Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 8 Digging my grave? Li Laocai was pissed off! Introduction to Taizu Changquan!

"This old guy Li Laocai still has two days left to live. We must add some fire to him and make him angry to death!"

Qin Wang looked thoughtful and had a plan in mind.

He remembered that Li Laocai had dozens of shops in Qingniuji, and they all got them from others.

"There are only four days left to get started with Taizu Changquan!"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information and nodded. Taizu Changquan can see the progress, and there is hope for becoming stronger!

"This little girl Bai Fenghuan is quite nice."

Seeing the third piece of information, Qin Wang smiled slightly. This girl thought that she was too thin, so she actually planned to add food to herself today. It was commendable!

"Is Chief Catcher Zheng Kecheng interested in Li Laocai's family property?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth and fifth pieces of information and frowned deeply.

He didn't expect that.

Zheng Kecheng also coveted the Li family's property.

To know.

Zheng Kecheng is the chief arrester of the county government. His martial arts skills are in the second-rate stage. He is in charge of nearly a hundred arresters and controls the safety of Yanyun County. He cannot be Zheng Kecheng's opponent for the time being.

Zheng Kecheng coveted Li Laocai's property, and it would be very difficult for him to get Li Laocai's money.

"Everything in the world is changing. I have an intelligence panel and I can always find a way!!"

Qin Wang calmed down and continued to check the information.

"Yu Hai? Is that middle-aged pharmacist hostile to me?"

When Qin Wang saw the seventh piece of information, he was a little speechless. He just wanted to eat and read medical books, but he was also noticed. "Ignore him, if he wants to harm me, that would be embarrassing!"

"Li Laocai is about to die, and all the servants have different thoughts and plans for themselves."

Qin Wang looked at the ninth piece of information and sighed.

This is also human nature, who wouldn’t do it for himself?

The Li family is about to collapse, and the people below are bound to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.


"Sacrifice to the River God? Start in half a year? This time, it is the turn of the Chen family of the fourth family to give birth to a virgin?"

Qin Wang looked at the last message with twinkling eyes. Sacrifice to the River God is an annual event. Every year, four boys and four girls sink into the river to pray for good weather and good harvests.

Twelve large gatherings and the four major families in the county take turns giving birth to boys and girls.

"Give Li Laocai another boost!"

Qin Wang stood up, took out the charcoal, closed the door, avoided the watchman, and walked to Qingniuji in the middle of the night.

The next day.


Qin Wang was handling medicinal materials in the back hall. Bai Fenghuan walked in from the outside and said to Qin Wang. "Brother, I have some interesting news for you!"

"What interesting news?"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed.

"I don't know who it was last night. I wrote in charcoal on the wall of Li Laocai's shop in Jishang. When Li Laocai dies, dig his grave and whip his corpse eight hundred times! They also dug up his ancestral graves! Now everywhere in Jishang Passing on."

"Li Laocai knows, don't be so angry!"

Bai Fenghuan has a great sense of justice, and she seems to like hearing about Li Laocai's failure.


"Is there still this matter?"

Qin Wang pretended not to know, but in fact, this was what he did in the early hours of last night. What he wanted was to give Li Laocai a boost.

After all, Li Laocai is dying.

It would be even better to make him mad.


"Brother, tell me, could this person be the mysterious person who said that Li Laocai was a grudge last time?"

Bai Fenghuan looked very happy.

"I don't know about that. Then Li Laocai has done all the bad things. Maybe this is retribution!"

Qin Wang smiled slightly and continued to sort out the medicinal materials.



The second step is to enter the classic wing room.

The eldest lady Fei Feiyan and her son Li Tianyi stayed in the room, talking to Li Laocai, who was weakly breathing and still conscious.

"Mrs. Husband's Heavenly Art"

"I have two places where I hide my money."

Li Laocai saw that all the maids had gone out and his sister was not there, so he immediately handed over his will intermittently. At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside. Li Laocai paused and looked at the door.

Not long after.

Butler Chen Pu stood at the door, out of breath, and said. "Sir, madam, the person who spread rumors at the market I just went to appears again."

"What rumors are being spread again?"

The eldest lady frowned when she heard this.

"That man. He wrote in charcoal on the wall of our Li family's concierge, saying wait for the master, wait for the master."

Chen Pu looked at Mr. Li Laocai carefully and said nothing further.

"You said it"

Li Laocai motioned intermittently for Chen Pu to continue speaking.

"The man said that after a hundred years, he will dig his grave and whip his corpse eight hundred times. He will also dig up the graves of his eighteen generations of ancestors."

Chen Pu looked at the master and told the news he got at the meeting.

"Dig my grave and whip my corpse. Thief. Thief bullies. Uh-huh-uh."

Hearing that someone wanted to dig his own grave and whip the corpse, Li Laocai's eyes suddenly widened and he became excited. His whole body was shaking and he was foaming at the mouth. His body suddenly straightened up and he said, "Uh." Uh-huh, just lay down, tilted his head, and there was no sound again.

"Ah? Master!"

"Master! Master, what's wrong with you!"


Seeing that the master was still silent, the eldest lady, Li Tianyi, and Chen Pu all shouted loudly. When the maids and servants outside heard the sound, they also rushed in.


Qin Wang, Bai Mingliang, and Bai Fenghuan were eating when Li Laocai's butler Chen Pu appeared at the door and said anxiously. "Doctor Bai, come on, come on, help me, my master, he's passed out!"

"Xiao Qin, carry the medicine box and go with me."

Bai Mingliang sighed inwardly when he heard this.

He knew.

Master Li's time has come, and going to take a look is just doing his best.


Qin Wang hurriedly carried the medicine box on his back and followed Doctor Bai to Lijiazhuang.

More than a quarter of an hour later.

In Lijiazhuang, in the second wing of Li Laocai, Doctor Bai checked Li Laocai's eyelids and pulse, shook his head, and said to the eldest lady and sister-in-law Li Chunxia. "Madam, according to my estimation, it should be tomorrow night, how..."

"The master... because he heard the rumor in the market that someone wanted to wait for him for a hundred years and dig his grave, he was so angry that he didn't calm down for a while... woo woo woo."

The eldest lady said sadly.

Sister-in-law Li Chunxia, ​​Li Tianyi and others were crying on the side.

"Hey! Condolences!"

Bai Mingliang said to the eldest lady and Li Chunxia, ​​and then called Qin Wang back. Li Laocai was already dead.

Qin Wang took a deep look at Li Laocai's body, glanced under the bed, and followed Bai Mingliang out.

"It's what he deserves! He's finally dead!"

Qin Wang was very happy at the moment.

It seems that his spreading of the news did contribute to Li Laocai's death.

The news that Li Laocai died of anger on the spot when he heard that someone was going to dig up his grave spread all over Qingniuji and became the talk of restaurants and teahouses.

Qin Wang still worked in Baicaotang during the day and went home to practice Taizu Changquan at night.

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, it was 4 days later.

It was midnight.

Qin Wang was practicing boxing in the main room. He had just played a "Chongbu Shuangzhang" and suddenly, he heard a "ding" sound.

At the same time.

In his mind, there were more strands of enlightenment about the 32 styles of Taizu Changquan, and some more words appeared on the right page board.

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 17/67]

[Skills: Cooking (beginner)]

[Progress: (788/800)]

[Effects: Cooking, steaming, boiling, deep-frying, frying, roasting, braising, and mixing. Diligence can make up for lack of talent. You can become proficient in two or three months. ]

[Martial Arts: Taizu Changquan (beginner)]

[Progress: (1/800)]

[Effects: Flexible footwork, long-range attack and short-range defense, strong explosive power, good at close combat, and can achieve a small success in two years. ]

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