Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 5: Grandma Yan is unwilling to accept this! Chief Constable Zheng Kecheng!

"Hehehe, Li Laocai, that old killer, is afraid he has collapsed now? Double blow? No, it should be five blows!"

"First, my feet and buttocks were nailed, my wallet was lost, my beloved son was not his father, my wife had an affair with Li Ligang, the nursing home, and then I had a tetanus attack and had to wait for death."

"Let him know that he was cheated before he died, and let him die with his eyes open!"

At this moment, Qin Wang was in a good mood.

According to the intelligence, some more operations finally made Li Laocai almost dead.

"Insufficient intelligence trigger?"

Qin Wang looked at the intelligence panel with thoughtful eyes and murmured. "It seems that I still have to go out for a while, otherwise, there will be too little information and I will not be able to trigger information that is beneficial to me!"

After spreading the news yesterday morning.

Qin Wang is hiding at home practicing Taizu Changquan. The function of the intelligence panel needs to be triggered. If he contacts people and things more, he will have 10 intelligence points. If he doesn't go out at home, the intelligence panel will not be triggered enough.

"Actually, if you want to make full use of the intelligence panel, you still have to go to the county seat in the future!"

Qin Wang thought to himself.

Qingniuji is a small place, and relatively speaking, there are more opportunities to make money in the county town.


Qin Wang also wanted to wait for the introduction of Taizu Changquan to be displayed on the panel and wait for Li Laocai's family to be ruined before going to the county. It would be great if he could get the 850 taels of silver under Li Laocai's bed.

That was the ill-gotten wealth accumulated by Mr. Li over the years.

"This morning, I have to go to Baicao Hall and ask!"

Qin Wang thought to himself.

He has now begun to practice martial arts. It is necessary for a martial artist to be proficient in many acupuncture points.

Being proficient in medical knowledge and being able to recognize acupuncture points on the human body is of great help in practicing martial arts.

It's great to be favored by Mr. Bai. If you don't like it, you can even be a free medicine boy and take care of your food first. Then, it's not too much to borrow some medical books from Mr. Bai to read, right?

"The evil Li Laocai intends to sell me to be a pedophile. He still has 5 days to live. Let him watch the family fortune be ruined before he can relieve his hatred during this time!"

Qin Wang's eyes were filled with coldness.

If he hadn't sold his sister Qin Xuemei into the Chen family in exchange for 600 yuan, he would have starved to death! !

Currently, my sister is still at Chen’s house in Yanyun County!

When Yan Po took her sister away, she said that it would take 30 taels of silver to redeem her.

These 30 taels of silver must fall on Li Laocai!

Qin Wang made up his mind and fell asleep.

I have been practicing Taizu Changquan during the day, and it is indeed very tiring. I can't practice all day long, my body is thin, and I have to combine work and rest. After practicing for a period of time, going out for a walk can trigger intelligence.

The next day.

Early in the morning, the rising sun dyed the horizon red.

After Qin Wang had finished his breakfast, he was going out to pour face wash when he happened to meet Li Yunhai going out, so he said hello. "Uncle Yunhai, morning!"

"Xiao Qin. I have good news for you!"

Seeing Qin Wang, Li Yunhai seemed to have thought of something and said.

"What good news?"

Qin Wang pretended not to know and looked curious.

He had already guessed that it should be about Li Laocai.

"Did you know that Li Laocai, who bought your farm and tile-roofed house at a low price, was nailed by a nail the day before yesterday when he was patrolling the fields? I heard that he had a sore throat and was drooling and convulsing. Mr. Bai asked him to prepare for his funeral!"

"Some people also say that the reason why Li Laocai fell ill was because someone posted a message at yesterday's gathering saying that his youngest son Li Tianxin was the son of Li Ligang in the nursing home, and that he was a great injustice."

"This Li Laocai has been doing bad things all his life. He deserves it!"

Li Yunhai said with joy in his eyes. Obviously, he also hated Li Laocai very much.

"Yeah, he really deserves it!"

Qin Wang nodded in agreement.

"Xiao Qin, don't tell me anymore, I have to leave."

Li Yunhai told Qin Wang the news and walked towards the market with his fishing net and fish basket on his back. He fished every day and gave what he caught to the fish farm. Except for the boat rental, everything else was his own, so he had to Take your time and catch more fish to feed your family.

"It's almost time, let's go to Baicao Hall!"

Qin Wang packed up everything, locked the door, and went to Qingniuji.

"The sky is falling, what can I do?"



In a classical wing, there was a burst of crying and wailing.

At the door of the room, five or six maids stood waiting with their heads bowed, not daring to show their dignity.

"Has Madam Hu notified your sister-in-law?"

Li Laocai's lips were twitching and he was drooling. His breath was weak. The maid beside him quickly stepped forward to wipe it off.

"Master, I informed you yesterday. You should arrive in the afternoon."

The eldest lady was about forty years old. She had a crying voice and kept wiping her tears with a Yuanyang handkerchief.

My sister-in-law is the master's sister, and she is married to Zheng Kecheng, the chief arrester of Yanyun County. It is precisely because of this relationship that the master has acquired such a large family property in Qingniuji. Moreover, during the holidays, he manages everything and smoothes the relationship. , even if something happens, it can be suppressed.

If the sister-in-law comes, the uncle will definitely follow. With the uncle in charge, that wild man Li Ligang cannot escape.


Li Laocai's lips moved again. "That bitch's brother is now the protector of the Jinjinyu Gang. I, I can't do anything to him. But, Li Ligang and the bastard, I will never let him go."

Dr. Bai Mingliang came yesterday and said that he was pierced by a dirty and rusty iron nail, and that he had suffered from a convulsive sore and was hopeless. He didn't have much time left.

He had to make arrangements for his funeral.

"Master, don't worry, my sister-in-law and uncle will be in charge of everything!"

The eldest lady kept wiping her tears.

"Have you found the money bag?"

Li Laocai listened for a while and asked intermittently.

"Master, it's already so late, why are you still worried about this."

The eldest lady started crying again.


In a private house.

"Li Laocai is so unlucky. He was pierced by a nail and lost his silver. He even got a wound. He is dying."

"It was revealed that the second wife and the guard had an affair. How could he bear it when the youngest son is not his own! I remember that he loved the youngest son the most and took him with him when he went out."

"With his death, I lost a way to make money."

Yan Po, who was wearing brown clothes and two yellow cloth flowers on her head, looked in the direction of Lijiazhuang, sighed and was very depressed.


She and Li Laocai had a clear division of labor. Li Laocai was responsible for forcing people to sell their land and fields. When they were desperate, she would introduce them to find jobs in the county and earn the difference. If she met a good seedling like Qin Wang, she could make a fortune by selling him to officials and wealthy families with special preferences.


Li Laocai suffered from a wound spasm, and Doctor Bai asked him to prepare for his funeral. His plan to sell Qin Wang as a boy lover to make a fortune was in vain.


She could also find someone else to force the little kid surnamed Qin to a desperate situation, but after selling him, if something happened, who would cover the bottom?

Doing this kind of thing is like walking on a tightrope!

Once something happened, without the relationship with Li Laocai, she would inevitably be imprisoned!

She found Li Laocai because his brother-in-law Zheng Kecheng was the chief constable of the Yanyun County government!

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