Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 524: Doson

In the prehistoric land, no one knew that Hong Yun had left the prehistoric land, and even Hou Tu thought that Hong Yun was still in retreat.

But today's Hongyun has entered a mysterious passage, which was opened up by Hongmeng Sword with its supreme power.

Hong Yun knew that this was not a space-time tunnel. Based on his insight, the space-time tunnel could still be distinguished. It was not a space-time tunnel at all.

However, Hongyun could feel the time and space around him passing fast. He seemed to be returning to the tunnel in the past, but it was different from the time and space tunnel he opened.

Suddenly, Hong Yun thought of what this is.

From this time and space to that time and space, the road in this is a time tunnel, but from now on back to the past, this road is a time tunnel.

Hongyun can open a time tunnel, but it cannot open a time tunnel, because this has violated the rules of the avenue. If you go back to the past and change anything at will, then everything will be a mess.

Even the Supreme could not open the time tunnel. In Hongyun, thinking about it, even with the Hongmeng Sword, it was absolutely impossible, but for some reason, the Hongmeng Sword actually opened.

Although puzzled, Hong Yun didn't think too much. When he became the emperor, then he knew everything.

Is Emperor Zun really under the avenue?

Is the emperor really immortal and immortal Da Luo Jinxian?

This is a mysterious realm, Hong Yun doesn't know, the entire chaos and even the great power of the Hongmeng realm don't know, because if you don't touch this realm, you will never know how powerful this realm is.

I don't know if it was a moment or a decade or a century, Hong Yun felt a sting in his body, and then he fainted. When he appeared again, he appeared on a mountain.

Hong Yun hurriedly pinched his finger to estimate his current position, but he found that he couldn't estimate it at all. It seemed that the connection with the main road had been severed here, and nothing could be calculated.

Divine Sense was released, a huge mountain with a height of about 100,000 feet, occupying millions of miles in the area. There are countless monsters in the mountain. No, these are beasts, because most of them have not activated their spiritual wisdom.

Hong Yun used his magical powers to try the hardness of the space here, but he used 50% of his power, and he couldn't break the surrounding space. In the predicament, the void had already collapsed millions of miles.

Taking out the Hongmeng Sword, Hong Yun found that the power of the Hongmeng Sword had weakened a lot.

"This is the period when the emperor was?" Hong Yun asked, looking at the Hongmeng Sword.

However, the Hongmeng Sword did not recover at all, nor did it tremble, as if the spirit in it had disappeared, only the colorful beads on the Hongmeng Sword were spinning fast.

Hong Yun had a feeling that as long as he was willing, he could return to the prehistoric land at any time, but if he returned, he would never be able to come to this period in the future.

Shennian searched the entire mountain, and Hong Yun unexpectedly found that none of the beasts possessed intelligence, but the bodies of these beasts were all good, and the lowest level had the level of the big Luo Jinxian.

What kind of world is this, the weakest beasts are so powerful, at what period did the emperor live?

Even the well-informed Hongyun was surprised. You must know that within a period of time, the weakest creatures all have the level of the Great Luo Jinxian. This is a terrifying period.

Hong Huang is now considered to have reached its most prosperous time, but there are still countless mortals.

Turning into a rainbow of light, Hong Yun left this huge mountain. He couldn't figure it out. He naturally didn't know the direction, let alone where to go, so he could only walk by feeling.

Since the emperor lived in this period, there must be wise creatures here, otherwise, the emperor could not be a beast!

He came to this period to find the emperor. The Hongmeng Sword should have stayed with him until the emperor of the ninth-floor six Dao Zun period. Otherwise, the Hongmeng Sword would never wait for Hongyun to come.

If Hongyun came to seek him single-handedly after the emperor's proclaiming the Tao, he would definitely die.

This world greatly limits the speed of Hongyun. Although Hongyun is a nine-tiered six-sage, his speed is definitely the best among the nine-tiered and seven-tiered supreme. In the chaos, he can fly at least dozens of chaotic years in an instant. .

But in this world, Hong Yun unexpectedly discovered that he couldn't even reach ten thousand miles in an instant.

Whether it is gravity or the hardness of space, it is far more than ten thousand times, but one million times.

Hong Yun's punch only pierced the space crack, and which one would heal in the next second, which shows how terrifying the hardness of the space here is.

Not to mention walking in the void, even entering the void becomes a problem.

One year, ten years, one hundred years!

Hong Yun didn't know how long he had been flying, because in this world, he couldn't feel the concept of time at all. This world didn't even have the sun, and there was no night, only day.

After flying for such a long time, Hong Yun hadn't even encountered a wise creature. As for the beasts, he had encountered a lot.

He even had a fight with a beast of nine levels and six Dao Zun levels. Here, Hong Yun found that his cultivation base and his avenue were almost nothing special. In other words, he couldn't fight beyond the level at all. At most, it can only be regarded as the best in the same level.

Worried about attracting more beasts, Hong Yun did not entangle him, found a flaw, and left here.

As for the fierce beasts above the six Dao Zuns on the ninth floor, Hong Yun also saw it. Knowing that he was not a rival, Hong Yun didn't start to stun the snake, and left with the breath-holding technique.

Hong Yun didn't know that the period he came to was the Kaiyuan period and the period when Hongmeng was first pioneered. There was no chaos, no starry sky, only a continent, and the edge of the continent was the end of the world.

But Kaiyuan mainland is infinitely large, UU reading www. No one knows how big uukanshu.com is, maybe only one Dao Venerable in Kaiyuan Continent.

And the place where Hongyun is located is the forbidden area of ​​Kaiyuan Continent, because there are countless beasts in it, and the beasts here are higher than the monks outside.

Every 10,000 points in time, there will be a beast wave in Kaiyuan Continent, and each beast wave is a cultivator gloomy period on Kaiyuan Continent.

Rumor has it that on Kaiyuan Continent, no one who enters the Beast Realm will be able to come out. No, there is one person, that is the first Daoist on Kaiyuan Continent.

Before he became Dao Zun, there was no Dao Zun realm above Kaiyuan Continent.

This person is a **** in Kaiyuan Continent, a supreme existence, and the spiritual pillar of all people in Kaiyuan Continent.

He doesn't have a name, because every realm of cultivation is his name, maybe he named every realm, or maybe every realm is naming him.

His current name is: Dao Zun.

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