Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 3: Intelligence updated! Li Laocai is about to die! Taizu Changquan? [Please vote for recomm

Three hours later.

Qin Wang returned to his home located at the east end of Qingniuji, twenty feet behind the end of the street.

There are two dilapidated thatched houses with mottled earth walls. The dilapidated mattresses in the houses can be seen through the cracks in the walls. On the left side of the door, there is a pair of dilapidated soil dustpans, and on the right side there is a wooden handle.

He took out the key and opened the door.

There was air leakage from the cracks in the walls inside the house, and there were pits on the floor, but they were cleaned very well.

Against the wall is an old wooden table with a corner missing and a leg missing. It is balanced with a few adobe bricks as a cushion. There are two 'stools' stacked up with adobe bricks next to it.

An iron pot was set up on several adobe bricks, which served as a cooking stove.

With such a stove, the whole house is filled with smoke when cooking, which makes me choke to tears, but there is nothing I can do.

Originally, Qin Wang's family had three large tile-roofed houses located in Qingniuji Street. Because of his father Qin Sanhuai's medical treatment, Li Laocai owed money and paid off the debt.

"Make some fish soup and drink it tonight to replenish your health."

Qin Wang touched his washboard-like chest, put the carp Li Yunhai gave him into the pot, and lit the fire to cook.

Just kosher salt and no other seasonings.

Although I just picked up Li Laocai's 18 taels of silver, plus the 3 taels he earned using the intelligence system in the past ten days, there are a total of 21 taels of silver, but he can only spend it secretly.

A frail young man who does not work would spend money lavishly.

It will inevitably attract the covetous attention of Li Laocai and interested people!

Qin Wang looked at the boiling fish soup in the pot, scooped up a little with a spatula and tasted the taste. It was still bland and bland, and there was nothing he could do about it. This body was too thin because it had been in a state of hunger for a long time, and it belonged to the family. Just the kind with a pale face.

It is necessary to supplement nutrition.

Just keep strong.

With a good body, everything will fall into place.

After Qin Wang finished eating, he felt warm all over.

He lay on the bed against the wall, wrapped tightly in the quilt, thinking secretly. "The entry fee for joining the martial arts school is enough. I have to go to the village chief's house tomorrow and ask him to help get a seal as a guide."

If you want to live better in this world where people eat people, you must become stronger.

In Da Cang Country.

The Baojia system is strict.

If ordinary people want to leave the market where they live and go to the county town, they need a road guide, otherwise they will be arrested as refugees by officers and soldiers.

As for the excuse to get a sealed letter and go to the county seat, he had already thought of it.

My sister Qin Xuemei was in the Chen family, one of the four major families in the county, and she said she was going to see her sister.

time flies.

Qin Wang suddenly heard a reminder in his mind.

[Today’s information has been refreshed! 】

【Today’s information】

[1: Yesterday you planted rusty nails to assassinate Li Laocai, the landlord of Qingniuji (Li Chunli), and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai will suffer from a tetanus attack in 5 days and die in 10 days. 】

[2: You passed by Sister Zhen’s bun shop yesterday and got relevant information. In order to turn around the business of the bun shop, Liu Zhen launched a ‘buy ten, get one free’ offer. 】

[3: You met Li Laocai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Yan Po is looking for Li Laocai’s secret dealer. He will come to your door this morning. In the name of introducing you to the county town to find errands, he will sell you to a high official in Wenwen Township for prostitution. Children make money. 】

[4: You met Li Laocai yesterday and obtained relevant information. There are 850 taels of silver ingots buried under the bedroom of Li Laocai's house. 】

[5: You saw the tomb of his father Qin Sanhuai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Qin Sanhuai hated the River God most in his life and hated worshiping the River God. 】

[6: You passed by Qingniu Fish Market yesterday and received relevant information that the water level in Heijiang River will rise sharply. 】

[7: You passed by Qing Niu Ji Baicao Hall yesterday and obtained relevant information. The white man of Baicao Hall lamented his lack of physical strength and wanted to find a disciple to pass on the mantle. 】

[8: You met Li Ligang of Lijiazhuang Nursing Home yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai’s favorite youngest son is actually Li Ligang’s flesh and blood. 】

[9: You met Li Laocai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai’s son Li Tianyi felt that practicing martial arts was too hard, so he secretly went to Houshan Bamboo Forest to play yesterday afternoon and obtained the martial arts [Taizu Changquan] hand that Li Laocai obtained through his connections. The manuscript was lost next to a large millstone, and Li Tianyi was thinking about how to explain it to his father. 】

[10: You passed by the Qingniu Grain Collection Store yesterday and obtained relevant information. Since Emperor Dacangyun first came to power, the King of Jin raised troops in the name of "Qingjun Side", and grain was hoarded in various parts of the south, resulting in high grain prices in the future. 】

Note: Daily information is refreshed at midnight every day.

"The information has been updated!"

"Li Laocai's tetanus broke out 5 days later? He died 10 days later?"

"This old guy has to be tortured for five days before he dies? That's great! It's not in vain that I soaked the rusty iron nails in the pig manure tank overnight."

After seeing the first piece of information, Qin Wang's eyes showed satisfaction.

Tetanus was nothing in the previous life.

But in this world, once you are injured by a sharp object contaminated with soil and feces, the probability of death from tetanus is as high as 80%!

Qin Wang is no match for Li Laocai.

Based on the intelligence system, he came up with this method and finally gave Li Laocai the end he deserved.

"Po Yan and this old guy Li Laocai conspired together to sell me?"

"This old guy only has a few days to live, and he's still jumping around like this and so vicious! Also, this old witch, we can't let go!"

Qin Wang looked at the second and third pieces of information with chills in his eyes.

He didn't expect that.

This Li Laocai is about to die, and he still wants to deceive himself into selling him in the county seat. He is really vicious!

Can't forgive!

This old thing, Yan Po, wants to take away her money before she kills her, so as to satisfy her hatred!

"There are eight hundred and fifty taels of silver ingots buried under the bedroom of Li Laocai's family?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information and shook his head.

Li Laocai knew that he had done all kinds of bad things. He hired four guards and raised four ferocious dogs. He couldn't enter the Li family compound on his own, so he had to wait until he had the chance to do so in the future.

"Jiang Shen."

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

In his memory, his mother was kidnapped by Jiang Shen, so Qin Sanhuai hated Jiang Shen the most.

"Want to find a disciple to inherit the mantle of Bai Cao Tang?"

"You might as well give it a try!"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information with a thoughtful look on his face.

Becoming a disciple of Bai Langzhong is indeed helpful to me. My body is too thin, so I can use medicine to regulate my body. Moreover, medicine and martial arts are not separated. In the future, when practicing martial arts, you also need to understand medicine. The most important thing is, becoming a disciple of Bai Langzhong, The source of his own money can also be justified.

You know, being a doctor is the most profitable.

If he becomes a doctor, it will be a matter of course for him to have money.

"Li Laocai's favorite youngest son is the son of Li Ligang, the nursing home? Is he a cuckold?"

"You really deserve it! This old guy has done all kinds of bad things!"

Qin Wang looked at the 8th message with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Perhaps, he could find time to spread the word and instigate it to hasten the separation of Li Laocai and his wife?

"Huh? Taizu Changquan?"

Qin Wang looked at the ninth message with surprise in his eyes.

[9: You met Li Laocai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai’s son Li Tianyi felt that practicing martial arts was too hard, so he secretly went to Houshan Bamboo Forest to play yesterday afternoon and obtained the martial arts [Taizu Changquan] hand that Li Laocai obtained through his connections. The manuscript was lost next to a large millstone, and Li Tianyi was thinking about how to explain it to his father. 】

"What happened yesterday afternoon?"

"In other words, this manuscript is still in the bamboo forest!"

"No, I'm going to look for him in the bamboo forest behind Li Laocai's house now!"

Even though it was early in the morning, Qin Wang couldn't sleep anymore.

He didn't expect that today's information would actually contain surprises.

He was worried that he didn't have any martial arts skills, so he felt sleepy and found a pillow!

With the Taizu Changquan, there is no need to go to the county in such a hurry. Let's get started with this martial arts first.

If you have no strength, you will end up being bullied and plotted by others!

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