Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 1 Daily Intelligence System, revenge is inevitable! [Please recommend]

Nine Realms Divine Continent.

Da Cang Country.

Qingniuji is one of the twelve major jijis in Yanyun County, located on the bank of Heijiang River.

Winter solstice season.

The cold wind was as sharp as a knife, and it hurt my face.

The east end of Qingniu Market is three miles away.

Li Laocai, wearing a cap and a brocade robe with a big belly and two servants, patrolled the fields.

"That old beast Li Laocai is finally here!"

Qin Wang wore a black hat covering most of his face, a gray cotton coat, his hands in his cuffs, hiding in the tall thatch on one side of the earth bank, like a little old man, looking at Li Laocai a hundred feet away with a chill in his eyes.

Lean less.

Qin Wang withdrew his gaze, and a light blue border appeared in front of him. It was frosted and translucent, three feet in size, and resembled an open page of a book. There were small white regular characters on both sides of the page.

Page on the left.

【Today’s information】

[1: You met Qingniuji landlord Li Laocai from a distance yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai learned that you were not dead. In order to eliminate the roots, Li Laocai was discussing with the housekeeper how to sell you to 'Da Guanren Wenrou Township' 'Become a prostitute and make another fortune. 】

[2: You met Ya Xing Yan Po yesterday and received relevant information. Your sister Qin Xuemei voluntarily sold herself to the Chen family as a laundry slave in exchange for 600 yuan for you to live in during the winter. The middleman Yan Po earned 3 taels of silver. 】

[3: You met Li Yun, a member of the Goldfish Gang, yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Yun had an argument with a fisherman early this morning and was stabbed to death by a fisherman with a harpoon. 】

[4: You met Li Yunhai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Yunhai and his mother-in-law are having a cold war. The reason is that Li Yunhai gave you a small bag of brown rice and a fish yesterday. 】

[5: You watched the sky yesterday and obtained relevant information. There will be heavy rainstorms in parts of Yanyun County in the near future. 】

[6: Yesterday you passed by the Qingniuji Tavern and overheard people talking about the Da Cang Kingdom. You obtained relevant information. The Empress Dowager who was listening behind the curtain in the central imperial city 108,000 miles away finally took over the power. 】

[7: You saw Qingniuji vendor Zhao Kun yesterday and received relevant information. Zhao Kun will die of illness after the 137th day. 】

[8: You met fisherman Li Ergou yesterday and received relevant information. Li Ergou will break his left leg while fishing tomorrow. 】

[9: Yesterday you met Chen Pu, the housekeeper of Qingniuji landlord Li Laocai, and obtained relevant information. Chen Pu’s favorite son is actually the flesh and blood of his concubine and Li Laocai. 】

[10: You followed Qingniuji landlord Li Laocai yesterday and obtained relevant information. This morning, Li Laocai will go to Qingniuji to inspect his fields, step on the nails you buried, and drop a money bag. . 】

Note: Daily information is refreshed at midnight every day.

Page on the right.

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 17/67】

[Skill: Cooking (Basic)]

[Progress: (788/800)]

[Effectiveness: Cooking, steaming, deep-frying, frying, roasting, marinating, and mixing. Diligence can make up for your weakness. You can become proficient in it in two to three months. 】

"This old beast Li Laocai is so insidious!"

"Let's see if you die this time!"

Qin Wang gritted his teeth.

He was originally a college graduate from Earth. He worked for five years and finally became a delivery boy.

Carrying a thirty-year mortgage, he fainted on the road and woke up again, becoming Qin Wang, the young man with the same name in the Qing Niu Ji.

The predecessor's mother was kidnapped by Jiang Shen, and her father died of illness six months ago, leaving behind a huge debt. Only three acres of land and three tile-roofed houses were taken away by the landlord Li Laocai to pay off the debt. The remaining two siblings lived in a broken house east of Qingniuji. Living on thatched grass, life is without a solution.

When her sister Qin Xuemei saw that she could no longer survive, she voluntarily sold herself as a laundry slave to the Chen family, a wealthy family in Yanyun County, in exchange for 600 yuan, just to help her younger brother Qin Wang survive the winter.

A month and a half after Qin Xuemei went to the Chen family to work as a laundry slave, Qin Wang accidentally awakened the daily intelligence system, which could refresh the information every day.

As long as he came into contact with someone yesterday, it was possible to obtain secret information about that person.

It takes ten days to activate the system.

Qin Wang learned about it through daily intelligence.

The Qin family's three acres of land and three tile-roofed houses were forced to pay debts to Li Laocai. The death of his father and son, and the difficult lives of his siblings were all thanks to Li Laocai!


Li Laocai pressed hard and even wanted to sell Qin Wang to the county town to work as a prostitute to make a fortune. He was extremely vicious.

If his sister Qin Xuemei hadn't sold herself as a laundry slave in exchange for 600 yuan, he would have starved to death before the system could be activated!

Yesterday, Qin Wang updated the information and learned that Li Laocai would go to Qingniuji to inspect his fields and pass by the main road of the field ridge. He went to the main road of the ridge at midnight last night to bury ten rusty nails that had been soaked in a manure tank for a day.

"In this world where people eat people, only by having strong strength can we live better!"

"It would be great if I could get an introduction to martial arts!"

Qin Wang knew that he had a proficiency level in liver skills. Currently, he only had basic skills in cooking. What he needed most was martial arts.


If you are poor in literature and rich in martial arts, you can't learn at all if you don't have money.

There are three major martial arts schools in Yanyun County.

Entering the martial arts gym requires 10 taels of silver as the entry fee. Moreover, the Dacang Baojia system is strict and prohibits the movement of people. There are also restrictions on going to the county seat. The "li chief" needs to write a certification letter as a guide, otherwise he will be arrested!

After activating the system, Qin Wang used the intelligence to earn 3 taels of silver, which was not enough to go to the martial arts gym to learn martial arts. He had to use the intelligence system to get more silver and become stronger before he could kill Li Laocai.

"Information No. 10 shows that Li Laocai will step on an iron nail at the edge of the field behind Qingniu Market and drop his money bag. It would be great if he can pick it up!"

Qin Wang looked at Li Laocai and thought secretly in his heart.

Since this time.

Qin Wang observed that the information refreshed by the system every day was very accurate.

"Chen Pu, has the land that Qin Sanhuai's family used to pay off debts been rented out?"

On the ridge of the field, Li Laocai put his hands behind his back, and his land became his own as far as he could see, and he felt very satisfied.

"Sir, you are such a noble person who forgets things. Qin Sanhuai's land was rented out on the day the debt was paid off."

Chen Pu bent over and looked flattering.

"Oh? Look at my memory."

"Next year's harvest will definitely be good. Maybe we can consider raising the land rent by half."

Li Laocai nodded and looked satisfied. At the end of every year, the fields in his hands were rented by tenants and poor farmers in advance. The supply was almost in short supply. Even if it increased by half a percent, there was no fear of no one renting it.

"What I said makes sense! Without you to farm the fields, those mud-legged people will starve to death!"

"Last year, the rent of the fish stall was raised by 20%. Master, you only raised half of the rent. In comparison, it shows your kindness and generosity, sir!"

Chen Pu took a picture of the horse, which greatly benefited Li Laocai. He scanned his fields and walked up to a field bank that was more than ten feet high with great satisfaction.

"Ah~! My feet"

Suddenly, Li Laocai screamed, retracted his feet as if he had stepped on live coals, and sat down on the ground, only to scream again. "Ah!!! My ass. Who can kill a thousand swords and drop a nail here?"

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