At this moment, an atmosphere of silence filled the air in the training ground of Nothia Genetics Academy.

The academy is known for its focus on genetics, but this has resulted in sparsely populated training grounds.

Today's sunlight shines on the ground through the spacious glass windows, like a layer of soft golden gauze, decorating the entire training ground like a paradise.

Chu Yi slowly took out a pile of wooden swords from the space ring, each sword shining with a faint light.

These wooden swords look ordinary, but they contain infinite power, as if they are waiting for the master's instructions.

Chu Yi stared at Li Xinyi with a firm and gentle expression. He whispered:

"Li Xinyi, keep an eye on it."

As soon as Chu Yi finished speaking, an invisible force was suddenly released, and countless wooden swords rose into the sky like ghosts, coming as densely as black clouds pressing down on the city.

The wooden sword burst out with dazzling light. In an instant, Li Xinyi was surrounded by countless wooden swords. Each sword was extremely sharp and pointed at her vitals.

She felt the breath of death and felt a strong fear in her heart.

If Chu Yi hadn't intended to retain it, he could have effortlessly taken Li Xinyi's life at this moment.

The sharp edge of the wooden sword was pointed directly at her throat, heart and temples, and every move would determine her life or death.

Time seemed to have frozen, and Li Xinyi held her breath.

Although Li Xinyi faced the threat of life and death, she did not show a trace of panic.

She stared at Chu Yi, her eyes flashing with shock:

"It turns out that mental power can be so strong!"

Chu Yi nodded affirmatively and replied:

"Yes, mental power combined with weapons can exert powerful power."

At the moment, Li Xinyi's superpower realm is still Rank One, which is relatively weak, so she cannot exert strong power. However, once her superpower realm becomes stronger, her advantages will become increasingly obvious.

Chu Yi looked at Li Xinyi with a smile and said softly:

"However, since you have awakened your spiritual power, there must be a fatal weakness that you need to overcome."

Li Xinyi frowned slightly, she was confused by Chu Yi's words:

"Teacher Chu, what is that weakness?"

Chu Yi's smile revealed confidence and endless wisdom, and he said softly:

"The physical body is the weakness of all superpowers, but your physical body will be even more fragile." There was a strange light in his eyes, as if he was revealing an incredible secret.

Li Xinyi frowned slightly, and there was a hint of worry in her voice:

"Teacher Chu, is there any way to solve it?" She looked at Chu Yi, looking forward to his answer, as if hoping to find a glimmer of hope from him.

Chu Yi smiled confidently, with deep eyes:

"Of course!"

Chu Yi then took out a copy of the practice "Thousands of Refinements" from the space ring. This practice is a Body Refining practice. Although it is slow to practice, it can bring endless potential and power.

Chu Yi gently handed "Thousands of Temperaments" to Li Xinyi, his voice full of expectation:

"You have to practice this skill well to make up for your shortcomings."

Li Xinyi took "Thousands of Temperaments" and she gently stroked the pages, feeling the endless power hidden in it.

Her eyes flashed with determination, and she said to Chu Yi:

"Thank you, Teacher Chu. I will definitely practice hard and surpass my limits!"

But at this moment, several voices came from far away:

"It's not fair. Teacher Chu actually gave Li Xinyi a small chance!"

"Teacher Chu, we also need one-on-one guidance!"

"Teacher Chu, you are too partial. Are you interested in Li Xinyi?"

A smile flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he felt a little funny looking at these students.

However, he still said in a friendly tone:

"You come one by one, and I will give you one-on-one guidance."

Chen Tingting jumped up excitedly. Her liveliness and cuteness made people laugh out loud:

"Very good!"

Other students also looked excited. They were able to get one-on-one tutoring. This was really a special treatment for them!

In the training ground, Chu Yi stood in the center, his eyes like lightning, looking at these young students.

The long sword in his hand danced with his movements, and the sword's light shone as if it could tear the air.

He explained the secrets of supernatural powers to the students in detail, like a wise man leading them on the path of cultivation.

The students stood on the training ground, exuding the aura of newly awakened powers, and their eyes revealed curiosity and expectation for the unknown world.

Chu Yi softly called their names and provided one-on-one guidance.

His voice was gentle but firm, like the spring breeze blowing on the face, lighting the way forward for them.

On the training ground, the students listened carefully to Chu Yi's explanation, their eyes full of admiration and trust for Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's explanation is not only about cultivation and fighting, but also about thinking about human nature and responsibility.

Chu Yi told them in a calm tone that the road to superpower is long and long, but as long as you persevere, you can reach a higher state.

The students' eyes sparkled with desire for the future, and they were determined to keep Chu Yi's teachings deeply engraved in their hearts and work hard for their dreams.

Time passed by slowly, and it was night before I knew it.

When night falls, starlight shines on every corner of the world, shrouding everything in a mysterious atmosphere.

In this quiet night, Chu Yi was in his residence, sitting cross-legged like a quiet mountain peak.

There was silence in Chu Yi's residence, with only the faint light illuminating his figure sitting on the ground.

He closed his eyes and immersed himself in his own practice.

He knew that he could not slack off at this moment, because cultivation was the only way for him to move forward.

He completely integrated himself into it, feeling the intersection of body and soul.

Chu Yi stared at the Transcendent Level star core in his body. The core was emitting bright light, as if it were a shining star.

He took a deep breath, felt the power contained in the star core, and continued to absorb the energy within it.

This power is like a deep black mist, permeating the air, exuding an aura of decay.

Like a devil's claw, it wrapped around Chu Yi's body, trying to devour him.

However, Chu Yi was not afraid because he practiced Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu. This abnormal technique allowed him to resist all external pollution.

Every time he absorbs it, his body will undergo subtle changes, and power will flow through his body, making him stronger.

Just when Chu Yi was focusing on practicing, suddenly, a strange feeling came to his heart.

He felt a strong and familiar presence approaching his residence.

He opened his eyes and stared at the door, where there was a faint purple light.

This is! The breath of an angel...

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