Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 7 Chief Constable Zheng! Intelligence updated!

Qin Wang only took a glance and found that the bottom of Li Laocai's bed was relatively flat, but it was blocked by a few cloth shoes, and due to the light, it was not very clear.

"Li Laocai is dying, and he will definitely tell the secret of the 850 taels of silver to his son Li Tianyi!"

"Will it be transferred out by his son?"

Qin Wang watched Doctor Bai giving Li Laocai acupuncture, and was worried.

If it was transferred by Li Laocai's son, there would be twists and turns in his life.

It is worthy of Doctor Bai.

After a few injections, Li Laocai stopped shaking, and the whole person became much calmer. He opened his eyes, looked at the people in the room, and finally looked at Doctor Bai, and said weakly. "Thank you, Doctor Bai."

"You're welcome, this can only make you conscious temporarily. I'll prescribe some medicine, and you can send someone to get it with me later!"

Bai Mingliang stood up, Qin Wang put away the medicine box and followed Doctor Bai away.

Li Laocai's eyes stayed on Qin Wang for a while, obviously a little surprised.

At this time, the man in blue came over and respectfully clasped his fists towards Bai Mingliang. "Doctor Bai, from what you said just now, the nail that pierced my brother was placed on the ridge by someone on purpose?"

Bai Mingliang looked at the man in blue and pondered. "Based on my experience, the nail was definitely soaked in the manure pond on purpose, but I'm not sure whether it was placed there on purpose."

"Thank you, Doctor Bai, for clearing up my doubts!"

Zheng Kecheng nodded and said respectfully. "I'll go get the medicine with you!"

Accompanied by Zheng Kecheng, Qin Wang carried the medicine box and followed Bai Mingliang out of Lijiazhuang. As soon as he went out, he saw Yan Po standing at the door with some things. Seeing Zheng Kecheng, she humbly greeted him. "Chief Constable, I'm here to see Brother Li."

"Well, I'll go get the medicine, you go in first!"

Zheng Kecheng nodded to Yan Po.

Qin Wang and Bai Mingliang returned to Baicaotang.

It was almost six o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, there were no patients. Bai Fenghuan had already prepared the food and was waiting for Grandpa and Qin Wang to come back.

Doctor Bai came back and prepared the Chinese medicine. Zheng Kecheng took the Chinese medicine and left.

Pharmacist Yu Hai left work early. In the evening, only Bai Mingliang, Bai Fenghuan and Qin Wang had dinner, and they still had three dishes and one soup.

"Child, you should eat more and strengthen your body."

Bai Mingliang said kindly to Qin Wang.

"Yes, I know."

Qin Wang nodded. The food in Baicaotang was good. It would probably take no time for him to be strong.

"Grandpa, Li Laocai will only be here for a few days, right?"

At this time, Bai Fenghuan looked at Grandpa Bai Mingliang and blinked her curious eyes.

"You are disrespectful. Can you call Li Laocai? You should call him Uncle Li in terms of seniority!"

Bai Mingliang frowned.

"I don't have such an uncle!"

"He made so many people homeless! He took away the house and land of my elder brother's family at a low price. He has no conscience! He got his retribution!" Bai Fenghuan raised her little mouth, and her big grape-like eyes showed resentment.

"Fenghuan, you have to remember! No matter what kind of person he is, the seniority cannot be changed!"

"Maybe, this is the price he paid?"

Doctor Bai looked at Bai Fenghuan and sighed.



Zheng Kecheng, Li Chunxia, ​​the eldest lady, and Li Tianyi were all in the room, looking at Li Laocai.

"Brother, have you offended anyone recently?"

As the chief constable of the county government, Zheng Kecheng has solved countless cases. He immediately felt that his elder brother-in-law was being targeted!

"Who did you offend?"

After receiving acupuncture from Doctor Bai, although his whole body was still shaking slightly, he was much better and no longer drooling. He thought about it and said. "I lent some debts, bought 12 acres of land, and more."

Li Laocai told Zheng Kecheng what he had done in bits and pieces.

They were all interest-bearing debts, buying land and houses at low prices. Needless to say, they were all offensive.

"Don't worry, brother. I will personally arrest Li Ligang and that bastard and put them in jail. As for the second wife, although her brother Ai Lianyun is already the guardian of the Goldfish Gang, I will make her pay the price!"

"Also, the person who spread the news of the second wife's affair is not well-intentioned! I will definitely catch him!"

Zheng Kecheng listened to his brother-in-law Li Chunli and said in a deep voice.

Over the years, his brother-in-law has given back a lot, and with the relationship of relatives, he must take action.

Another thing.

If he catches the murderer, he can also have more achievements, so why not do it?

"Kecheng, brother, time is running out."

"Orphans and widows, please help me."

Li Laocai looked at his brother-in-law Zheng Kecheng, his voice intermittent, after saying so much, he just felt groggy.

"Brother, I'm here, the Li family is fine!"

Zheng Kecheng patted his chest and promised.


Li Laocai fell asleep after hearing Zheng Kecheng's words.

When Qin Wang returned home, he closed the door and began to practice Taizu Changquan.

According to the pictures on the manuscript, he annotated again and again.

When he was tired, he took a break and continued.

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye.

It was early morning.


[Daily information refresh! ]

[Today's information]

[1: You went to Lijiazhuang yesterday and saw Li Laocai, and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai will have a last moment tonight and will die tomorrow night. ]

[2: You practiced martial arts Taizu Changquan yesterday, and obtained relevant information. Diligence can make up for shortcomings. You will enter Taizu Changquan in 4 days. ]

[3: You met Baicaotang Bai Fenghuan yesterday and obtained relevant information. Bai Fenghuan expressed dissatisfaction with your experience. He felt that you were too thin and wanted to cook an extra meat dish tomorrow. 】

[4: You saw the county government chief arresting Zheng Kecheng yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng is preparing to catch the murderer who planted the nails and the person who spread the news to gain credit for himself. At the same time, he is also somewhat interested in his uncle's family property. 】

[5: You met Zheng Kecheng yesterday and obtained relevant information. He will break through to the second-rate state of perfection in three months. 】

[6: You met Dr. Bai Mingliang yesterday and obtained relevant information. Bai Mingliang is worried that his time is running out and his granddaughter is too young and has no one to take care of him. 】

[7: You met Baicaotang pharmacist Yu Hai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Yu Hai wants to become a disciple of Doctor Bai, and he has hidden hostility towards you as a newcomer. 】

[8: You met Li Laocai’s eldest wife Fei Feiyan yesterday and obtained relevant information. She is worried that if Li Laocai dies, his orphans and widowed mother will be bullied. 】

[9: You met Li Laocai's maid Bihe yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai is about to die. The young master Li Tianyi is unlearned and has no skills to support the family. Bihe feels that the Li family is declining, and she is considering whether to wait for an opportunity to get rich. Make a fortune privately. 】

[10: You listened to a patient talking about the Jiang Festival yesterday and got relevant information. The annual Jiang Festival in Yanyun County will start in half a year. This year it is the Chen family’s turn to give birth to four virgins. 】

"Finally refreshed!"

Qin Wang looked at the information on the panel with anticipation in his eyes as he read.

"Li Laocai will die tomorrow night?"

"It's a pity that he didn't see that his family was ruined"

Qin Wang was very happy to see that Li Laocai was finally dying of tetanus. Next, he would find a way to bring down the Li family and get the 850 taels of silver or even more.

after all.

Sister Qin Xuemei's ransom money must be obtained from Li Laocai.

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