Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 523: Hongyun leaves

Emperor Dao requires many years of accumulation for each level of progress, and it hasn’t taken long for Hongyun to become the nine-story six-sovereign. If he wants to become the nine-story seven-sovereign, this is tantamount to a dream.

Even with the help of the Hongmeng Sword, Hongyun definitely cannot become the Nine-Layer Seventh Supreme in a short time.

The overflowing energy of the Hongmeng Sword entered Hong Yun's body, but it seemed to have only turned around for a while, and then came out again, which did not improve Hong Yun at all.

"Do you really want to use that treasure?" Hong Yun opened his eyes, and he was already awake, but he knew that it was useless to go out now, so Hong Yun didn't plan to go out.

Regarding the Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Realms, he can only appear in the later stage. As for the early stage, even if he comes out, it is of no use. It is better to think about becoming the Nine-Layer Seven-Sovereign.

At the beginning, Hong Yun got a heart in the Star Palace World. This heart was extraordinary, it was the heart of the emperor.

What is Emperor Heart?

Only after cultivating the emperor's road to become a nine-layer five-dao zun can the emperor's heart be condensed, just like the heart of Hongyun, it has become an emperor's heart.

In the past, Hong Yun thought that the heart he had obtained was nothing more than an emperor's heart, but now he understands that the heart is not simple. Although it is also an emperor's road for cultivation, it is compared with Hongyun.

But it is another kind of imperial avenue, a kind of tolerant and benevolent avenue, which is essentially different from the imperial avenue of Hongyun.

Although Hongyun's imperial road also includes tolerance and benevolence, there is still this dominance and bloodthirsty in Hongyun's road.

It can be said that the cultivator of the imperial heart must also be the emperor's way of cultivation, but it is a weakened version, not as pure as Hongyun.

But there is one thing, that is, the owner of this emperor's heart, his cultivation base is much higher than Hongyun, at least he is already the eighth supreme ninth floor.

That's why Hong Yun thought about using that imperial heart to help him in his cultivation. Of course, the emperor heart had been used a long time ago, and Hong Yun left behind the most essential morality.

Now Hong Yun was hesitating whether to use the morality in the emperor's heart at the beginning, if he used it, then his future cultivation would definitely move toward the morality in the emperor's heart.

However, Hong Yun believed that his imperial avenue was the most perfect, and the morality in the emperor's heart was too one-sided, and it was not what he needed at all.

"In the later stage of the Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Realms, the main characters of the Immeasurable Tribulation should have appeared. I will dare to raise my cultivation base at that time, no matter what method is used." Hong Yun thought firmly in his heart.

In fact, Hong Yun had the most reliable method, but he dared not try it. Once an accident happened, he would have no chance of surviving.

If Hong Yun didn’t guess wrong, then the so-called emperor must be the emperor’s avenue for cultivation. He wants to use the Hongmeng Sword to cross the past. When the emperor is still there, he wants to see the emperor’s position on the ninth floor. Time, how did you cultivate.

But this will indicate that Hong Yun will fight with the emperor, because only after the fight will he know how the opponent is practicing and how the opponent's way is.

However, the opponent is an invincible existence, that is the emperor.

Hong Yun had confidence in himself, but he had never compared his present with that of Emperor Zun.

The emperor can become the emperor before the ancient emperor. What does this indicate is that the emperor's aptitude and combat power far exceed the ancient emperor.

You must know that the Proterozoic Emperor is actually the Pangu Great God, and there is a big gap between the red clouds and the Pangu Great God, let alone the Emperor!

Hong Yun stroked the Hongmeng Sword and muttered to himself: "I want to use you to fight your former master, will you help me?"

Said he was asking about Hongmeng Sword, in fact, Hongyun was asking Hongmeng Sword to help him judge good or bad.

If the Hongmeng Sword lets him go, then it means that Hongyun has the strength to fight against the emperor. If he is not allowed to go, then Hongyun insists on going, that is undoubtedly death.

The emperor proved that before at least thousands of Chaos Era, Hong Yun did not have the strength to go to that time and space, but the Hongmeng Sword could help him.

As the saber of the emperor, the Hongmeng sword has the power to reach the sky and the earth, and it has a period of growth that allows Hongyun to enter the emperor.

All of this was the message that Hongmeng Sword passed to Hongyun, but even if Hongyun returned to that time and space, he couldn't change everything. He was just a spectator and could only fight against the emperor.

However, Hong Yun would not even be able to see the face of Emperor Zun clearly by then. After all, that time and space could not be touched by Hong Yun. With the help of the Hongmeng Sword, it was a blessing to be a spectator.

The Hongmeng Sword was trembling, and the sword glowed with cold sword light. Hong Yun grasped the Hongmeng Sword tightly, and his eyes showed fighting spirit.

"That's it, you are helping me with Hongmeng Sword again. I know how to do it." Hong Yun nodded.

He understood that when a battle with the emperor of the nine levels and six realms appeared in his heart, Hong Yun could not shrink back. Even if there was no hope of victory, Hong Yun would have to go to thousands of Chaos Era to fight the emperor.

At the core of the Emperor’s Road, there is a avenue, and there is no way but I. Now that you think of it, you can't be afraid. Fear does not exist in the heart of an emperor.

Hong Yun made a decision. He wanted to use the Hongmeng Sword to allow himself to enter the time and space where the emperor was. He wanted to fight the emperor. Even if he lost, he would fight. This was the heart of the emperor.

"Hopefully, in that time and space, I can find a way to quickly become the Nine-Layer Seven-Sovereign." Hong Yun muttered to himself.

He has already decided to go to the time and space of Emperor Zun. Although it is dangerous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~, if he does not become the Nine-Layer Seven-Sovereign, he will undoubtedly die. Not only him, but even the entire Penglai line will be destroyed.

Hong Yun couldn't watch his wife, disciples, and everyone in Penglai's line perish, he wanted to resolve the immeasurable calamity.

If there was no God, then Hong Yun would not be so adventurous, because his cultivation base could deal with everything, but now he knew that he could no longer deal with everything.

Hongyun does not intend to tell anyone, including Houtu. Hongyun does not want others to worry about him. Besides, if he can't come back, then the land will be destroyed, so he can only leave alone, and he doesn't want to go to himself. Put pressure on your shoulders.

"Let's start with the Hongmeng Sword! Within five hundred years, I must come back." Hong Yun said while looking at the Hongmeng Sword in his hand.

"Qiang Qiang"

The Hongmeng Sword exudes supreme pressure, and the sword is so powerful that the void in the secret realm begins to shatter, and endless sword aura appears, sweeping everything.

The colorful beads flew away from the Hongmeng Sword, and the colorful light beams suddenly appeared, shining on Hongyun's body, causing Hongyun to disappear into the secret realm in the blink of an eye.

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