Xiao Se's face began to change color, and his smile gradually became stiff.

Tang Songming is not stupid, Xiao Se is so unnatural, how could he not notice it.

"Brother-in-law, do you want to sign?"

"If there's anything wrong, just say it. When I was young, I was drilled by my sister every day, and my ability to resist beatings is exceptionally strong. If you have something to say, just say it, I can stand it."

Xiao Se realized that she just lost her composure.

As a less formal fortune teller, Xiao Se is also very professional.

It's still a matter of improvisation.

In any case, Tang, Song and Ming had the spirit of death, so this matter cannot be mentioned.

But even if it is mentioned, who can believe it.

"There is a question about woolen yarn. Don't think about it, children. You draw a lottery, and then ask me if you want to make a lottery."

"What's going on, brother-in-law, looking at your expression just now, I thought that volcanoes, earthquakes, mudslides, the sky will collapse immediately, and the world will be destroyed."

Xiao Se rolled her eyes and had an idea.

"It's not that, it's just that I just discovered your dark circles, it's because of your kidney deficiency."

There was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and there was a cry.

Tang Songming, heartbroken.

It was more difficult for him to accept than the sky falling.

Xiao Se, however, belonged to the yellow croaker, and slipped back to the tent quietly by the side.

dead? How can there be death energy in a living person.

Xiao Se has never been in contact with it before.

It's just that he completely trusts the system, after all, the system has never made a mistake since he encountered it.

Could it be that what Tang Yao said was true?

Isn't this guy who looks exactly like Tang Songming in front of him not Tang Songming at all?

Just like the nine-tailed fox took over Su Daji's body.

Have the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties been taken away by something?

What is it?

Could it be that ds95?

But what the hell is ds95.

Never heard of it.

Xiao Se has no clue at all.

But at least one thing is certain.

The siblings of the Tang family must have hidden secrets.

It may well be a shocking secret.

It's a pity that although Xiao Se is not stupid.

It can even be said to be completely smart.

Faced with this clueless mess, his head is still big.

He now regrets why he didn't awaken the strongest detective system.

It's also good to cross into Sherlock Holmes and Conan.

At that time, all mysteries will be solved, and there will always be only one truth.

But Xiao Se can at least guess.

The changes in the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties must have something to do with the previous casino case.

The mysterious man with the head behind his back is very likely to be behind the scenes.

Classes 6 and 7 meet before noon.

Chen Xing and Shu Ting immediately exchanged the information that the two groups had.

The ending is very unexpected.

Class Six also encountered Earl Forked Bat.

Fortunately, the loss was not too great. The cost of the death of the two men, after passing through the territory of the forked bat, it stopped chasing it.

As for the other six people, they were all killed by the fire tong ants.

These guys are as big as a punch, and they are definitely giants in the ant world.

What's even more terrible is the appearance of the perfect couple.

There are hundreds of them at every turn.

After the five people were attacked, they were gnawed to pieces on the spot.

The classmate who was lucky enough to be rescued.

In less than half an hour, the ant poisoning occurred.

The flesh and blood rotted to death.

After learning that Xiao Se had dealt with Earl's Forked Bat, the entire Class Six breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he gave Xiao Se a grateful look.

Many people even thanked them in person.

Xiao Se once again enjoyed the hero treatment.

It's just that Tang Yao and Lu Meng were very upset with the girls who surrounded Xiao Se closely.

They declared their absolute sovereignty over Xiao Se in their own way.

"The energy value from Tang Yao is +898."

"The energy value from Lu Meng is +653."

Xiao Se couldn't figure out what the two women were thinking again.

Originally, dying on the battlefield was the realization that most people had already made when they entered the star platform.

Of course, what Han Miao may lack is this kind of awareness.

Unfortunately, he died in battle, shrouded in horse leather, and buried in a foreign land.

It is fate for all those who choose to enter the star station.

In the past thirty years, people who entered the star platform died one after another.

But it was still one after another, and people kept rushing in.

What is it for.

From Xiao Se's point of view, it's very simple.

In order to maintain the last pride of being a human being.

A good man should stand between heaven and earth.

Also this night.

Chen Xing and Shu Ting took turns sitting in charge.

All the people had the most solid sleep after entering the star station for a long time.

Another two days went on without incident.

Pan Snake Cave, Xingchen Stream, Baili Red Sandy Land.

When none of the key marked areas on the map are encountered.

The two teams were in trouble.

Three towering mountains suddenly appeared on the flat ground out of thin air.

It is true that Wangshan ran a dead horse.

After turning into a beast, Chen Xing flew for a full hour, but he couldn't find out how big this mountain was.

Tang Yao, who was trying to teleport, also couldn't cross the mountains.

The solution to the problem before us is obvious.


Where there is choice, there will be dispute.

There are different opinions on which mountain to climb and whether to climb together or separately.

As teachers, Chen Xing and Shu Ting know that they cannot put all their eggs in one basket.

Immediately decided to divide the troops into two groups.

There is no problem in dividing the troops into two groups.

But the reality before them is that there are three mountains.

Which mountain to climb.

Which mountain not to climb.

Another problem.

Choose to divide the troops into three groups, without a teacher to lead the team, the strength is too weak, and it is difficult to resist the attack of monsters. Don't think about it, it may be a tragic massacre.

Naturally, there is no shortage of smart people at this time.

If you can't get through, it's okay to take a detour.

Facing the stone mountains that stretch for hundreds of miles.

There is no hope for ten days and a half months of detours.

Just wait to be teleported before arriving at the destination.

Chen Xing made a decisive decision.

"This clearly tells us that there is a trap ahead, there is no way out, breaking through is the only hope."

It is also a helpless move from two teams to three teams, and it is a last resort.

The most worrying choice for the team leader, Chen Xing has the chosen one in his heart.

That is naturally Xiao Se.

The four-person team led by Xiao Se is already very familiar with each other, and the cooperation is getting better and better.

What's even more rare is that he has successfully completed the task of killing monsters.

At this time, Shu Ting gave full play to the excellent traditional virtues of Xia women's husband and wife.

Against all odds, both hands agree.

Both Tang Yao and Lu Meng have admiration for Xiao Se.

Wu An also admired Xiao

Se is very powerful.

It's easy for Xiao Se to lead the team.

"Xiao Se, I have decided with Mr. Shu from the sixth team, whether you can lead a team of 18 people to complete the task."

Xiao Se was unequivocal, taking a breath of dantian Qi, "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

This can already be regarded as Chen Xing's affirmation of Xiao Se and the four-member team.

The only one who made a mess again was Han Miao.

When he heard that he was assigned to Xiao Se's team.

Immediately, he was terrified.

"I don't want it. You, Chen, are malicious revenge. You want me to die."

"As a teacher, shouldn't you protect your students?"

"As long as I go out, I will definitely report you to Principal Yan."

"You messed with the wrong person, you know that?"

Wu An made a beautiful hand knife, and the world finally returned to peace.

As the pioneer, Wu An consciously picked up Han Miao again, and rushed forward.

"Tell me, what is this called? They were forcibly separated after they had just assembled."

Complaints are inevitable.

Especially the boys who were already in the sixth team.

The group of four and Tang Songming reunited without any suspense.

"Should our team also have a name?"

The Tang, Song and Ming dynasties were full of optimists, when is this time, how can normal people have time to come up with names.

Who knew that the call of Tang, Song and Ming had been answered by everyone.

At one point, Xiao Se felt that the seventeen members of this team were not normal people.

After killing the giant spider with a human face, Xiao Se has seen the naming skills of the other three members of the group of four.

It was simply horrible and miserable.

Disaster level.

After seeing Xiao Se's strength, Wu An is definitely Xiao Se's number one fanboy.

I suggested calling, "Xiao Se First Column."

This name everywhere shows the extreme heroism of personality cult.

"My brother-in-law is right." How about it?

Tang, song and Ming's second most obsessed disciples of Xiao Se are naturally not to be outdone.

There are eighteen of us.

In ancient times, there were Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun, so we called it "Eighteen Horsemen of Xingtai, how about it?"

"One person and one horse count as one ride. Let me ask you, where are the horses?"

"Does double ponytail count?"


Xiao Se suddenly felt that her life was in darkness, what kind of players are these, problematic boys.

"We all came from teams six and seven."

"Just call the 6:30 team."

Han Miao woke up at some point.

He wanted to keep pretending to be asleep, but what the hell are these guys naming.

Have you seen "The Art of Naming"?

I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore.

Now is the time to take the oath of sovereignty.

It is undeniable that Han Miao is really a little clever ghost.

Eighteen votes, unanimously passed.

"The team name is what I thought of. It's understandable to add my name to the front of the team."

"Han Miao's team at 6:30."


"I disagree."

"Guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death, shut up."

"I think it's called Xiao Se's 6:30 team." Fan No. 1 suggested.

"I agree."

Midi No. 2 firmly supports it.

Why Xiao Se is tall, and Han Miao is, ah, bah.

"This is really discrimination."

On this day, Xiao Se officially appeared in the history of Xia Kingdom at half past six.

From now on, these eighteen pivotal figures will appear on every important node.

Xiao Se officially appeared on the big stage at 6:30.

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