Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 9 The assassin of the Blood Killing Hall, the golden-winged red carp! [Please recommend! ]

"Taizu Changquan, I finally got started!"

"Martial arts begins!"

Qin Wang looked at the panel on the right side of the page, with anticipation in his eyes.

With the panel.

As long as you keep improving your liver proficiency, you will always succeed one day!


The above shows that Taizu Changquan can be accomplished in two years.


At the same time, time passed into the early morning.

[Information refreshed today! 】

【Today’s information】

[1: You paid attention to the news about the deceased Li Laocai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai was about to tell his son about the two pieces of money he had hidden. When he learned that someone was going to dig up the grave and whip the corpse, he died on the spot. The money he hid would never be found. Every day. 】

[2: You got started with Taizu Changquan yesterday and obtained relevant information. If you work hard to make up for your shortcomings, you will enter the third-rate realm in three months. 】

[3: You paid attention to the funeral of Li Laocai in Lijiazhuang yesterday and obtained relevant information. There will be a huge fire in the mourning hall of Lijiazhuang late tonight. The eldest lady Fei Feiyan, Li Laocai’s only son Li Tianyi and three servants and maids died in the fire. 】

[4: Yesterday you saw the county government chief arresting Zheng Kecheng, and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng was the one who made his wife Li Chunxia feel that she spared no effort to serve the Li family, and decided to release Li Laocai's debts, and put him in jail on all charges. 】

[5: You met the county government chief Zheng Kecheng yesterday and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng will go to the Heijiang River tomorrow to meet with the messenger of Tianyun Alliance Sichen and receive a reward of a pill. This pill will be of great help to his breakthrough. 】

[6: You met Dr. Bai Mingliang yesterday and obtained relevant information. Bai Mingliang was very satisfied with your performance and decided to continue observation. 】

[7: You passed by Xie Tianxing, killer No. 54 of the Blood Killing Palace yesterday, and obtained relevant information. The target Xie Tianxing is looking for is the daughter of Saint Feng Yao who lived in Da Cang Country thirteen years ago. 】

[8: You met Li Laocai’s housekeeper Chen Pu yesterday and obtained relevant information. Chen Pu decided to resign as the housekeeper of the Li family and go back to open a small shop. 】

[9: You met Yan Po yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Laocai died. Yan Po was reluctant to part with this way of making money and decided to stay with Zheng Kecheng even if he took less. 】

[10: You met fisherman Li Yunhai yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Yunhai will catch a strange red carp in Heijiang tomorrow. This fish is actually a 'gold-winged red carp', which is a great tonic for warriors. It can speed up martial arts training. 】


"The information has been updated!"

Qin Wang looked at the updated information with anticipation in his eyes.

"What a coincidence!"

"Li Laocai was about to hand over his will, but he was so angry at my news about digging up graves and whipping corpses that he died on the spot. It was too late to hand over his will?"

Qin Wang was surprised when he looked at the first piece of information.

I obviously just wanted to piss off Li Laocai, but I didn't expect that he would have no time to hand over his will. Then I can get the 850 taels of silver when I have time, that's it!

"Am I going to enter the third-rate realm in three months?"

Qin Wang looked at the second piece of information, and his heart moved with great anticipation.

Although it is only a third-rate realm, it is still a huge improvement.

"There will be a fire in Lijiazhuang's mourning hall tomorrow night? Will the eldest lady, Li Tianyi and several maids and servants be burned to death?"

"Li Laocai, this is too miserable!"

"If he knew hell, would he be so angry that he would die again?"

Qin Wang's eyes lit up when he looked at the third piece of information.

"Zheng Kecheng wants to arrest the person Li Laocai let go of debt?"

"including me?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth message and his expression suddenly darkened.

If Zheng Kecheng is shameless, with his second-rate late-level cultivation, he really can't escape, and he must find a way to resolve it!

"Zheng Kecheng met with the messenger of Tianyun Alliance Sichen? Was he rewarded with elixirs?"

"The reason why he was able to break through to second-rate perfection was because of this elixir?"

"The messenger of the Heavenly Fate Alliance?"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information. There was no news about the Tianyun Alliance in his memory. You must know that Zheng Kecheng is probably one of the top masters in Yanyun County with his second-rate late-stage strength!

Otherwise, you won’t be able to take the position of chief arrester of Yanyun County!

did not expect.

A Sichen messenger from the Tianyun Alliance came.

Such a powerful Zheng Kecheng had to go to see him, which shows that this Tianyun Alliance is not a trivial force.

"Doctor Bai are satisfied with me?"

"Well, maybe I can borrow some medical books today and come back and read them tonight!"

Qin Wang looked at the sixth piece of information and thought to himself.

In the past few days, he has been familiar with various medicinal materials. Looking at a human body meridian diagram, he feels that he has learned a lot. If he practices martial arts in the future, he will be able to understand it if he gets the method of internal strength cultivation.

"The Little Green Bull Collection actually attracted Killer No. 54 of the Blood Killing Hall. Are there other killers with the human and sky characters?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information with a thoughtful look on his face.

"And Yan Po, Li Laocai is dead, it's time to find an opportunity to kill her!"

Qin Wang ignored the 8th piece of information, looked at the 9th piece of information, and secretly made up his mind.


"Uncle Yunhai will catch a 'gold-winged red carp' in Heijiang today? Will it help in martial arts training? This is exactly what I need!"

"If I eat this fish, my Taizu Changquan progress will be accelerated."

Seeing the 10th piece of information, Qin Wang's eyes showed anticipation.

This is an attempt.

If it can really improve the proficiency of Taizu Changquan, that would be great!

Then you will become stronger faster!

"Sleep, and say hello to Uncle Yunhai early tomorrow morning!"

"Just say that Doctor Bai is old and asked me to help him buy a better fish to replenish his body. If he catches a strange fish, he can keep it for me!"

Qin Wang thought to himself.

I have 21 taels of silver, but I can't reveal my wealth, so I have to use my doctor's name.

Qin Wang thought about this and fell asleep.

The next day.

Qin Wang got up at six o'clock, washed up, and started playing Taizu Changquan. From time to time, he looked through the window to see if Uncle Yun Hai next door was up.

He doesn't need to cook now. Baicaotang is in charge of the food. He can go directly in the morning and Bai Fenghuan's rice will be ready.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The door to Uncle Yunhai's house next door opened. Qin Wang immediately put away his fists and walked out to say hello. "Uncle Yunhai, you are leaving so early!"

"Yeah, I can't afford to go early!"

Li Yunhai said with a simple smile. "Xiao Qin, how do you feel in Baicaotang? Mrs. Bai is very good, work hard, she is much better than me at fishing!"

"Uncle Yunhai, Doctor Bai is very good to me. I have three meals a day."

"I don't have to worry about being hungry."

As Qin Wang spoke, he changed the subject and said. "Oh, by the way, Uncle Yunhai, Doctor Bai is getting older. Let me see where you can find some fish to replenish your body. The price is easy to find. If you encounter one, can you help me keep it?"

"Doctor Bai wants it, okay. If you have it, I'll keep it for you."

Li Yunhai nodded after hearing this.

After chatting with Qin Wang for a while, he left with the fishing net on his back.

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