Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 2 Li Laocai suffers, Qin Xuemei [ask for recommendation votes]

Li Laocai tilted his body, and his fat body rolled down the field ridge. He wiped blood on his hand, and suddenly let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, which made those who heard it worried.


"Master, are you okay? Why are there nails? Oh my God!"

Chen Pu and another strong servant were frightened and alerted to the nails under their feet. They went down to the field to help Li Laocai, only to find that a nail had been inserted into the old man's right foot. It had pierced the sole of the shoe and penetrated into the sole of the foot, dripping with blood.

Moreover, there is also a rusty iron nail inserted into the master's buttocks, and a small piece of wood is placed on the nail head. The wood piece should be buried in the soil to fix the nail, and it is still covered with soil.

Blood gushed out and dyed Li Laocai's brocade robe red.

Chen Pu and his sturdy servant were all panicked when they saw the blood all over the ground.


"Send him off quickly. I'm going to Baicao Hall to find Mr. Bai. Ouch, it hurts!"

At this moment, Li Laocai couldn't sit or stand up. He was lying on his side on the ground and howling in pain.

"Hurry, hurry, carry the master to Baicao Hall!"

Chen Pu gave instructions to the stalwart servant beside him, and the two of them took Li Laocai away with straps on their backs. Not far from them, lying in the dry grass, was a palm-sized money bag with the color of dry grass. It was difficult to find it without looking carefully. .


"This old killer has been tricked! How cool!"

"Hmph! This is just an appetizer, but you're plotting against me! How can you stop until I kill you!"

Qin Wang hid in the thatch on the bank of the earth and watched the servants of the Li family carrying Li Laocai to Baicao Hall in the market. He immediately walked quickly to the place where Li Laocai was stabbed.

Not long after.

Qin Wang came to the place where the nails were buried, and when he looked around, he saw a khaki-colored money bag in a large mass of withered grass. The mouth of the bag was tied with a string, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "found it!"

Qin Wang picked up the money bag, stuffed it into his arms, put away the remaining eight nails, and headed towards the woods in the opposite direction.

This is behind the market.

Li Laocai calmed down and realized that the money bag was lost, so he would definitely investigate who appeared on the nail-burying field. Although Qin Wang wore a black hat that covered half of his face and a bloated cotton coat, he couldn't tell what he looked like. But it's still not safe enough.

It's best to take a big turn home without arousing suspicion.

Behind Qingniuji is a hilly area.

This place is about eight miles away from Qingniu Jiji. It is a cemetery and few people come here.

Most of the people in Qingniuji were buried here after their deaths. It was surrounded by maple trees three or four feet high. The ground was covered with rotten leaves, exuding the smell of decay.

Qin Wang saw that there was no one around, so he sat under a thick maple tree. He took out his money bag with anticipation, tore open the rope, and found that it was full of broken silver. He counted it, and his eyes suddenly lit up. . "Eighteen taels of silver! It's great! In addition to the three taels I originally had, the total is twenty-one taels of silver! I have the entrance fee to the martial arts gym!"

Qin Wang immediately carefully put the broken silver into his arms, then buried Li Laocai's money bag in a hidden way, and after cleaning up the traces, he got up and continued to go back.

Lijiazhuang is located in the southwest of Qingniuji.

It covers an area of ​​six or seven acres, has four courtyards, and is surrounded by walls more than ten feet high. The courtyard is very large, with rockeries, lotus ponds, pavilions, and various landscape trees. It is very quiet and elegant.

There are more than 20 servants and servants in Lijiazhuang, as well as four nurses.

The second time you enter the courtyard, you will find a classical-style wing.


"Whoever kills a thousand cuts puts nails on the field ridge and it hurts me to death."

Li Laocai was lying on the couch, groaning and cursing the person who buried the nails. He was covered with two layers of quilts, with only one head exposed. The doors and windows were open for ventilation, and a pot of charcoal fire was placed in the middle of the room.

Beside his bed, three maids were waiting nervously.

After the doctor from Baicaotang pulled out the nails and bandaged him, he prescribed some Chinese medicine and told him not to go out when he came back and just keep warm.

"Master, I took three people and searched around the field ridge several times but couldn't find your wallet."

At this time, the butler Chen Pu walked into the room and said respectfully. "However, I asked several residents near the field ridge. During the period after you were injured, five people passed by the field ridge. Three of them were tenants of Qingniu Ji, and the other two didn't know who they were."

"Keep looking!"

"Find these five people and question them! The money bag must be found!"

Li Laocai glared and scolded.

That's eighteen taels of silver, which can almost buy three maids and servants. To lose it like this is to cut off his flesh!

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Pu responded respectfully, turned around and left.

"Why are you so unlucky!"


Li Laocai looked at Chen Pu's back with a depressed look in his eyes. His feet and buttocks were pierced by nails and money was thrown away. Now he only felt that his chest was congested.

"Master, Yan Po is looking for you. She is in the front hall."

At this time, a maid in green walked in and said respectfully.

"Yan Po? You all go out and let her in!"

Li Laocai remembered the agreement he made with Yan Po. Over the years, he also made a lot of money relying on Yan Po as a channel.

Yanyun County.

One of the four major families, the Chen family, laundry room.

This is a courtyard near the back of the Chen family's mansion. The courtyard is about a hundred feet in diameter. It is full of bamboo poles for drying clothes. Most of the bamboo poles have clothes of various colors hanging on them. Ten girls in coarse linen clothes are beating the big wood in front of them. Dirty clothes in the basin.

In the wooden basin next to them, there were piles of clothes, sticks and soap locusts that had been squeezed out of the water.

"Sister Xuemei, were you sold here because you have a large family?"

At this time, one of the skinny girls looked at the girl beside her who was immersed in laundry and asked.

"I came in voluntarily."

Qin Xuemei glanced at Xiao Zi who was speaking, with worry in her eyes. She had been out for nearly two months, and she didn't know how her brother was doing. 600 yuan was enough for the winter, but would he take care of himself?

Without his land, what will he do in the future?

"Voluntary? Why?"

Xiao Zi's eyes showed confusion.

She sold her to the Chen family because her parents couldn't feed their three children. Otherwise, who would want to be a lowly laundry slave?

"Well, if I sell myself, my brother can live."

Qin Xuemei said, without stopping her hands, she whispered. "Xiao Zi, don't talk while you are working. If you fail to complete the task, you will have no food, and you will have to be whipped. In addition, pay special attention to expensive clothes. If they are washed, the consequences will be serious."

Chen's family has a large family, and they change out a lot of clothes every day. In addition to laundry, the 10 laundry slaves have other tasks every day. They have almost no time to spare, and they have to jog all the way to the toilet.

Failure to complete the task will result in starvation and whipping.

This is pretty light.

Especially the clothes of the young master, young lady and his wife, you have to be careful when washing them. Not only will you be beaten if they are damaged, you will also have to pay compensation. She heard that two laundry slaves were beaten alive because they ruined one of the eldest lady's clothes. die.

She and Xiao Zi just filled this gap.

"Oh, got it."

Xiao Zi's expression tightened, she didn't dare to say anything anymore, and just immersed herself in her work.

She has been here for three days, and she can only talk to Qin Xuemei, while the other laundry sisters are silent.

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