Shi Wenlei was sitting in the apartment, already waiting for the good news of the flat-headed man.

When the flat-headed man was ready to start, he had already sent him a message.

Although it cost two million to make him a little painful, the Black Soul Society was also sincere this time, and directly sent four soul contractors to start together, one of whom was still a sophomore level 7 soul contractor.

Shi Wenlei didn't think about whether this assassination would be a failure, because in his impression, the person who was targeted by the Black Soul Society must be a dead person.

Unless it's someone with a special background.

But he also investigated Shi Qiu before, a small character with no background, an orphan who didn't even have a parent, and no one was prosecuted for killing him.

So he's not worried at all.

Five minutes.

According to Shi Wenlei's calculations, five minutes is enough.

The flat-headed man's strength is basically a second kill against Shiqiu, so it is estimated that it only takes five seconds to kill, and he calculated five minutes because the rest should be the time to deal with the aftermath and clean up the scene.

Five minutes passed quickly, which was just the time to swipe through two short videos.

Shi Wenlei didn't care about time at all, so by the time he realized that time had passed, fifteen minutes had passed.

"Does it take so long to deal with the aftermath?" Shi Wenlei looked at the clock with a frown.

However, the Black Soul Society has always acted carefully, I think they are afraid that the school will pursue them, so they should handle it more carefully....

Comforting himself so much, Shi Wenlei continued to look down at his phone.

But thirty minutes passed....

An hour passed....

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Shi Wenlei's head.

No matter how cautious it is, it should have been done long ago, not to mention the disposal of one person's corpse for such a long time, it is enough to dig a pit to bury twenty people!

Could it be that things have been revealed?

Probably just bumped into by the instructor....

Shi Wenlei hesitated and held back not using his mobile phone to contact the flat-headed man.

Another hour passed....

For two hours, Shi Wenlei couldn't sit still anymore!

Even if things are revealed and the plan fails, you should always contact me!?

Not saying a word?

What the hell is going on here?!

"Knock knock..."

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Shi Wenlei's heart jumped: "Who?" "

"Me." Outside the door came the voice of a flat-headed man.

Shi Wenlei was stunned, then relieved, got up and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, the flat-headed man stood outside the door.

Shi Wenlei looked around and said nervously, "Why is it so long?" I thought you were caught by an instructor! "

What he was most afraid of was not the failure of the assassination, but that the people of the Black Soul Society were caught and offered him out!

Flat-headed man: "..."

"Man killed?"

I don't know why, Shi Wenlei felt that the flat-headed man was a little wrong, and his body seemed to be gloomy.

And a thick piece of dog skin plaster was also attached to the neck.

But he didn't think much about it either.

"Nope." The flat-headed man's voice also did not have much intonation: "But the person was caught by us." "

"Caught? So why not kill it? Shi Wenlei was puzzled.

"Because I'm looking for you to add money."

Shi Wenlei's face changed: "Add money? What do you mean? Didn't it say two million before? "

There was never such a precedent, which made Shi Wenlei somewhat dissatisfied.

"Two million is the price that Shiqiu is still at level 1, but the information you gave us is wrong."

"Wrong information? What's wrong? "

"Shi Qiu is already a Level 2 Soul Contractor, so of course it's more than this price."

"What... What the?? "

Shi Wenlei was shocked: "This is impossible! "

"It's only been less than a week since he awakened his soul! How could it already be a Level 2 Soul Contractor? You should know this! "

"That's the way it is." The flat-headed man said, "If you don't believe it, you can come with me to see it." "

“...... All right. Shi Wenlei frowned: "Where is he?" "

"Come with me."


Shi Wenlei followed the flat-headed man downstairs.

"By the way, what's wrong with your neck?" Shi Wenlei still couldn't help but ask: "Sleeping on the pillow?" "

Flat-headed man: "... Well. "

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and there are basically no people in the middle of the night.

It's still that piece of ruins, it's still that piece of ruins.

"Hey, where is he?"

Shi Wenlei looked around, only saw blood on the ruined ground, but did not see anyone.

He turned around sharply, and ended up hitting the flat-headed man behind him.

"Ah, I'm sorry... Ga!? ...... You you you you!!? "

Shi Wenlei's face was terrified, as if he had seen the most frightening thing he had ever seen in his life.

Flat-headed man... Oh no, it's a crooked man now.

The crooked man was hit by him, his neck "rattled", and he was crooked again....

"Hmm..." The crooked man stretched out his hand to straighten his head and muttered, "It seems that the three-layer dog skin plaster still can't stick..."


Shi Wenlei was so frightened that he sat on the ground.

"You you you... What's wrong with your head!? ......"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps around, and the other three puppet masters walked out, enveloping Shi Wenlei in the middle.

Shi Wenlei finally realized that something was wrong and was alert: "What are you going to do?" "

The crooked man was expressionless: "Can't you see this?" "


"I want your life!"


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