Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 525: Emperor Heart Resonance

Facing the unknown world, Hong Yun had no other way, and now the Hongmeng Sword seemed to have no spiritual wisdom, so he could no longer guide him, he could only go with his own feelings.

However, Hong Yun didn't know how long he had been away, but he always felt that he had been spinning around and couldn't get out of this place at all.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of giant beasts, these are existences that have no intelligence but strong strength, if the number is small, they can still deal with it, if the number is large, Hongyun can only escape.

"No, if this continues, I am afraid I will return without success this time. I only have one chance to come to this period. If I miss it, I will never be able to come to this period again."

Hong Yun's thoughts turned in all kinds of thoughts, but he was helpless here. His magical eyes could not see the restriction here. No, there should be no restriction here.

He can't spend it here. Once five hundred years are up, he must return to the wilderness, otherwise major events will occur. He doesn't want to return to the wilderness, only to see pieces of ruins, which are long gone.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Hong Yun's mind. He knew what to do. If he didn't guess wrong, Emperor Zun should be the only one cultivating Emperor Dao in this period.

Then he only needs to feel the aura of Emperor Avenue, and he can leave this place, as long as he gets out of here, he should be able to find the Emperor slowly.

Hong Yun sat cross-legged, calmed down, let his heart reach an ethereal state, and then used his imperial heart to sense the position of the emperor.

Although this would allow the emperor to discover his arrival, Hong Yun had no other way, he could only do so, otherwise he would be stuck here until he left this period.

The imperial heart is the core of the imperial avenue, and it is also the crystallization of the condensed understanding of the imperial avenue.

Only one cultivator would appear in the Emperor's Avenue in a period, and when Hong Yun came to the period of Emperor Zun, then there would be two cultivators.

This will definitely make the emperor's heart resonate, and Hongyun can also find the location of the emperor from the position of the resonance, and then with this trace of connection, he can leave here.

Sure enough, when Hong Yun resonated with the emperor's heart, he could feel the general orientation of another emperor's heart.

Hong Yun did not open his eyes, nor did he release his spiritual thoughts. He flew entirely in this direction. It may have been ten years later that Hong Yun felt the aura around him changed.

Then Hong Yun opened his eyes. The world he saw at this time was different from before, and his aura was very different, no, even if it was compared to the original aura.

There are three kinds of auras in Honghuang, Chaos Auras, Innate Auras, and Acquired Auras, but the auras here have a hint of aura. Hongyun has seen the aura of the purple aura, and can naturally feel it.

"The aura here is Hongmeng Aura, that is!" Hong Yun looked at the sky.

The purple aura is so vast, in the sky without the sun, it seems that the purple aura illuminates the entire continent, making the continent form a day.

"It turns out that all of them are Hongmeng Purple Qi, what period is this?" Hong Yun was surprised. Although Hongmeng Purple Qi is of no use to him now, he can still evolve into an Innate Spirit Treasure by getting a Hongmeng Purple Qi from the wilderness. .

The Nine Dao Hongmeng Purple Qi can evolve the innate treasure, which is a good treasure!

There are so many cosmic purple qi, there are millions of Dao, or even tens of millions of Dao, Hongyun displayed his supernatural powers, a big hand appeared, and grabbed those cosmic purple qi.

However, Hong Yun found that his big hand was passing through the body, without grasping the grand and purple energy.

At this time, Hong Yun thought of one thing, that is, he is a spectator, only fighting against the emperor, not to change anything.

I flew to the direction I felt, and after not flying for too long, I saw a huge city, where countless palaces and pavilions were located, and many monks gathered in it.

However, none of these monks' cultivation bases resisted Da Luo Jinxian, even if they were ordinary monks, they were Da Luo Jinxian.

It can be said that there are no mortals. This period seems to be the Hongmeng period. Hong Yun thought that only the Hongmeng period would have such a powerful crowd.

Without stopping, Hong Yun continued on his way. He did not know how many miles he had flown. He encountered a total of eighteen giant cities, one of which had a huge dragon-shaped statue, which was called the Eastern Dragon City by the monks inside.

After this period of time, Hong Yun also discovered that other monks could see him and could fight him, but Hong Yun could not kill any monks, nor could he take any treasures.

He is a spectator and a challenger.

During this period of time, Hong Yun understood that the period he was in was the Hongmeng Period, and there was no chaos in the Hongmeng Period. There was only one continent called Kaiyuan Mainland, which was also the continent under his feet.

There are five giant cities on the Kaiyuan Continent, namely Oriental Dragon City, Northern Elephant City, Southern Vermilion City, Western Tiger City, and Central Emperor City.

And the emperor that Hongyun was looking for was not the emperor, but the Dao deity, because now the highest cultivation base in the Kaiyuan Continent is Dao deity.

The name of each realm is the name of Emperor Zun, so he does not have his own name. If there is, it is also a rumored name called Hongmeng.

Hongyun did not stay in the Eastern Dragon City, but flew towards the central imperial city. He was looking for the emperor, and the central emperor city was the location of the emperor.

In the central imperial city, a huge imperial palace, this is probably the most magnificent building on Kaiyuan Continent, not one of them.

In the imperial palace, a handsome young man, wearing a purple imperial robe, sits on the throne ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ frowned.

"Emperor Heart Resonance? Is there anyone besides me who has comprehended the Emperor's Avenue? It seems that the Hongmeng Heaven Ranking's first position, some have been fighting."

This young man wearing a purple imperial robe was exactly the emperor Hong Yun was looking for. He was the most powerful monk in Kaiyuan Continent, and he was also a monk who pioneered cultivation.

Before him, there were no cultivators, and no one knew what it was.

"As early as a million time points ago, I have already noticed that there will be a catastrophe in the future. It seems that it is this time. I hope that the cultivator of Emperor Dao will not let me down." The emperor smiled confidently.

Standing on the heights, the emperor did not know the geometry of the battle, but he never lost, even if it was a tie.

No matter how difficult the battle is, he will win in the end.

"Presenting my will, summon the four major city masters from the southeast, northwest and northwest to come to the imperial city for discussion." Emperor Zun said lightly.

"Your Majesty's decree." A figure appeared, and then took the order to leave, disappearing again.

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