Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 10: Treasure Fish Golden Winged Red Carp! Proficiency Increased! [Please Recommend! ]


Qin Wang and Bai Fenghuan worked together to sort out the medicinal materials, while Doctor Bai treated the patients who came in from time to time.

Yu Hai is responsible for dispensing medicine.

Qin Wang could feel the slightest hint of hostility in Yu Hai's eyes, but he ignored it.

5 p.m.

Since there were not many patients coming to the hospital, Bai Fenghuan prepared meals early.

"Grandpa Bai, I would like to borrow a medical book to read at night. Do you think that's okay?"

After eating, Qin Wang looked at Bai Mingliang, with a thirst for knowledge in his eyes.

"There are medical books on the bookshelf in the back hall. They are all unique. Let Feng Huan take you to choose them. Just don't lose them."

When Bai Mingliang heard this, he looked at Qin Wang with approval.

Xiao Qin is still very easy to learn.

"Thank you Grandpa Bai!"

Qin Wang cupped his fists and thanked Bai Mingliang, and Bai Fenghuan said. "Brother Qin, come with me."

Bai Mingliang watched Qin Wang and his granddaughter go to the back hall, stroking his beard and nodding.

Qin Wang followed Bai Fenghuan to the back hall.

The bookshelf was against the wall of the back hall. Bai Fenghuan took out the medicine key and opened the fine lock. Qin Wang counted the books carefully, and I'm afraid there were no less than a few hundred books.

He glanced at it roughly, including "Medical Classic", "Acupuncture Classic", "Pulse Diagnosis Method", "Tianhui Medical Slips", "Pulse Book·Shang Jing", "Pulse Book·Xia Jing", "Heqi Tang Method" "wait.

"This is a basic medical book. This is the one I read first. You should read this first!"

Bai Fenghuan took out the "Medical Classic" and handed it to Qin Wang.


Qin Wang nodded. This medical classic was about an inch thick, with a yellowish cover and slightly rolled pages at the corners. It had obviously been read frequently.

Qin Wang returned home from Baicaotang. Before he entered the house, he passed by the door of Li Yunhai's house and saw Li Yunhai walking out with a fish basket. "Xiao Qin, uncle was lucky today and caught a red carp treasure fish. Do you know what Doctor Hebai wants?"

"Red carp treasure fish? Okay, what's the price? I'll send it to Doctor Bai right away."

When Qin Wang heard this, he walked towards Li Yunhai and looked at the fish basket. He saw a carp about a foot long with red scales all over its body and light golden dorsal fins. There was a waterproof bag in the fish basket, which contained some water to prevent the fish from dying.

The fish's mouth opened and closed slightly, swimming inside.

"This is called koi red carp. It is a treasure fish. A fisherman I knew once was lucky enough to catch one. It was bought by a martial arts practitioner in the county. It cost more than 2 taels of silver at the time. If Doctor Bai wanted it, he would give him 2 taels. ”

Li Yunhai handed the fish basket to Qin Wang and scratched the back of his head, feeling very good.

This kind of fish is very rare, and many fishermen have never caught this precious fish in their lives.

He caught the treasure fish this time, which was considered good luck.

All the other catches were given to the fish pen, so I kept this one.

He remembered that Qin Wang said that Doctor Bai wanted this fish. People who eat whole grains would suffer from three diseases and two. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect it when Doctor Bai said that he wanted it.

"Koi red carp, 2 taels of silver, okay, I'll take it to Baicao Hall now and come back with money for you."

Qin Wang took the fish and nodded.

He remembered that the intelligence showed that this fish should be called 'Golden Winged Red Carp', not Brocade Red Carp. Qin Wang didn't point it out. He was taking advantage of Uncle Yunhai. He would look for opportunities to repay him in the future. .

Qin Wang went back to put the fish in a cloth bag, returned the fish basket, and went to Baicaotang.

He actually bought the fish himself, but just borrowed it from Doctor Bai. So, he walked around Qingniuji and came back. He put the fish at home, took 2 taels of silver, and knocked on the door of Li Yunhai's house. .

"Xiao Qin, are you satisfied with Doctor Bai?"

Li Yunhai opened the door and looked at Qin Wang, with anticipation and anxiety in his eyes.

"Uncle Yunhai, Doctor Bai is very satisfied. This is 2 taels of silver."

"He said it would be based on the market price and he couldn't take advantage of you."

Qin Wang nodded, took out the 2 taels and six pieces of broken silver that he had prepared early, and handed them to Li Yunhai.

"This is still twenty taels. My eldest child had a cough and fever last time. Doctor Bai saw that I didn't have enough money, so he only charged half of the medicine."

Li Yunhai only took 2 taels of silver from Qin Wang, and confiscated the other six taels of silver.

He remembered Doctor Bai's kindness.


He would never have heard that Doctor Bai asked for a special fish and brought it back so thoughtfully. If this fish was brought to the fish pen, someone would definitely be rushing to collect it.


Qin Wang had no choice but to accept the six pieces of silver. He accepted this sentiment from Doctor Bai and would repay Uncle Yunhai in the future.

The two of them were polite again and went back to their houses.

"Damn it, my baby's hair is ready!"

Li Yunchuan came to the door, looked at his mother-in-law Xiao Yan who was standing in the hall, and handed two taels of silver into her hand.

The mother-in-law is right, you have to be literate, otherwise, what future will you have in fishing like yourself?

Look at Xiao Qin, he recognized some words from his father and was accepted as a medicine boy by Dr. Bai.

"Today is a good day. We have to celebrate. Instead of eating porridge tonight, we will cook brown rice! One bowl for each person!"

Xiao Yan was also very excited. She looked at the money left and right, went into the room, took out the money bag, carefully put it away, and went to the kitchen.

Li Yunhai took the two children and also went to the kitchen.

Laughter came from the kitchen.

Qin Wang returned home.

Close the door and use iron bars to secure the bolt.

Then he took out the golden-winged red carp, cut off the scales, removed the gills, and discarded the fish gall. He was reluctant to throw away the other internal organs, so he had to keep them for cooking soup. This was a great tonic, and the internal organs were also rich in nutrients. , can replenish qi and blood.

My body is so thin now and I need to take some supplements.

Qin Wang lit a hot pot to heat up, threw the golden-winged red carp into the pot, added coarse salt and a piece of ginger to remove the fishy smell, fried both sides to a slightly yellow color, then poured in some well water and started to cook.

For such a 'treasure fish', making soup is the best way to nourish it.

Not long after.

The kitchen is filled with a rich aroma.

The fish soup is milky white and has a sticky consistency.

"This fish tastes so delicious!"

Qin Wang picked up the spoon, took a sip of the soup, blew on it and drank it. He felt that his taste buds were instantly opened. The taste was excellent, and it actually had a smooth and creamy feeling!

He picked up another piece of fish with chopsticks.

The fish meat was light red in color, with only one thorn, and was very tender and smooth. Although it only had coarse salt, it had a natural fragrance that made Qin Wang unable to resist picking up another piece, a second piece, and a third piece.

Not a moment.

Qin Wang ate half of the fish and drank half of the soup. However, he felt a feeling of fullness and could not eat any more.

"This fish is indeed a treasure. I'm actually full after half a fish!"

Qin Wang looked at the remaining half of the fish and touched his belly. You must know that he had eaten three bowls of rice for every meal in Baicaotang these days. He was full after eating half of this precious fish.

"Huh? It's so hot!"

Qin Wang suddenly felt hot all over his body, full of energy and excitement, and murmured. "Is this the effect of Baoyu? Hit Taizu Changquan to dissipate the heat!"

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang started with the thirty-two moves such as 'Double Copies to Sealing Heaven' and 'Pushing Steps with Double Palms'.

After getting started, Qin Wang no longer needed to read the secret book, as the thirty-two movements were already engraved in his mind.

While Qin Wang was punching Taizu Changquan, he was paying attention to the book pages in his mind.

【Qin Wang】

【Lifespan: 17/67】

[Skill: Cooking (Basic)]

[Progress: (799/800)]

[Effectiveness: Cooking, steaming, deep-frying, frying, roasting, marinating, and mixing. Diligence can make up for your weakness. You can become proficient in it in two to three months. 】

[Martial Arts: Taizu Changquan (Introduction)]

[Progress: (9/800)]

[Effectiveness: Flexible footwork, long-term attack and short-term attack, strong explosive power, good at melee combat, can be accomplished in two years. 】


"As expected of Baoyu! I feel my strength has increased a lot after hitting Taizu Changquan once!"

"Come again!"

Qin Wang suddenly discovered that after eating the golden-winged red carp, he felt that his strength had increased a lot after playing the Taizu Changquan!

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