Shi Wenlei's pupils widened sharply.

And the four of them with a crooked head burst out with soul power! At the same time, strike at Shi Wenlei!

Blood sprayed, and a sudden wail sounded in the empty and silent ruins.

The four people cleaned up Shi Wenlei for an assistant, which was really easy.

Shi Wenlei fell in a pool of blood, embarrassed, unable to move, and only a trace of consciousness.

Shi Qiu slowly walked out and stood in front of him.

"You..." Shi Wenlei looked at him tremblingly.

He looked at the others again and roared angrily: "Why!? "

"That's how your Black Soul Society does business? Am I not giving enough money!? "

"How much did this kid pay you guys??"

The crooked man was silent.

Shi Wenlei's eyes were red: "Are you talking!?" "

Shi Qiu shook his head: "They can't speak." "

Shi Wenlei was stunned, and at this time he found that the crooked man and the others were blind, like puppets.

"You... What did you do to them? Shi Wenlei looked at Shi Qiu, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Shi Qiu's face was expressionless, obviously not ready to answer.

Shi Wenlei suddenly felt that the man in front of him was inexplicably a little terrifying, as if he couldn't see through the abyss under the sea...

He shivered inexplicably, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Shi Qiu... If you dare to move me... My dad will never let you go!! "

Shi Qiu was stunned: "Did I move you?" Who saw it? "

Shi Wenlei: "..."

Shi Qiu turned his head to look at the crooked man: "Did I kill him?" "

The crooked man was expressionless: "No, it's me." "

Shi Wenlei opened his mouth: "You..."

Shi Qiu shrugged: "Look, it's you who have a problem with the Black Soul Society, and it has nothing to do with me." "

Shi Wenlei's face turned pale, and he swallowed his spit, knowing that he was in trouble today.

"Yes... Can you spare me? "

"I can give you money..."

Shi Qiu looked at him deeply: "Chasing girls does not achieve despicable means, and if you overturn, you will beg for mercy, you really have a chance." "

"Since you are so timid, don't come out to mess around in the next life, and be an honest person in peace."

Shi Qiu said, turned around indifferently, and waved his hand.

"Don't..." Shi Wenlei's eyes widened.

However, the crooked man had already pulled him up and stabbed him into his heart....


Ten minutes later, Shi Wenlei stood up again and stood with the crooked man.

Shi Qiu was not in a hurry to leave the scene at all, but found a large cement stone slab and sat down and opened the system panel.

After the battle just now, Shi Qiu's level has increased again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful upgrade, the upgrade reward has been issued! "

"Cheat code: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1AB09C4EC32159E596D093FE87486A5052C0D791"

"Host opens upgrade rewards! Get: 250,000 cash, system points*3, black hearthstone*10! "

"Black Hearthstone?" Shi Qiu wondered.

When I opened the inventory, I saw ten small black and rough stones placed in it.

The Autumn Point property looks at the effect.

"Name: Black Hearthstone."

"Rating: Rare."

"Introduction: Superior materials for strengthening equipment."

Enhanced equipment?

By the way, Shiqiu remembers that there is a function to strengthen equipment in the system panel.

This black furnacestone seems to be a very rare material. Shi Qiu checked, and even the system mall and trading houses did not sell it.

However, after turning on the enhancement function, Shiqiu was somewhat disappointed.

The requirement for strengthening equipment is that the soul contractor needs to reach level 5.

You can only wait until later.

Shi Qiu clicked on the panel of the skill tree again. This upgrade, plus the 1 system point automatically given by the upgrade, he has a total of 4 extra points, so you can think about what abilities you should improve.

Speaking of enhanced equipment, Shi Qiu suddenly remembered his weapon - the Grim Reaper Scythe.

He opens the properties panel of the Grim Reaper's Scythe.

"Name: Death's Scythe."

"Level: lv1"

"Rating: Divine."

"Attributes: Attack +99%, Magic Attack +99%, Soul +81%"

"Sharp: 17 (1 for regular saber)"

"Solid: ∞"

"Special Effects: ??? (unlockable after upgrading)"

"Introduction: The soul weapon of the Grim Reaper cannot be transferred to other people. This weapon dissipates when the Reaper host dies. "

Shi Qiu touched his chin.

After a short thought, he spent a little system points to raise the Scythe of Death to LV2 level.

"Congratulations! Host Upgrader Soul - Shinigami's Scythe Succeeded! "

"Special effects unlocked!"

"Soul Reaper: The Scythe of Death collects its Soul Points for every unit it kills. Death's Scythe attack carries 30 soul damage (this effect increases with the number of Soul Points reaped). "

Shi Qiu had heard about physical damage, magic damage, and spiritual damage since he came to this world, and he had never heard of soul damage.

So he doesn't have a real number on how to calculate this thing.

I'll have to wait until the next time I actually fight.

Then, he unlocked another first-order undead, the Shadow Spirit.

This seems to be similar to an undead possessed by the host, and when possessed, it can greatly improve the agility of the host.


Shi Qiu nodded.

Finally, he looked at the puppet on the side, thoughtful.

For the ability of "puppet manipulation", Shi Qiu has not fully mastered it until now.

He also just discovered that the puppets' vision can also be shared into his field of vision, which means that Shi Qiu can see what the puppet's perspective sees.

Shi Qiu can also control all the actions of the puppet through spiritual power.

After becoming a puppet, although the strength will not weaken, the combat IQ is basically gone.

Therefore, if you want to exert your full strength, it is best to be controlled by Shi Qiu himself.

However, his current mental power is still too low.

You cannot control more than two puppets at the same time.

When choosing to use the spirit to control another puppet, the one originally controlled can only enter the "human-machine" state.

It's like ordinary people, there is no way to be half-hearted, it is impossible to write homework while typing lol.


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