few people with superpowers on this planet.

They are eager to break through their own limitations and explore the mysteries of psychic energy.

Chu Yi waved his hand, and thirty Primordial Origin marks suddenly appeared.

These marks exude powerful energy fluctuations, like dazzling stars, which makes people feel shocked.

The students couldn't help but hold their breath and stared at these marks, as if they were a bridge between them and psychic energy.

With the appearance of the Primordial Origin mark, Chu Yi said calmly:

"These thirty Primordial Origin marks are a gift from me. They can 100% help you awaken your powers!" His voice conveyed determination and confidence, making the students feel an unprecedented sense of hope and courage.

Chen Tingting asked excitedly:

"Really?!" Her eyes were shining with excitement, and her heart was filled with desire for unknown power.

Wang Xiaofeng exclaimed:

"It's incredible! What on earth is this?" There was a hint of wonder and awe in his voice, full of curiosity about the powerful energy of the Primordial Origin mark.

He realizes that these marks will change their destiny and make them different beings.

Zhang Yang said doubtfully:

"Am I dreaming?" He pinched his arm gently to confirm that he was not hallucinating.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Okay, are you ready, boys!" There was excitement and anticipation in his voice, and he knew that this moment was of great significance to these students.

They will usher in a new life, explore their hidden powers, and pave a bright road for the future.

Thirty Primordial Origin marks instantly flew into the bodies of thirty students. Their bodies were trembling, and their hearts were filled with endless hope and determination.

One month passed by like running water, but it caused a sensation in Nosia Genetics Institute.

The once neglected class at the end of the class has now become the center of attention because all of them have awakened their special powers.

Rumors spread rapidly in the college. Class 18, which was once the last class, has become extremely active now.

People were talking about their special abilities and marveled that this group of ordinary students had such magical abilities.

There was a lot of excitement in the classroom of Class 18.

The students demonstrated a variety of amazing abilities, learning from each other and improving each other.

Some students can control flames and make fireballs dance in their hands;

Some students can control the flow of water and turn the water column into the air.

Their abilities are different, but they all exude an unparalleled charm.

Chu Yi, as the head teacher of this class, his Primordial Origin mark was the trigger for the awakening of Class 18’s powers.

In one month, the students of Class 18 were reborn and reborn with new vitality.

They are no longer the objects of contempt in the past, but have suddenly become the most popular beings in the academy.

Walking in the corridors of the campus, they exude a unique aura that attracts the eyes of passers-by.

Their appearance has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Their formerly ordinary faces have now become handsome and handsome.

Awakening superpowers can indeed drastically change a person's temperament and appearance, making them evolve in a more perfect direction.

This change is not only reflected in appearance, but also reveals more details from subtle points.

One day a month later...

Chu Yi's office welcomed a woman.

She opened the office door gracefully, her bright eyes revealing a hint of confidence and wisdom.

Her long black hair gently brushed her slender neck, and the slightly curved corners of her lips outlined a mysterious smile. The intellectual temperament on her body seemed to exude invisible charm.

Pan Lingling wore a black teacher's uniform, which elegantly outlined her slim figure.

Her slender and straight legs loomed out of the skirt of her uniform, like a smart brush, outlining her unique style, with an elegant rhythm in every step.

This is Pan Lingling, the genetics tutor of Class 18.

She is a newly transferred tutor and now serves as both the class teacher of Class 1 and the genetics tutor of Class 18.

Chu Yi frowned impatiently, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice:

"Pan Lingling, what's the matter with you?" He leaned back slightly, expressing his impatience.

Pan Lingling's expression was slightly worried, and she slowly said:

"Teacher Chu, your teaching methods are a bit extreme."

"Although this method has indeed achieved some results." There was a little worry and dissatisfaction in her voice.

Chu Yi said indifferently:

"I am the vice principal and I have the final say."

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go out first!" His facial expression seemed indifferent, and his tone revealed his impatience with Pan Lingling.

Pan Lingling continued stubbornly:

"Yesterday, all the students in Class 18 went to the hospital to practice their supernatural powers. Don't you know?" There was a little worry in her voice.

Chu Yi said calmly:

"Isn't he still alive? It's better to be injured in the sparring than to die in the battle! What do you think?"

There was a hint of helplessness in Pan Lingling's voice:

"But, this is a peaceful time, how can there be fighting!"

The atmosphere in the office froze. With a bang, the desk was instantly smashed into pieces, and the fragments scattered everywhere, as if indicating that the fear and anxiety in Pan Lingling's heart had also been completely shattered.

Cold sweat broke out on Pan Lingling's forehead and she couldn't help but tremble. She couldn't understand the scene in front of her. Why was Chu Yi so angry?

Chu Yi's voice was full of anger and worry, and his words hit Pan Lingling's heart like a heavy hammer:

"War can come at any time"

This sentence seemed like a wake-up call, suddenly awakening her from her comfortable fantasy.

Pan Lingling sighed deeply, her voice revealing helplessness and understanding:

"Teacher Chu, I respect your opinion, but please don't worry too much. We are now living in a peaceful era, and the Nosia government is ruling the entire planet. War will not come again."

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with determination, and he looked deeply at Pan Lingling:

"You don't understand that war doesn't stay away from us just because of the appearance of peace."

"I have witnessed the cruelty of war with my own eyes. It is an endless nightmare. We must always be vigilant."

In view of Chu Yi's character, he naturally did not want the war to break out.

The destruction of Blue Star once made more emphasis on the importance of cultivating talents.

If war does come, he knows that only unshakable strength can stop it.

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