Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 4: Mastering Taizu Changquan in 5 days! Li Laocai's illness breaks out early! Informati

Qin Wang knew that behind the courtyard of Li Laocai's family, there was a bamboo forest with a radius of five miles. There were bamboos in it that were more than three feet tall. Children who herded cows usually went there to hide and seek. If they didn't pick them up at night, they might be picked up by someone. Picked it up.

Li Laocai's house is located in the southwest of Qingniuji.

Qin Wang's house is located at the east end of Qingniuji. To go to the bamboo forest, you need to pass through Qingniuji, which is about ten miles away.

at this time.

There is no moon in the sky, but the road is vaguely visible.

Qin Wang put on his clothes, closed the door, and rushed towards the bamboo forest with the help of the faint light.


There was an old watchman at Qingniuji. Qin Wang walked around, avoiding the old watchman, and arrived at the bamboo forest in the back hill of Li Laocai's house half an hour later.

Gusts of cold wind blew, and there was a rustling sound in the bamboo forest.

"Find a stone as big as a millstone first!"

Qin Wang tightened his tight clothes, plucked up his courage, and walked into the bamboo forest. The ground was covered with bamboo leaves, which made a slight rustling sound when he stepped on them.

Intelligence display.

Taizu Changquan is next to a stone as big as a millstone.

Qin Wang had a fire seal in his hand, but he didn't dare to use it. It would be bad if Li Laocai's family saw it. He could only encourage himself secretly and groped for the big millstone bit by bit.

A quarter of an hour later.

Qin Wang saw a stone as big as a millstone in the bamboo forest thirty feet away from the wall of Lijiazhuang, and his eyes showed surprise.

With the faint light, he saw that the stone as big as a millstone was one foot high, with a layer of dry bamboo leaves on it, and two thick bamboos next to it.

There is a book sandwiched between the bamboo and the stone. It is difficult to find it without looking carefully.

"found it!"

"Very good!"

Qin Wang took out the book and looked closely at it. On the title page, there were four characters "Taizu Changquan".

He stuffed Taizu's Changquan into his arms, turned around and left.

Half an hour later.

Qin Wang returned to his thatched house with earth walls.

After closing the door, he put an iron hoe against the back of the door, lit a charcoal fire in the kitchen, and read the secret book of Taizu's Changquan by the light of the fire.

Taizu Changquan was passed down to his subordinates when Taizu Cangyunshan, the founding father of Da Cang, raised an army, and it became widely spread later.

Over the course of hundreds of years, Taizu Changquan has formed many branches.

Among them, the southern school and the northern school are particularly famous.

This secret book of Taizu Changquan comes from the northern branch. It only records thirty-two boxing moves. Other moves, such as springing legs and coiling dragon stick, are not recorded.

Taizu's Changquan has unique moves, flexible footwork, informality, long attack and short attack, strong explosive power, and is good at close combat.

"Rest first, recuperate your energy, and tomorrow morning, start with the first move, 'Double Copying to Sealing the Sky'."

Qin Wang watched it for more than an hour before he carefully stuffed the manuscript of the Thirty-two Taizu Changquan into the straw under the quilt and fell asleep.

"Double copy to seal the sky, step forward with both palms, look back and double attack, Kuixing kick and fight, advance and punch."

The next day.

Qingniu gathers at the east end.

In the thatched house with mottled earth walls, Qin Wang closed the door and made moves in the hall according to the moves on Taizu's Changquan.

After punching for a quarter of an hour, Qin Wang felt like he was sweating and getting hot.

"It's not shown on the panel yet, take a break and then continue!"

Qin Wang exhaled the panel in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and saw that there was still only "Cooking" on the right side of the page. Taizu Changquan did not appear. He immediately sat for a while and drank a bowl of warm water. After practicing vigorously, he did not dare to drink. Cold well water.

Being too thin makes it difficult to deal with illness.

Qin Wang had just finished drinking the water when he heard a knock on the door.

"Hmm? Yan Po?"

He wiped off the sweat on his body and opened the door, only to see a woman in her fifties, wearing brown linen clothes with gray hair and two orange-red cloth flowers, standing at the door, holding her hand. Holding an orange magpie handkerchief.

He recognized this woman.

It was Yan Po who introduced her sister Qin Xuemei to the Chen family.

"Xiao Qin, Aunt Yan has something good to tell you!"

Seeing Qin Wang, the woman immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"What good thing?"

Qin Wang asked lightly. He had already known from the intelligence that the old witch wanted to abduct him.

When you get the chance, you must kill this old witch!

"The shopkeeper of Su's Clothing Shop, whom I met in the county town, asked me to help find a dozen tailors. The salary is good. The key is that food and accommodation are included. Are you willing to go?"

Yan Po looked at Qin Wang as if he were seeing white money.

"No, thank you Aunt Yan. Uncle Yunhai promised to teach me how to fish in a while."

Qin Wang gave a reason to refuse.

"It's great to be a tailor while fishing. It includes food and accommodation! There's also salary. What a great opportunity! Your 600 money will be enough to last you a long time. Besides, you don't want to make money to redeem it later." Return to your sister?"

"Auntie saw that you were alone, so she felt compassion and helped you."

Seeing that Qin Wang was unwilling, Yan Po frowned slightly and persuaded.

Although this Qin Wang is thin, he has regular and delicate features. He will definitely be a handsome boy if he gives it a little fat. She can sell it for a good price. She has already set her sights on it, so how can she give up so easily?

"Aunt Yan, thank you for your trouble. I can't do the manual work. I still want to learn to fish."

Qin Wang shook his head.

But in his heart, he was thinking about how to kill this vicious Yama. This Yama was really too vicious.

"There are still three places left. You should think about it. After you think about it, come to Auntie. Auntie will be at Qingniu Market these days."

Seeing that Qin Wang was unwilling, Yan Po couldn't say anything more, asked Qin Wang to think about it, and then left.

"This bastard, his head was kicked by a donkey, and he actually wants to learn fishing."

Yan Po walked towards Qingniuji Street, scratching her head, very depressed.

Originally, she and Li Laocai had already discussed that Qin Wang would be taken to the county town to be trained by the madam of the "big official" Wenrouxiang, and 5 taels of silver would be in hand, but she didn't expect that this bastard would not go, leaving her helpless for a while.

"Will this little thing be aware of my purpose?"

Yan Po showed a thoughtful look, and then shook her head. "Impossible, this matter is only known to me and Li Laocai, Li Laocai can't tell anyone, go ask Li Laocai, see if he has any way!"


Li Laocai was lying on the bed, covered with a thick quilt, he stared wide-eyed, looking at his son Li Tianyi who was bowing his head in front of him, his mouth twitching. "You bastard, why didn't you practice boxing today? It turns out that the manuscript was lost!"

"You prodigal son! Go find it!"

"Go find it! What are you still standing there for!"

Li Laocai scolded his son and yelled at the three maids around him.

"Dad, I'll go find it right away!"

Li Tianyi knew he was in the wrong, so he turned around and left the room. The three maids followed him out. At this time, the housekeeper Chen Pu walked in with a difficult look on his face. "Master..."

"Did you find the purse?"

Li Laocai looked ugly. He felt that he had just lost his temper and his body was weak and he couldn't muster any strength.

"It hasn't been found yet. That's another matter."

Chen Pu walked up and whispered. "Master, I heard rumors everywhere in the market this morning. Someone posted a notice in a conspicuous place, saying that the young master Tianxin is actually the son of the guard Li Ligang. You are a big scapegoat."


"Which bastard spread the rumor?"

Li Laocai immediately got up from the bed, widened his eyes, and showed disbelief.

"Restaurants, teahouses, and merchants saw it posted on the door when they opened the door early in the morning. I don't know who posted it."

Chen Pu shook his head.

"I'm so angry. Ugh!"

Li Laocai's face flushed and he showed a weird smile when he heard it. His mouth twitched, his whole body twitched and trembled, he was sweating, white foam overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were straight.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Pu's expression changed when he saw this, and he hurried forward and shouted to the outside. "It's not good! Someone! Come quickly!"

The next morning.

Qin Wang sat on the bed in the room.

【Today's Intelligence】

【1: Yesterday at 1:00 a.m., you posted in Qingniuji that Li Laocai's youngest son Li Tianxin was not his offspring. Relevant intelligence was obtained. Li Laocai was very emotional when he heard the news. He had suffered from tetanus yesterday morning and will die in 5 days. 】

【2: Yesterday you practiced the martial arts Taizu Changquan. Relevant intelligence was obtained. Diligence can make up for shortcomings. You will enter the Taizu Changquan in 5 days. 】

【3: Yesterday you went to Shiweitian Restaurant. Relevant intelligence was obtained. Shiweitian will launch a new product, beggar chicken, in three days. 】

【4: Yesterday you posted and spread the news about Li Tianxin's life experience. Relevant intelligence was obtained. After Li Laocai's condition improved a little, he asked for blood recognition. He and Li Tianxin were not compatible. He drove the bastard Li Tianxin and the whore Second Madam out of Lijiazhuang! Two hours later, Li Tianxin and his mother accidentally fell into the river and died. The adulterer Li Ligang disappeared. ]

[5: You passed by the Qingniuji Teahouse yesterday and got relevant information. The talk of the teahouse for the next six months will be about the big enemy Li Laocai. ]

[6: You passed by the Qingniuji fish stall yesterday and got relevant information. The leader of the Goldfish Gang came back from meeting with the boss of Zhaixing Tower and announced that the fish stall price would increase by another 10%. ]

[7: Insufficient information trigger.]

[8: Insufficient information trigger.]

[9: Insufficient information trigger.]

[10: Insufficient information trigger.]


"Li Laocai got tetanus early because of the news I spread. Will he die in 5 days? He deserves it!"

Qin Wang looked at the first piece of information with satisfaction in his eyes.

"My Taizu Changquan, I will start in 5 days?"


Qin Wang looked at the information with expectation in his eyes.

He was worried that he could not start. Now that he can start, he is relieved.

You know.

Yesterday morning, he went to Qingniuji to post the news about Li Laocai being cheated on. Since then, he has not gone out since returning. He has been hiding at home practicing Taizu Changquan, hoping to get the hang of it as soon as possible.

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