Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 274 The Eternal Pain In Chu Yi’S Heart

In view of Chu Yi's persistence, Pan Lingling no longer stopped her. After all, Chu Yi was the vice principal and had far more power than her.

Chu Yi frowned and asked:

"Teacher Pan, is there anything else?" There was a trace of curiosity in his tone.

Pan Lingling's eyes shone with a mysterious light, and she walked towards Chu Yi gracefully, as if a beautiful cheetah was about to pounce on its prey.

Her voice was charming and melodious, like the spring breeze blowing over the ripples on the lake, and she asked softly:

"Teacher Chu, I want to know how you gave those students the power of supernatural powers." There was a trace of curiosity and desire in her words, which made people fall into her charm.

Chu Yi frowned slightly, feeling an indescribable sense of vigilance in his heart. He replied vigilantly:

"Stay away from me, I have a wife."

Pan Lingling's expression returned to normal instantly, and she said seriously:

"Teacher Chu, can you tell me how you helped those students awaken their powers? This is a difficult thing to do!"

Chu Yi said calmly:

"Isn't it a simple matter to awaken the superpower?"

He raised his right hand, and a Primordial Origin mark instantly appeared on his palm.

Pan Lingling looked at the Primordial Origin mark in Chu Yi's hand curiously, and she said in shock:

"Can this thing allow people to awaken their superpowers?"

Chu Yi said confidently:

"Of course, this thing was created by me using my own power, and it can help ordinary people awaken their powers!"

Pan Lingling swallowed. She was very eager to get this thing and said anxiously:

"Can you get me one too?"

Chu Yi said easily:


Pan Lingling asked in disbelief:

"Really? No conditions?"

Chu Yi replied affirmatively:

"Of course not, it's not a very precious thing."

Pan Lingling was shocked, her heart trembled violently, her eyes opened so wide that they almost fell out of their sockets.

She couldn't believe her eyes, this wasn't precious?

Her thoughts were confused for a moment, and her mind was filled with endless doubts and surprises.

Pan Lingling stared blankly at the Primordial Origin mark in front of her. Her eyes seemed to be sucked into it, and she was involuntarily attracted by its mysterious aura.

She felt an invisible energy spreading in the mark, as if a pair of invisible hands were gently brushing her body, filling every cell of her body with strength and vitality.

The Primordial Origin mark slowly floated in front of Pan Lingling, falling like a soft feather.

She gently stretched out her hand and touched the surface of the mark. The cold touch made her feel chilled.

However, with her touch, a warm energy emanating from the mark was quickly transmitted to her arm, warming her whole body and mind.

Pan Lingling looked at Chu Yi and said gratefully:

"Thank you, Teacher Chu!"

Chu Yi waved his hand and said solemnly:

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go out!" His fingers trembled slightly, as if there was an indescribable pressure hanging over him.

Pan Lingling nodded, turned around gracefully and left Chu Yi's office.

Every step she took seemed to be stepping on soft clouds, exuding a charming aura.

As Pan Lingling left, Chu Yi sighed deeply, his brows furrowed, his face full of heaviness and worry.

He once thought he could sense the devil's presence forever.

But now, he found that he couldn't detect a trace of devil's breath.

As for why it's not perceived, there are two key reasons to consider.

First, the demon has been completely destroyed.

This means that its existence has completely disappeared from this world.

No residual scent or trace can be detected.

In such a situation, even a keen perceiver cannot detect the presence of the devil.

Secondly, the power of the devil far exceeds Chu Yi himself.

This is an extremely terrible fact.

Now, Chu Yi has reached the stellar Rank Seven realm, and his true strength may even surpass the stellar rank and reach the super nova level.

However, if the devil is more powerful than Chu Yi, the consequences will be disastrous. The entire planet Nothia will face the threat of destruction.

This is an extremely urgent issue that must be addressed as soon as possible.

At this critical moment, Chu Yi felt inner pressure and a heavy sense of responsibility.

He knew he had to find the demon's whereabouts as soon as possible and take action to protect himself and the entire planet.

Chu Yi sighed deeply, his voice full of endless fatigue and heaviness:

"I hope the devil is dead! Otherwise, I don't know how many people will die!"

He lowered his head, feeling uneasy in his heart.

He hoped that the demon had completely disappeared, otherwise, how many people would suffer an unfortunate fate?

Although Nothiya is not a blue star, there are still human beings on this planet.

Seeing Nosia Star, seeing those happy civilians.

Chu Yi's thoughts returned to Blue Star, the destroyed home.

He could not forget the eternal pain caused by the destruction of Blue Star.

Whenever he closed his eyes, the tragic scene of Blue Star would appear in his mind, making his heart tremble.

His eyes became dim, and his heart was filled with endless sadness and helplessness.

A drop of crystal tears silently slipped from the corner of Chu Yi's eyes and gently dropped to the ground.

This tear seemed to carry the endless pain and sorrow deep in his heart, and its existence made people feel distressed.

There was a trace of sadness that could not be concealed on Chu Yi's face. He knew that these tears represented his heart-wrenching longing for the loss and endless regret.

However, Chu Yi was not defeated by tears, and he put away his sadness instantly.

He looked up to the future, his eyes firm and strong.

At this moment, he understood that now was not the time to remember Blue Star. He had to face the reality in front of him. For the memory of Blue Star and for the sake of those innocent lives, he had to move on.

Suddenly, Li Xinyi opened the office door nervously, with a trace of confusion and uneasiness in her eyes.

Chu Yi sat at his desk, his eyes like lightning, watching her enter.

Li Xinyi approached Chu Yi and gently closed the office door. She seemed a little nervous.

She bit her lip and said hesitantly:

"Teacher Chu, I have something to ask you."

Chu Yi smiled slightly and motioned for Li Xinyi to sit down.

There was a trace of encouragement and expectation in Chu Yi's eyes:

"Say it, I'm listening." Chu Yi's voice was calm and gentle.

Li Xinyi's voice was trembling, and the anxiety and confusion she showed through her eyes made people feel her inner uneasiness:

"Teacher Chu, I feel that my mental power is very weak, and the awakened powers don't seem to be strong enough." She spoke very quietly, as if she was afraid of being heard by others.

Chu Yi stood up slowly and glanced around the office. There was a deep thought and determination in his voice:

"There is no such thing as weak abilities, only weak people."

"Come with me and I'll teach you how to realize your true potential."

Li Xinyi's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope, and she could feel Chu Yi's trust and support:

"Really?" There was a hint of excitement and expectation in her voice.

Chu Yi smiled and nodded, with a hint of encouragement in his eyes:

"Of course, let's go! Go to the training ground..."

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