Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 6: Baicaotang Medicine Boy, Going to Li Laocai's House to Check the Place [Please Recom

Go find Zheng Kecheng yourself?

Yan Po knew in her heart that even if she was willing to give money, Zheng Kecheng would not accept it.

People who are not related to you are worried that you will bite back and report him. Li Laocai is his eldest brother-in-law, so Zheng Kecheng naturally doesn't have this worry.

"Zheng Kecheng should be here soon. When he arrives, he will come and see Li Laocai!"

Yan Po made up her mind and said secretly.

She still wants to get closer to Zheng Kecheng.


It is the only medicine hall in Qingniuji. The doctor there, Bai Mingliang, has superb medical skills and is well known throughout Qingniuji.


Bai Lang has very good medical ethics. If he can cure it, he will try his best to treat it. If he can't cure it, he will make it clear to you and prevent you from wasting money.

Because of his old age, Bai Mingliang always attends the clinic at nine in the morning.

There are three people in the medicine hall: Doctor Bai, his granddaughter Bai Fenghuan, and a pharmacist. Because Doctor Bai is old and has inconvenient legs and feet, he cannot go up the mountain to collect medicine, so he decided to find another disciple to inherit the mantle.

"Grandpa, someone came outside and asked if we would hire a medicine boy for this trick. He seems to be from Mr. Qin's family in the east end of the town."

Bai Mingliang has a slim figure, most of his hair is white, and he is wearing a pale white robe. He is eating in the back hall when his granddaughter Bai Fenghuan comes in.


Bai Mingliang thought carefully for a while, and he remembered.

Qin Sanhuai from the east end of the town suffered from chronic pain, dizziness, and heart palpitations. After he was given medicine to control it, he was asked to go back to rest. Unexpectedly, Qin Sanhuai died of illness six months ago. He borrowed it from Li Laocai during his lifetime. After raising interest, the interest was accumulated and the debt was paid off. Three large tile-roofed houses and three acres of thin farmland were paid off.

A pair of children were left with no way of survival.

He had heard that his daughter voluntarily sold herself to the city in order to save her younger brother.

"Tell him to wait and I'll come out."

Bai Mingliang put down his job and said.


Bai Fenghuan nodded, turned around and went out.


There are three or four patients waiting in the medicine hall.

Qin Wang smelled the strong fragrance of medicine filling his nose and felt uneasy. At this moment, the twelve or thirteen year old girl who had just greeted him came out of the back hall and smiled at him. "My grandpa will be out soon."

"Well, thank you!"

Qin Wang thanked the girl, who was quite enthusiastic.

Baicaotang has two concierges, about ten feet in diameter, with a row of '﹃'-shaped wooden counters in the middle, and rows of wooden cabinets and drawers against the wall behind them. The drawers are labeled with 'Shouwu', 'Cassia', and 'Potati'. 'Wumei', 'Haijinsha' and other medicinal names.

The pharmacist, who was in his thirties, was dispensing Chinese medicine for one of the patients.

"Child, I remember you are from the Sanhuai family. Your name is Qin Wang, right?"

Not long after, Bai Mingliang came out and gave Qin Wang a kind smile.

"Yes, Grandpa Bai."

Qin Wang nodded. He remembered that his predecessor was called that before.

"It's like this. Sometimes the medicine hall needs to go into the mountains to collect medicines. I'm old and can't do the job, so I'm going to hire a medicine boy. Food and accommodation are included, and the salary is separate. If you can bear the hardship, try Let’s talk about it later?”

Bai Mingliang took a look at Qin Wang. The child was too thin and he was worried that he wouldn't be able to survive. His ultimate goal was to find a disciple of Yi Man.

"Grandpa Bai, I can endure hardship."

Qin Wang nodded.

"Well, if it's convenient, let's get familiar with the medicinal materials starting from today!"

Bai Mingliang nodded and greeted Bai Fenghuan. "Feng Huan, please familiarize Qin Wang with the medicinal materials first."

"Okay, Grandpa!"

Bai Fenghuan nodded and greeted Qin Wang. "Brother, come with me."


Bai Fenghuan cooks and Qin Wang helps.

Even though Bai Fenghuan is only thirteen or fourteen years old, her cooking skills are good. She made a plate of vinegared cabbage, a plate of dried five-spice, a plate of fried meat with dried bamboo shoots, a fish soup, Bai Langzhong, Bai Fenghuan, Qin Wang, Pharmacist Yu Hai and four others ate.

Qin Wang ate two bowls of rice.

"You're right, I finally got to see the meat."

"As long as you can eat enough every day, your bones will become plump."

After dinner, Bai Fenghuan went to wash the dishes. While Qin Wang was sorting out the medicinal materials, he felt very emotional in his heart. He was too thin now, and the ribs could be seen on his chest. If he wanted to grow better, he had to supplement his nutrition.

"Brother Wang, grandpa asked you to follow me to Lijiazhuang and help carry the medicine box."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Wang was sorting out the medicinal materials. Bai Fenghuan came over and said to Qin Wang.

"Ah? Going to Lijiazhuang?"

After hearing Bai Fenghuan's words, Qin Wang was stunned for a while, then nodded and said. "Ok, no problem."

He didn't expect that.

On the first day of work, he was required to go to Li Laocai's house. He was worried that he would not have a chance to collect 850 taels of silver.


Qin Wang followed Bai Fenghuan to the front of the medicine hall, but saw a tall man in green clothes with a knife-cut face and a short beard, about forty years old, with eyes like lightning, standing in the medicine hall with a long knife hanging on his waist. Inside, I was talking to Doctor Bai.

There was a deep look of worry on the man's face.

"I'm going to Lijiazhuang. You can go with me."

When Bai Mingliang saw Qin Wang coming out of the back hall, he immediately motioned for him to carry the medicine box. He was old and could not carry things far, which was also the original intention of looking for the medicine boy.


Qin Wang nodded and walked forward, carrying the medicine box on his back. Bai Fenghuan helped him sort it out to see if there was anything left.

The man in green seemed to be in a hurry and walked out of Baicao Hall first.

Qin Wang followed Bai Mingliang all the way to Lijiazhuang.

"Is it because Li Laocai is dying?"

After more than a quarter of an hour, Qin Wang followed Bai Mingliang and looked at Lijiazhuang not far away, his eyes flickering.

If he could see Li Laocai die with his own eyes, it would be a happy thing!

Not long after.

Qin Wang and his group followed the man in green clothes with a knife into Lijiazhuang.

"Li Laocai, this old man, has done all kinds of bad things. The manor is so big and so luxurious! It's all ill-gotten gains!"

It was the first time that Qin Wang entered Li Laocai's home. He looked around and couldn't help but smack his lips.

Landscape trees, rockery, lotus pond, koi, courtyards, everything!

Too luxurious.

How much silver does it cost?

Compared with his leaky thatched house where it rains heavily outside and drizzles inside, this is a world of difference!

The key is that he also controls hundreds of acres of fertile land in Qingniuji and has a share in the fish stall!


"It's only been more than a month since we last met, how come you...Brother!"

Qin Wang didn't look at it for long, and followed Bai Mingliang to the second entrance of the villa. He heard a woman's howling from the room. Outside the room, there were several guards and more than a dozen maids and servants, all with heavy faces and trembling.

There were also two young men in luxurious clothes standing outside.

Seeing Qin Wang and others coming, one of the young men went into the house.

After a while.

A woman in a yellow skirt who looked three points like Li Laocai walked out of the room, knelt down in front of Bai Mingliang, and cried. "Doctor Bai, you are finally here! Please save my brother! I beg you! We will give you as much silver as you want!"

"Chunxia, ​​get up quickly!"

"Let me take a look first."

Bai Mingliang waved his hand to let Li Chunxia get up, and then asked Qin Wang to go into Li Laocai's room.

Bai Mingliang stepped forward, felt Li Laocai's pulse, and diagnosed him.

Qin Wang looked around Li Laocai's room.

The doors and windows were open, and there was a brazier on the ground. Against the west wall was an exquisite reddish pinewood couch. Li Laocai was lying on the couch, with his head resting high on his head, his eyes slightly closed, his lips humming, and his saliva constantly overflowing.

He clenched his fists, his body kept shaking, and he made "uh" and "uh" sounds from his mouth.

"Chunxia, ​​your brother's wound is too deep, and he has contracted the golden wound spasm. You know this disease!"

"Generally speaking, it is normal to have a few small wounds, and it's okay, but the iron nails your brother encountered were not only rusty, but also soaked in dirty things. This is the root cause of contracting the golden wound spasm. At present, it will only take a few days. I can only give acupuncture and prescribe a medicine to help your brother recover some spirit."

Bai Mingliang felt Li Laocai's pulse and turned to Li Chunxia.

Li Chunxia burst into tears, covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying, and nodded. "Excuse me, Doctor Bai!"

"Give me the silver needle."

Doctor Bai gave Qin Wang an order, and Qin Wang immediately opened the medicine box and handed over the needle he needed. At the same time, Qin Wang looked under Li Laocai's bed.

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